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Among Our Exchanges

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The Clinton New man i? trying to outVennor Vennor, out predict Tice, and run oppo-ition to Oíd Frubabiiiiies If he cn do all ihesa hu will b a weaiher wise man. Tlic Flint De moer at warna ibe newspaper fraiernity against one " Kev. Dr. M. E. Cass, of 1257 Washington streel, Bo.iton, Masii. ." and .-ays hu should be narned 1) ..: id i B(eat) Cusa instead. We don'tknow what auth rity the Charlevoix Seminel has tor the following : " Don Henders in has sold tbe Allegan Journal, whicli he bas edited tor twcntyfouryears, and will start a reuublicin niorniiig daily in Oraud Kapids. The Kalamazoo Telegraph slings its taffy toward Reid of the Allegan Journal. It calla him " hyperion like," and the " hand.soiueat editor in Michigan." There are about four hundred of eaid editora who will smile out of tlie corners of their moutli if they happen to see the item. The Allegan Tribune givee the Kalamazoo quill drivers a piscatoria! dose of immense proportions : "The Kalamazoo Telemph t hinks the reason the Allegan editor have meh treniendous force is, they eat so many fish - brain food. It would be a grtad thing to take away the dams and let a few thousand suckers, sturgeon, pike and pickerel run up to Kalamazoo in the xpring tor tbe nutrition of its editora' brains. The Bright'in Citizco comes to us in new dress, and folio from, all printcd at home. An improvement. To be sure there is not so uiuch reading matter given, but what there ia is of recent occurrence, and given in an entenaining manner, while more room is made lor local news, whicb is the county paper's forte. By the way, if the Citizen has reuched 23 nunibers in Vol. X, why isii't it in its lltb year, instead of 10ih, as stated? Tbe Bay City Tribune has the followiog respecting the coming mistress of the White House : " Mr.i. Garfield is a graceful and slender woman, witli brown eyes, brown bair dressed siylixhly, a clear skin and delicate features. She has a good deal of personal diguity , bul no obtrusive self-assenion. She ia soiueihing of an artist her-elf', and very fond of piciurea. In her huid nittiogrooui at home a bright fire g!ows uudei a Queen Annu mantel a dark carpet and a Sujyrna rug cover the Hoor ; easy chairs and luunges Kve an air of comfort ; on tbe center table are piled the larest books and a workbasket ; a fine water color hangt over an upnght piano, and the house down stairs ssems to be aluiost cvery where lined wilh books. ' ' The Marshall Statesman has a dog-oned notion that doga are a nuisance to the oommunity, and should have tbeir tails mputated by ,-tatute just about an inch back of their ears : "A bilí has been introduced into the Indiana legislature to discourage the keeping ol ' u-elessdogs. ' It a luwcould be f'rauieu and pa-sed which would lead io the mm mary kiKuiv' of three fourtha of the dng.t in the siaie, it wuuld be a mo-t excellent piece of lvgibla'iitn. Wiitnn ihe pa-i 15 days two uitiZctn of tliis place have been bitten by woithli'-s HM, ud svvt're wounds were in flicied in eat-li Ca.-e. Nitiu t mha uf the luongrela, cura, aud poodles oned in this city are nol wurth the 'scraps' they eat, and uu' io be exteruiinaied for the barm they are capable of domji. The mt-aner and more uselff a cur is, the more warmly attached is the owner to the same. This unuiiiigated nuisanoe can not be reacbed by legixlation any more than can a hundred other eviU that niake lite burdentome. It would not be wise at this tiiue to bfrine the dog question upon the h soluuon of the question ia - eduoation. It seeuii most guperhuman taak tu íemch a man io believe that tbe cuimunity is not beneñted by the prese nee yf bis ' yallar dorg;' but the 'dorg' ought to go the way all bad dogsgo. So it oocurs to us. If netded the (w)help of the legislature bhould be a.sked."


Ann Arbor Courier
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