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The people of' our city were again ¦ttrtled la-t SabUth afiernoou by the report upon ilu ihat anoihcr yoang DMfi had cummittei! MUOÏde. linie it wan ai Chrltst Hiltor' hot1 m Wliiiij;ton streel Tlie first rumor cridited tüe young man to the university, but later develoimenta proved aid iumor to be not only, but tbat be was an entire stranger, known to do one in the city, nor was there any clue by which his name could be aertained. The facts in the case are these : Thursday of last weck the stranger went to tbe hotel above mentioned and eecured board for a few days, for which he paid in advance, not liaving any baiiage. He seemed to be engaged in Helling a wlver wa.-h or platina and claiiued, we believe, to be an agent for a New York crockcry house. Saturday night he went to bed at about ten o'clock, apparently in excellent spirits, and in good health, except that he complained to the hotel-keeper of a litile difficulty about breathing. The next morning he didn't appear at breakfast, of which nothing was thought, as it was Sunday, and guests frequently slept until late. Dinner time came and still he did not appear. It was then tbought best to ascertain if there wan any likelihood of bid appearing. A messenger was sent but receivtd no response to raps upon the door, aud finally anuther room was entered which had a window cominunicating to uis, and upon looking through this the form of the man was seen reclining upon the bed, apparently dead. i 1 I ¦ i' t i .( m . vuiui wumiíiuLi HJ3 llluu JUI lur, W Uu entered the room and found the man, lile being extinct. About his mouth and upon the bed clothes was found frotli, but no evidence of a difficult dcath struggle. He was but partially undressed, and it looked as if he had been stricken down while preparing to retire. Dr. George was summoned and made a post uiortem examination of the body, all the vital organs being found by him in a perfectly normal condition. Duriut' the afternoon, Coroner Martin Clark appeared upon the scène, summoned a jnry, consisting of MflMMt John tí. Johnson, John Heinzmann, Wm. Jones, J. M. Kook, Chas. Liri.sjh and Win. Xeithammer. Alter listeniug to testimony by sevcral witnesses, who threw little if bdj' light upon the subject, the jury returned a verdict to the effect that the di'Ceased came to his deatu froui cauces unknown to (hem. Mr. Clark informs us that the only way to determine whether the man committed suicide or cot would be to have the stomach analyzed, which will probably be done as soon as possible. There was nothing upon the person ot the man to teil who he was or where he came trom. He had remaikedtoa boarder at the hotel, we understaiid, that hi name was McDonald, that he was 27 years of age. and a Scotch-Canadian. In one of' his pockets was found a litile strip of pa per upon which was written : " Mrs. G. A. Keith, No. 597 First avenue, Milwaukee, Wiconsin." Upon the reverse was, "Teil her how badly I want to see her. Keep tilia,"" and then again the address, the same as upon the oppotte side. He was quite a fine looking young man, about five feet ten inches in height, and of the age Btated above. As he had but seven cents in hia pocket, it is thought by many thatitmust be a case of suicide from despondency, but tbere was no evidence to prove it, or to prove even that he had been drinking. Telegraphic correspoodence with Mil waukee failed to disclose anything re.'pecting the deoeased. The woman referred to lives there, but is a nurse who goes about from family to family as she may be cmployed. It is probable that this man did notcominit suicide, but that his death was accidental, cauM'd by inhaling some of the ingrediënt of the bilver plating which he sold. It is known that two of these ingredicnts wheo separated by the addition ot'a third, form prussic acid, the most virulent of poisons, the inhaling of whioh, even, would cause immcdiate death and leave no possible trace. Tbis thcory is advanced by a couple of our physicians who know the ingredientscalled forio the preparation.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News