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Estáte of James O'Connor. C TATB OF MICHIGAN.County ol Washtenw,s At a feston of the Probate Court for the Connty of Warbtenaw holden at the Probate nffl u In the icltv of Ann Arbor, on Wedmsday, the second dy o'Fehruary, in the yeronethuitnd eliht hundred and cighiv-one. Prenent, Wllllam D. Uarrlman, Judge ol Probate. In the mmttrr uf tbc catate of James O'Connor, deceaed. Michael J. u'Killlv, the admintst ator of ¦i ld cetatr, comea luto court and representa that be ík nu preparen to lender bla final aecumt aa aoch admluletrntor. I T.iereupon lt Is ordered. that Ssturdaj, tb nineh ilny of 1 cbrntiry nxt, at ten o'cloek In tbe (ore. oon, be asslicned lor examlnlng and allowlug -uch 'iccouut, and tbat the helre at iaw of sald deceased.and all otber persons lnterusted in sald eatate, are required to appear at asemlon of aald conrt, then to be holden at the Prubute offleu, In tbe city of Ann Arbor. In satd connty. itnd (how cause Ir anr there ba, why the raid account rhould not be allowed. 'Anditls inrtber ordrred, that sald admlnlatrttor (tlve notlce to t! persona interestcd In sald estáte, ol th' pendency of sald Hccoant, anrt th ¦ hearing thereof, hy caiialng a copy of this order to 'e published in tbc Ann Arbor Courier, a newapaper pnnted and clrculatluv in raid countj, two sacci slve weeks previoas to sald day of hearing. (A truc copy. WILLIAM D BAUKIMAN. Jndge of ProhaU1. Wil. O. DOTY, Probate Résister. 10M M ('hancerj Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN- The Clronlt Coort fot the ('onnty of Washtenaw. In chancery. At a ?erplon ol sald court held at the court b'inc in the city of Ann Arbor on tbe loartb day of Janairy, A. I. Ib81, present Hon. Gouverneur Morris, circuit Jnii; e. U inhl F. Keevex complslnfltit. rs. nnknown helrt of Elünbrth l'iialctt. CnttMriii Bnrrett nd Andrew Ri'St-, i'.ecfaa.-d, ileJenda t. Ii appeariug, upon prooi hy afUdavIt, tbat the "f The hfira ol r.llziheth hotite t, aittarlue Barn-tt and Andrew Koe, deceafrd. Mre unknown, inM tbat such are neceisry and proper partles deiendanta tu thls sult- : on moilon at r rank Kinenck, sol'ciiir for said cnnplainant. lt Is ordered 'that the sald heirs appuar and anawer tbe bill of complalnt In bis nak on off heiore, the 11 h day uf July, A. D. 1"8L or In defiolt therent that sald b II be uk"n ns ctinfessi'd by sald dereudantx. lt Is lurther d luat w itbln twenty days frora tbc Idate h rcof snid complslnint thlr order t be pnbllshed In the Ann Arbor CoI'uikr.a newspaper publUbed in sald rouniy of Wnshtrna , once in vucb e. k orslx snccesslvp wetAis. O UiïKNKl'K MOKRlS. Circuit Judge. Frank Emerick, CumpUinaot'Solicltor. 11)2026 4 A


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