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I hn Sonta Aini'tiopníUteül New Grrtn¦da ha a revulution o$ its hands. Mr. Benóett refusrd $3,000,000 for the New Vork Herald a few days sinee. The favoijíe sonir ot' (he prohibiUoaísts in lhi IcuUlaturc huw is : '¦ mly ouc ! only 0O6 ! ' TUe t ussibilily of the comiiletion of' the HrooLlyn I ridge is now con-iJered probable. Seinliiry S irruían lias called in $25,000,000 werth of 5 per cent, bonds for the Mllkilli; fllll'l. A eOQipujl to eoiumeticc minina liir -u-r, 'i., as won as the Wfl .llior will permit. Tbere iré more IrUhruen in New York City i hun in the capital of Ireland. And they keep on Dublin'. Tlierc U a man in MiddlelowD, New York, who oufiht to start a hospital. He has traded equines 25 time sioce Christm?. The houfe of the Arkansas legislature bu pMd a resolution roposing a proliitiinry imerklmest lo the state constitution. 1 1, n. Uanoock tu to attcnd thc inaugural a mil-, and together with Gen. Slicrinnn, i' to 1 1 viven a grand rct-eption afterwari. NU that dn: L'hilians have cleancl iw eveiythinü wurtli cleaning out in l'eru, they want to Mgn a treaty of peace with soinebody. Thc sum of $4:;,000 has been added to the appropriations for Michigan, by the sonate, in thf liver and appropriation bilí. The bar of thc ltHh judicial circuit of tliis state have nominated Judge C 11. Brown, formerly of Kalamaz w, for circuit jud)ie. The Wiscunsiti menibers of concress got disgustuil with politics when they thought cxSenalor Howe stood a chañe for a cabinet po-iition. The I'nited States Kvernment has alrcady had to pay $10,000 for the Weet Pout Cadet Whittaker's trials. A pretty costly shadc. Sura Hcrnharlt has loen o annoyed by thioves that fhe haf found it uecessary to i .-inploy three or tour de'ectives to protect bei valuadlos. The Empcror Wilhelm, of Gertn.iny, has been "failing in health ' for scveral years, so the latest reports to that effect don't M'arc anybody. ]uuiinous printinf; ink il the latcst invention. It is Mated that a daily paper ii tobo publishcd in Turin. in Italv. which can be rcad in thc dark. The Saginawian (Dcm.)says: "One thing in OmarP. ('onger's favor, he is uie omy poor cuss ' elertel to the I'. S. senate this winter." The Egyptiao obelisk was formally tnmftrwd froto the United States governnicrit to the authoritiea of central park New York city, last Tuesday. Washington' birthday was more generally observed ihroughout the country than heretofore. This is a healthy indication, and we are glad to see it. The peopleof Delaware have been great y ineensed over what they term the biashemy of " Bob" Ingersoll, and are makng it hot for bil rcligious views. Ati'l now it isstated that Whitelaw Reid, f the New York Tribune, wants to marry dnu.nlitcr of a dcceaíed California millionire. Hope she won't fooi hiui. The only chalk beds known on the westrn continent are in western Kansas. .lust ut a mark thcre. It wou'd be a good ilace for the milkmcn to cmigrate. Ashmead Bartlett Burdett-Coutts las had $80,000 a year settled upon hiui y his aged wif'e, whieh undoubtedly pays lira for niarrying his grandiuother. Wondell I'hillip thinks that military rill in OUT school is "harmful and un 'Imstian." All right, Wcndcll, but wc ou't think yciu aro pO8tcd vcry well. An item is gotng the rounds cf the paicrs t.i the effect that Wilbur F. Storey U suld the Chieaef Times to L. Z. Leiter, ate of the firm of Field, L'iiter & Co. .]o-hua L. Smith, of' Fon du Lac, Wis., aid lic nevcr slviuld live to be 100 years oíd, so the other day, when he was 'J'J, to tcep his word good, he killed hitnself. The senate of Arkan?as has ven the world to understand that the official pronuneiation of the name of' Oit state is Arkan.ic' with the accent on the saw. Koe'CCt The rcpubücans of Kalatuazoo and Van Buren countics have butied the hatchet, and a democratie judge will probably give place to a republican after the spring elecions. Chas. E. Forbcs, of Northampton,Mass., left $220,000 by will to his town for library purposes. Michigan would feel proud of the meniory of a few such men bs Mr. Forbcs. It is said that an effort is being made to compromise the Sprasoe divorce suit, and thus avoid publicity of many things. In the interest of good moráis we hopo it will be done. Robert T. Lincoln, a son of the lamented uiartyr president, is spoken of for a cabinet position, as is also a son of the late Senator Douglas. lioth are so young they can afford to wait. With our next issue we will be able to give our readers the names of those composing the long talked of new cabinet of President Garfield's. Then what will the politicians do ? The Chinese course at Harvard colkge last ycaris said to have oost $4,062.15, nd the receipts therefrom araonnted to 130. l'igeon Knglish seeriH to be an expensive luxury. Great Susan B. Anthony ! .lust ronder over it ! The census says there is an excess Jfw males in the country. The previousoensu8reversed these figures. There'8 going to be war ! V. D. Howells is to retire from the Atlantic Monthly and rumor says receivc the appointment of minister to the Swiss confederation. Ho is suoceeded by Thomas Bailcy Aldrich, the poet. The apportionment bilis proposed by the democrats of the present eongress will have hard worV to pass. It is quite generally thought that it should by right beloni; to the next eongress, unyway. The FrcDch scientit Linneur says the oarth's atmospher'e extends 52,000 miles npwudfc Herctofore 250 miles has been Ika imipc-ií limit. Gucss "Lan" must bo " a littlc off" on mathematica. It is 'statcl that the venerable Petet Coopcr is constantly dcluged with letters from people sceking gifts eithcr for thfinselvos or some cuaritablc institution. He shouldn't bo so good natured and genemus. The government printing office is bcing spurred up. The president' message has not yet been issued, and somc folks think that a Michigan man as public printer would expedito uiatters in that respect, a litth'. The sultan of Morooco, in order to retrench expenses, has just divorced 200 of bis wivos. Probably on the grounds of failure to support or extreme He 'veral hundred still lelt. The -tau board af health lm? ml out tii altend a sanitary convcniion, lo bc JUeld at Battle Créele, on March L'iHh and 3Uth, under their auspiecs. Addresses will be preanted and i-ubjects diaMwed. The joined with the antiTaminany uien in the board of aldermen of New York city, lut Tueday, and elected Palrick Keenan president. Anothcrdeath blow for the greaerst frau 1 on earth, 'I'uimmany hall. The dfitnorriN amjp ihnt ihej m wvry littlo whii;h party In conirol of the mxl ['. S. scuatf. That wlih the lossof Tliurman, Kernan, Eaton, and Wallaoe they don't l'ecl equal to the ta-k of running things. (.uite a confession. Souie New York barils tried (o p!ay a game of bluff upon the government by wilhdrawing their circulation and making dire threats bccause they didn't like the fuoding bill. The government didn't HUI te any great extent. A "facetious cuss" introduoed a bill into the Colorado legislature "for the destruelion of [odiani and skunks" Another of the mm iort had it "ebaoked ander the tahlc," and (hen hc mOTOd oot. The speaker gets the bcne6t. The greenliaeker, at their eonvention held at Lansing lift week, no:uinated Hon. Jobn B. Shiptuan, ot Coldwater, for justice of ths supreme court, and Chas. J. White, of Gratiot, and David Parsons, of Wayne, for regenta of the univemty. Will souie of the pipen throughout the state that favor tbe present opBMMTC kerosene oil law, plea.-e teli what good the law has done ? To be sure it furnifhes several fat salarte and bdjM that monster monopoly, the ('lcvuland oil refining company, aside from that, what ? Nothing but oppression to our peoplo. And now it is MppoMd that l'aul Boyton, the irrtat swiinmcr, isdcad. Last fall lie hired out to the Peruvian government, at alarge salary, tosupcrintend the torpedo service, and nothing has been heard from him since Chiitnuis. In his last letter he enclosed his will and said he did notezpect to survivo the impending battle. The Michigan trotting circuit has decided upon the following meetings for the spring : Kt. Wiiyni', M ly 31 to June 3; Detroit, June 7 to 10 ; lvist Saginaw, June 14 ti 17; Graad EUpid, Jope 21 to-i; Ionia, June 2S to July 1 ; Battle Creek, July 4 to 7. The officers are : President, Wm. A. Owen, Detroit; Vcrctary, Geo. 8. Ward. of Grand Rapids. The ponMoflb entire circuit will aggregate #45, (XX). Afler a lont? st rugóle the legislaturo of Penn?ylv;mia bas at length chesen an United States senator. The lucky individual is j.... r. iiiufcil ai prmao( a representative in the lower house of congress from that state. He has the reputation of being a talwart republican, and knowing ones state that his election is a triumph for the Cameron faetion. He takes the seat now oceupicd liy Walkce, democrat. A Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati Commeroial pays this compliment tu Omar I', ('onger, Michigan' newly elected senator : " Other rcpublicans shirk, sleep, grow listless at times ; Congernever. He watches a democrat, out of his deep set eyea, as long as h can see him. With his hoad on his breast, his beak-like nose reaching nearly to his chin, his shoulders elevated, he has reminded me of a stork dozing by the waterside, motionless as if painted on the glassy wavelet-. A fi-h - a democrat - one dart, an i he has him ; one gulp, and he is gonc. " The Iiondon Times man has a pretty good idea of tkings. Speaking of the labor of an editor he says ; It enn only be nppreclated ly thosewho hnve ïmd the fortuno lo imve sonm 6xperleno6 in il. The merest slip ot the pcn,an eplltiet loo macta, :i utiiiik ilnte, n imnip nilsspelt. or with n wrong inttlal before It, tlie mlslnterpretatlon of some passage, perhapH Inoapable of lntorpretatlon, tlif must trlflinK ofTunse to the personal or natlonal snsceptlblllty of those who do not lm profes tu i-aro for the feelings of others, nmv prove nol only illsagreeable, but coslly mistak ea; but they are alKmt the IohkI of the mlHUikes to wliuMi the eiiltor In linble. The otlitor nuisi !¦ mi tbe pot UoHl Ilic pnper Is wMit tu the presa, and declsloiuon whlch nol cmly lln' approvnl of tho public but even ¦jaat namen. Doayhatiff, Ho eau not husband hl strenuth witïi coinparutive repose In the ¦olltndeof aetody, or the fn-shness of green tleltls. He must see Ihe worlil, converse wltli it foreinoHt or bolinea actor, be open for Information. anl on guartl ngatnst error. All tilla should be borne In iniml by those who oom pial n thnt jonrnalism Is not inlalllbly aci-urHle, jnst anil agrecnblo. The official figures upon the presidential canvas have been completed and are as follows : GarBeld, 4,451,654 ; Hancock, 4,443,527 ; Weaver, 308,328 ; Dow, prohibition, 'J,77O ; Ktttering, 1:1,755 . total, 9,227,033. This gives Garfield a majority nn the popular vote over Hancock of 8, 1-V


Ann Arbor Courier
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