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Failures For The Year 1880

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Figures of failure9 for the entire country for each year, as t iscompleted, afford tlie best indidation of' tho conditiun of' coiumeroe tliat s furoished. Sueh a compilation 8 possible only to an extenaively organized concern, such as the mercantile aftency oí' K. ti. Dunn & Co. The figures I for the year 1880 are exceedingly satiotáctory, espetiully in comparison with those of piv.vdiug years, as the following will show: KAU.rRKS I THE tlinCO STATKS. Nnmbt-r. LUMUUas. ik .7; i 05.752,000 E29 ti.íós ;ks,140,000 '878 ÍOCTS IÍU.383,000 _ S,87 r),S6Sl,000 W78 M,UM 181,117,000 8W-_ 7,7(0 'iUl.OSJ.OOO Tho above table indii'ates that the nier cantfle failuret in the United StatM duriog tlic veú 1880 wvre n numbcr 4,735, witli liabilitiei aggregating nearly $66.000,000. Tlie failures l'or 1879 wereiu nuiuber (Í,ti5n, with liabilitios of $98,000,000. The de crease, therefbre, for (lie past year is 1,923 u nuiuber, aod in liabilities $27,000,000, thus showing aa iiuprovement eqiial lo 4o per cent, in number and a saving in loHM by bad debtsin the same proportion. While the ooiuitari.vni of the last year with the previous One is extremely favorable, the comparison of 180 with I87s is even inore remarkable. In 1878 the failures ñuvbered 10,478, while in I880 they oambered only 4,735, odioktiof a less nuiuber of casualties by 5,743, equivalent to nearly 60 per ceut. u... n (hfi atnnunt ot' liabilities ih chanee for the better is e Ven jfitner, for in 1878 the indebtedness of those who f ultd was $234,000,000. The table of percentages offers a better idea than iny other of tlie real decrease in the riumber of f i 1 uros ajirt frem tlie anaount of indebtednt-t-i Ín 1876. every ti9th mau Guccuuib.d; in 177. Mry 73J; io 1878, cvciy 64th , u Í87y, evory lO8th trader, wliilc in 18f-o it was only 1 in every 153 who laid down his load. Ín an army of nearly 750,000, an iuiproveaient so uiarked ought certainly to beget most hopeful confidence in its future chances of success, provided the requiite lows tbr the regulation and protection of such a host are fortheominf. With regard to the comparisons' contained in these figures, the circular goes on to say : " Ln the dark days which the trade of the country experienced betweenl874aud 1878, ilie glooiuy statistics which by alrnost uni versal consent, it was our paiiiful duty to compile, were regardod as the most uiiniistakable evidencasof an unhoalthy condition of the body politie. Now, however, that it is our pleasant task to compile figures of such a highly favorable charactes, the re sult should be regarded as a kind of concentrated tesiiuiony to the vastly improved Rindition of the conimunity. For these failure stati.stics, be they favorable or un favorable, may justly bo regarded as the oonoretc icbuttul tlc cffui t yoailj moJc b the vast number engagod in business pursuits, and indícate a bealthy or a morbid condition of finanoial affairs as faithl'ully as the barometer does the state of the attnosphere. It is therefore, with more than ordinary gratification that we submit the comparisoDS which these tables contant, confirming as they do the general conviction ihat the country is in a highly pros perous state ; that the disturbing elements, so faras they effect trade and commerce, are exceedingly fuw, and that the prospect for the future is almost without a eloud, except suoh as might be created by departures from the legitímate principies."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News