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INtate of James O'Connor. Q TATE OP MICHIGAN.Cou.Dty oi Waabtenaw.a ! At a seMlon of the Probate Coart for tbe ConntT of wa.-btenaw, hulden at tbe Probtte nflhe In tbë cltj of Ann Arbor, on Wedn-eday, the aecond day of Fehruary, lu the year one thousand elirht hundred and eij;hty-one. Present, Wllllam D. Harrhunn Judge of Probate. ' ; In the matter of tbe eatate of Jame O'Connor deceaeed. Mtchael J. O'Rcllly, the admlnlt tor of ld estáte, comea Into coart and representa that he i now prepareü to render hla nnal account as ench admlnlatrator. '1 u'nnpoD It Is ordered, that Satnrday, the nlne,y oi Ki-hrnary next, at ten oclock in the forei oon, be asslgned for examlnlng and allowing fnch iccconnt, and that the helrs at law of aald deeat'l,!tnda]loiberperannslnterc8ted Inuld eatalp, are required toappear at aaiwiuu of niidcouri, ihon to be bolden at the Probate i.flW, In the city of Ann Arbor. In aald conoty. and nhow cauce il any there M, why tbe eald account rlmuld not be aflowed 'Andltla lunher ordtrtd, tbat aald adratnlstrator (flu-noilcetottie , -ald eaute, of the pendencj of eaid rocooli, anrt hearlnv '¦ycnnslntr a torn of 'hl order to ''e publi!nea in the Ann Arbor Courier, a newspaper printed and clrculailuv In nald county, two aucrranlv weiks privloua to eald day of hearing. (A trae copy. WILLIAM D I1AKKI.MAN. l __ Judif' of Prohat'WM.G. DOTY. Probate Regluti-r. i 46 Cliancery Sale. QTATK OF MIC'IlKiAN-The Circuit Court Tor 0 the uunty of Waahtenaw. In chanci'ry Ai a i-e--i.ui of e, Ui court held ai the court h"Ufe lu UM cliy of Ann Arbor m thn lour'h day nf .Innu -try, A. U. lHhl, prcatnt IIku. ioucnn;ur Morn-. Circuit J Daniel F. Keeve complainant. iiüknowu Mn 01 tl ihrth utih'it, i jtn ,rm Unmtt aud Andrew u i, defenda u I( appeariup, upon pro il hy Qimen of ihc hrlrr ii , i urine Ham tl and Andrew Kor. ii'l that - 1 1 c h helr m nta to thh : on ruk KimTlck, êol'cnor tor auld c mpllnant that fin said helra appear and hhwit tbr bill of cornplaint in hip raunt-, on or beurt-, the 11 h day of July, A. D. 1-81, or lu defunlt thereoi that aald b II lic Kk' n - coiiI'i'vk' il li. aid dt'fi-ndant. It i lurther order d inat within twt-nty day from ihe date li ri'ot ..ld cumplaintm ikt onier i" ba pnhlinhed in i Aun Aihor Coi uier, a newgpaper pubii-hcd in eald county of Waabteua , ouce In each wwk 'or slz (¦ucecsfivf week. OuUVBBIUDll MOKRI8, Circuit Jud;e. Frank Emerick, Complaiuant'p Sollcltor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News