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pJlILOWS' LvomJooimSjjj tf L 2 #ff : Tubercular Dlsmto f Lanf arl Brendiilis. Tn'iercnhir '! lorni mout coiiinu. . iind iintil recaní Idercd Incurable., (mm irfaicb najne derived, !-. ;, mrt)id product, [tepoeiied l'om diseai-eil bli m rtrlOBU [vru t T t lt ¦ I. ; and in proportioo ta ttiat luid ia Impnre, .mi engtb ol lime it moaii - k, ' tubercular dUlbmlt Km Uivtll. M , M:ir b '.11'h I-"''. .JMÏS I. KkLI.'I"II-, u Uil ; Alniili time y IgO 1 ¦ u-uh bronctiitU and tubermlrtr I sease "f the vu liilid, an'l miiI.ti-iI lio viIvthil I :iunable to attond to bnslneaa. Ahonl ) eai naadrieedtotry l"ellowe'rrupof HtpophoiiphJW, and I b id Sulebed on botUe mv appal -tfngth w.-re gtoafly Improved ; niy cnnifh hecame leae tr.iii)lfcirni'. inv sloep was tmiind at.d rafreebllur, uhich iJ'iii not beru ctM for nvrr a yv:i r . I had uuinir.'d innn nervoafoeMand diüiciilt breattalns all the 1 -i' k ; bu) v.hii - rup lia.- careo il ill. I advine all persons ifflloted 1 lo mJ Ktllo' vruit of Hyuui.husnli (ftltu,-il) JAMKS II. STKWAKT. Au tlllllaai chgln ol K" ¦'""' '" t'irmrcl liy Fflluws' ('iiiuiiinnd Syrup ol Hrpophophlte, and n aiv ale i n i-ayini; fvuni a Ioiiit pertenee i l medicina, Uu rlrtnei bj aiij olhei conibtnation. IMS 1(166 tem Ayer's Agüe Cure, FOR THE SPEEDY RELIEF OF Tv: lad Ajs, Istrm!:'.st TeTor, Ciill Intt, Soait'.Js; riTir, ftiab Ajee. Pniodieil or Bilioui Ttu:, e::.. S idá all thl iffecti:zs Th::h a:::: ::m a:'.s:'.55!, xjrih :: alMMËI ?:'¦"::. naar Has been wldely used dnrlng the la-t B iwiMiiv-llve fan in Ibe treatincnt of F" thi'ie dlstr. - -. and wlth h annaijlag laoaaaa ikai It ha --V' ,r ,-.l the ri'initallon or belng infal0 lilil.-. The ikakaa, nr chili.-. oqM brokeii bf it. il nut rojiirn, unül the dlsMe la contractcd apain. Tliis haf made itan nccejitcd renifdy. and IniKtid ipedflc, for the Fever and Agoe ol tlio iiid l'niT ol Iba South. Ayer'n Amie ('uro rradnati-! uoxious poion froni the iynii'in, and leaves the jmtiont as well baten the attack. It ihoroni;hly expela Ihe i ao that no Livor C'omplaiiití.Rhi'iimuti-ni, Neuralgia, Djícnlery, or Kehilily bllow Iba cora. Imli'cit. liore Dltndaa "I llie I.ív.t Md li.iweN have occuned Inmi Miwninlic PolaOO, il removes the raiixc or tlicm, and they disappcar. Not only la it an eli'ectual cure, but, if takrn occasíonally by paHaaü eiiinacd to malaria, it wUl axpel h toisón and protect Iliem Trom attacü. Travelirn and temporary - ni Fever and Agüe are tbus enabled to dofy tbe dijeai-.-. (ít-ucrul Deblllty, whiih is so apt to ensile baan loiitiiiucd eipoMire to MalarU aw) Mlaam, do ipeaJIar rcmedy. Kor Uvr CbmpioOlCi, itls an excellent icnu'ily. riiEPAHEU BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lo well, Mass. Praclical and Anulytical Chemisln. Sold by all DrMirt'iítn añil Dénier in Hedlclaea. IWO-lOTl-eto niOP BITTERS (A lediinr, nol u DriuU.I HOPS, BLCI1U, MAMUÍAKI , DANDEUON, AmíTHK PlREST ANI1 BWTilíDICALQUilJ' I Tlfc OF ALL Oí ilKlt Bl 11 JCKS. THEY CUKK AU DiMMWf ilpSioniftrh, ItowcU, ltlood, I l.ivrr, hlilinys. :iiit I I ili;ir t jcíihh, Nrvou0Uus8,s.' 't Oïipeciully reinal-' Luinj-lalliis. M $1000 IN COLD. B ¦v m Tic nal} for & case tln-y wlll not oB hrlji, oí turanythtnjí liiM-nreorlujuriuus fuund wi ttnii). Ask your drufrjrlst for IIop Rlttersami try I tli.'in Itefure yon deep. Tuktí no olher. I D T. C le ed tbolnteuid irresistible cur' for I lruriki'iiiic.-a. nu of nptuui, tobáceo au4 ¦¦¦¦¦¦I sfd for Cibctlak. ¦¦¦¦¦¦H All ilov K.M by drtiplrt, ¦ Hp ÍUtc j . M . ¦ N . ., & Toropw, Onl. I tftfK-HMtf c e m TRIA I, I5OTTM;S ZO FT. CADWELL'S LACTEALNERVINE TUK IIKAT hKMEItV Ful! Xt'inilitut, l!hi unititttm, mul all otk'r jKtiftid nt, lcu or ühro ll'illr '¦' i i ,rtJ ' ¦ AND IV LIAllAlíu. siIAllrA, AND .Y,' I OSAD CI1K. The reliof oflered by lts me is prompt and complete. Unix. írtorg? C. ljnntidou, h' Vayor oj i Dfíi h v.' I have repeali'dly ued the Nervine for Neural(;ic Mitl.-ruii.', and bave never round it to lall ín lvini; Mlniot línmedfate relief. I w.inld nat be without it in my house for leo Úmee iis cosí. Too araon cannot be ?aid for it, In lts lavor. Borne m:ty thlnk atnmi laiiiíiiage ; none too stronfl Cotlboae wba knou hat Neuralgia Is, and lind relief frcim Yery retpectlully, [sipned] OKO. C. LANGDOM. Mayor"s Otlir,'. City ol Detroit, Fcb. din, 1 ¦;¦-. LAR4SE BOTTL.ES, fl.OO. For Sale at all Dm: Btorea. FAUKANI). WIl.I.IAMS A CO., Bola A-enlí. '1071 ' AMERICAfT BALLBLUE THIS IS THE BEST BLÜEINC IlsT TJSE ! IT is Nor P0IS0N01 ?ELP8 BLKACH1NG and amas mautifül tint! &TFor Salo by all Jr(xcrs..jSJ American Ultramarine Works, VI Malden l.iim. kTew orí.. 82 103 1 RARECHANCE S I .mi ill Mtoek lan vv .ools. Iuviniory tl6,000, ettabllsbed boaineta, ttneal location in Detroit, to exchane lor city pnin-'i i % incuinbrance, no obj.'ction. Addreaa, Icrrlianl, caro mi .1. ('. IIOI -ll. lili l.n.nohl Nt.. K.-11-..ii Hleh. I0E2S6 FRANKL1N HOUSE, DETROIT, Comer of Batea aml Iariu-l MtrertH. Centrally localed. Only one biock from Woodward and Jetlercon aveinu s. Tfali hoaae has been thoronshlv renovated, aad wlll bu found the BKST COMMBKCIAL lloil.l. in Ihe city. Kalea $ per dn. WVItVKK A JAMKS. ManugciM. 101 cach.35 Ib. bedo fi. Une H@ldry picked Fe.'Mhrrs lrc HBdBBÉ !., Prime Gcexc Keathcr aJhIIB'J, t5c., .7. V. Moirtson .V 7B__9 ('o., 4)4 Jeflerson Ave . l'r-ir.n' S MI'Í.: FULE _Mfm__HB Chaapeat Feather Dnfcterii " - I , - i n the World. "9t _______ 1022 31 , LOM ,


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