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At Freeport, III., Rev. C. H. Stock ing died on the 24th uit. He was a raember of' the classof '61. It M announoed that Prof. Tylr is to deliver a coursc of lectures before the Lowell iostitute, the coming spring vacation. 'l'h culeetic practitioDcrsandbelieversare establishment of a cliair of thcir school in the university. Nezt Sunday afternoon the addr university hall, will be delivered by Prof. C. K. Adama. Subject: " Cbristianity ia the Middle Ages." The legislative coramittce having in charge the university affaire have visited the university, and given it a careful inspection. The statement is made that they l'lt the city pleased with the conliti'n of things a they found tliem. and with favorable views respe -ting the nccd of the ucw library building. The civil service reform assooiation will hold a meeting to-morrow evening in the law lecture room, at 8 o'clook. An address will be delivered by Prof. Tuttle, on "Civil Service Reform, a Democratie Tendency." After the lecture remarles are expected from other members of the faculty. A general invitation is extended to the citizens to be present. The following are the offiaers recently elected by the Alpha Nu literary foeiety for the ensuing year : President, G. M. Bigelow ; vice president, Miss Marcia Gilmore ; secretary, F. Hall ; treasurer, W. F. Schirmer ; senior critic, 8. L. Williams ; junior critic, Fred. Scott ; senior edi tor, Miss Nellie A. Stanley ; junior editor, E. C. Williams ; librarían, A. E. Kaatl ; assistant librarían, A. Bacher. The following are the appropriations in detail asked for by tho bill making appropriations for the university, which we noticed week a baing introduced in the house : New library building 100.000 Deutal college 12OUO 8ewer for university grounds ..... 7Si Eyeand ear ward in uulvcrslly hospltai S 500 Unlverslty hospital 7,0:0 Homeopathie hospital 4',0OU Mechanlcal laboratory S.O0U Books for library , ÏOOUU To relmburse general fund for erectlou and equlpment ofaddltlon to cheinlcal laboratory ir,000 Honiwopathlc college 4 0(X) Uyinnasium limo Total $1T5,000 At a meeting of the Chronicle board last Friday evcnihg, the severa! editora were assigned to position as follows : Managing editor, F. II. Goff, Cleveland, Ohio ; variou8 topicí, M. K. Perkins, Ann Arbor ; exchacges, W. L. Liggett, Detroit ; things chronicled, G. B. Daniels, Grand Rapids ; general literature, J. E. Beal, Ann Arbor. personáis, W. Streeter, Quincy ; literary notes, G., W. Staples, Cleveland, Ohio ; secretary and treasurcr, R. T. Gray, Detroit. F. H. Goff, M. K. Perkins and J. E. Beal are a committee to revise the constitution. The biard are in favor of uniting with The University next year. After the death of the stranger at Willer's hotel last Sabbath, ye reporter whiie wending liis way homeward, happened to overhear the following liorrid conversation between two young men : "He was a pretty fair looking fellow, wasn't he?" " Yet he was that," was the reply. " What a grand 'stiff ' he'd make, if we could get him be fore iiokling, wouldn't he?" '" You just bet 1 I think it's a sin that such subjucts, who go uff in f uil health as heiiid, and who have no one to kick up a row over their body, can not b uiven to the college Just think huw much the state would save." '" lTe-i, and then- " but here the two were so far away frora us that we lost the re maindcr of the eonvi'rsarinn One of those sateastic individuals, wbo are always loolting upon tlie short coming of others wiih sharp eyes, and portrayinit them with a lili sharper tODgue, remarked to ye local the other day as follows : "Seeíok that the university studení have not as yct a gymnasium, or likely to have one tbr soine time, the Psi U boys tuight exereise their muscles to pretty good advantage in clearing the xnow f rom tho steps and walks around their new dwclling, whieh healthful exercise would not only be invigorating to their bodies, but also, in the case of the walks, be a great aid to pedestrians io that locality. " As there is no such movement in a regular gymnastic course as that of shoveling, this individual did not seem to fully comprehend the situation. There is a vast difference whether exercise comes in the l'orm of labor or pleasure. The latter takes the tiredness, but the former is excessively fatiguing, aud in the estimation of some, dfigrading. Sec the point? [Since the above was written the weather clerk has done the job. ]


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News