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-yo rent. HOUSE and BARN, Situitid corn r Poitlac Hnd Fourth Btreets. üoot BHrrtei] cd frnti tres. Suitablo tor email family. Re .t. $18 per moutb. liiquireof 1026 Ghu. B. DAY, lilvcr Rod. TjURM FOR SALET" underoicoed offers for ale a farm of 2OO ACKKM, thu ha come intu hi handtt by atteiguni'itt, ' ai dt. nii'ly eHuated in the townthlp oi AuLuta, Ü% miles south oí YpMlant], on the East Morjroe ruad, ard wiihiti abaut a mi le of a station on the Detroit, Butler A S . Louis K. K. Toere lf a flnely-condacted cheeso iactory upon the opposlte side ot the hiehway and a giKd Bteam saw mil), bUcksmlth and wagou-repnir shop, twu atore and a poet -office wtthln about 80 rodn of the dwelllog kujie. yaid farm la well adapted for graln or graw, has over ltx) acres of Improveruents, aa abuudance or paBturing and plenty of eood timber, a]so a good orebard of cholee trui', and comfortable bnildlngs. Will si-11 the same for $35 per acre. J. WEBSTER CHILDi, YpallanU, Mirh.fl "PARM FOR SALE. Wishlng to retire from acllve bulnes, I offer [or sale my Earm of 160 acres lu tbe tow nsblp ol Web ter, and one mlle north ot VV beter Church. Small payment down, and balance on long time. W. K. VluRON, 1024 9? Dezter, Michigan. UUR SALE. THREE FARMS In Shnron and Sylvan, CO, 80 and 120 acres. I nqulre of JAY EVERETT, 1024-29 Chelaea, Mlch. ÜOR EXUHANGE. I bave a farm of 100 aerea in the western part of tbe State, valaed at ?fi.OOO, whlcb I wlll exchange for Ann Arbor City property. RICE A. BE AL. WANTED. BT A Competent & Experienced Nnrsa Sltuatlon. Apply, 1015 DRA WEK M, P. O. pOFFIN8 AND CASES i FULL STOCK AT MARTIN' 8 AU orders promptly attanded to. JYJTONEY TO LOAN. At aeren per cent, Secnrltj muat be on first-clats farms in tbtacounty, or city property in Ann Arbor, in central and desirable localltles. J Q. A. bESSIOXS, Attorney. Office: S. W. Cor. Main & Hurón stí., up-euira 1006-81 "POR SALE. I haïe a eood ÍLOURING MILL of fonr run of atone, that f will gell or ezebange for property Id Waahtinaw Coanty. 964tf RICE A. BBAL. ÜARM FOR SALfc. For tin' par pose of closlng a partnereblp, tbe uoderslgned offers the Pinley farm, in the townsMp ol' Scio, for pale, cither in part or the wbole, on long time. For partlcnlart enquire on the premlses. DAVID M. F1NI.KY. Scio. December 21. 1880. 1018 81 "P ARM FOR SALE. The nnderclfned offere for sale his farm of 45 ACHRi, sltunted In tha n rthern part of ft tw CouDty. In SACtions 4 and 9, 'ix ml es 'r "" Dextrr and three from tbe celebraied Dovai iu ¦'!-. 8. ld f'in Isai.apted io II kinds of t-run w'll ,v fitui k hiivinK a fine never-iaillng atrenm of ittr rsnaibf thnaiih lt, uear the birn, makeiiil' a fine waierl ie place for rtock summer and winbc bulldingrt are irood : Farm hoaae, one birn, 30x80; 'Ood home barn, 6l50; All lu eood rt;palr. All fl t d ap In good shape latcly. Two K od apple orebard, alt irrafted iruit of the best variitlfs lu the country ; also ptacbee, peara grapex, quiuces, Ac. Ac. J. B. ARMS. Wubater, Fubrnary 10, 1881. "pOTICE. Notice Is henby giren that a meeting of the the stock holder of the D trit, BntK-r Ht. Louis Rallroad Company wlll be held at the office of the company, in Detroit, Michigan, on Wedneaday, the thlrteentb day of April, 1881, at ten o'clock a. m., to conelder a contract for the conoolldatlon of tbe htock, property and franchiaes of sld company wiih those of the Butler and Detroit Rallroad Company, a Corporation oruanized under the lawa of the statea of Oblo and Indiana, and to approve or diaappri've of tbe same. Detroit, February 8, 1881. JAMES O. MILLKR, Secr.tary of the Detroit, Butler and St. Lóala R R. Co. and of the Boller and Dt trolt R. R. Co. 1026-29 riiaiH-ery Sale. STATE OF MICHIOAN. The Hrcnit Conrt for tbe Coanty of Wishtenaw. In l'hancery. Edwin R. Doan, complalnai.t, vs. Lake Corle, defeudant, and John Ulancey, executor, and ndminls trator and trustee of t; e estáte of Jalla Marry, dece8t-d,and Edward Duffy, admtniciralor wiih the wlll aniirxed, and tru-t-e of the raíate of Julia Marry, decens d.admttted to defend, and Wtillam Murrr, incompetent, by Kdviard OoITy hls guardián tid litern. In pursuance and by vlrtoe of a decree of aaid conrt, madt' and entrred in the abore entltled cause on the lóih day of July. 1880, notice Is henby giren that I shall aull at public auctlonto the hlghist bidder, on Mondar, tbe lou'th day of April, 1881, at 10 o doek in the foieno'in. at tbe eut Iront door of the conrt b'use. In thf Ch:y of Ann Arbor, Cotinty of Wahtenaw, and State of Michigan, the followine descrlbed real estáte, belng the same mentloned and deecribed In said decree. to-wit : Tbe eut halfol the north-weot qoa'ter, and the wrst half oftbe south-wo-t qoarter of i-ectlon number lourteen, and tbe north-west qaarter of the north weit qnarter of ection number twenty-threc, all in townahip namber one soutb, range four t-aft. In ibe County of 'ahteiiaw. and St .te of Michigan, contalnlnir in ar! two handred acres oi land, he the nme more i - PATKICK MrKEK.NAN, Circuit Conrt Commlaalouer In and for Waehtenaw Conntjr, Mich. JAMES McMAHUN, Sollcltor for Complalnant.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News