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Chancery Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Tbo Circuit Court for the County of Wanhtenaw. In Cbancery. Kdwin R. Uoan, complalnant, v. l.uke Coyle, defendant, and John Cluncey, executor, and ndnnni trator and trustee of the eatale of .lulia Munj, darenaed, and Kilward Duffy, admtnUtirator wiih the will anuexed, and trastee of the eetate of Julia Murry, deceamd.admitted to dolend, and Wllllain ; Murry, incompetent, by tfdward Dutïy hit uanlian ad lilem. In pnrsuance and by vlrtoe of a decree of said court. made and eutered in the above eutltled on Uie l.Vh day of July. 1S80, notlce in henby eivn üiat I rhall aell at public auctioDto the blpheKt bidder, on Monday, the lonrth day oí April, lsHl, at 1U o'clock in the foienoon, at the eai-t Iront door of the court honse. In the City of Ann Arbor, C'oanty of Washtenaw, and Stttt of Michigan, the followln descrlbed real eatate, beinjr the same montioned and d.'txribed in ?ald decree. towlt : The eat hair of the north-west qua'ter, and the wint half of the BOUth.wet-t quarter of section number louiteen, aud the nuarter of the north-west ouarter of aection numbtr twenty-three, all In townhip nnmbar OM south, range tour east, in the C'ouuty of Wathtcnaw, and State of Michigan, contalnlng In all two hundred crea o, tandj, Jjj the m. oor to. Circuit Court Commiloner in and for Wa-htenw County, Mich JAMES McMAHON. Sollcltor tor Comiilalnant. Get Your Propert Insured By C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT o. I South IWai" Streel, ANN ARBOR, - MICHIGAN. The oldeM m9 " tÊl "'U'l'tf T" of a century a?o. Kepreaentlng the followtiig nret claaa compa'ilei . Home In-urance Co. of N. Y., Awete over .."W CoBÜuental In. Co. of N. YjAjnH T!-á ' Niágara Klre Ineuraoce Co.. S. Y., Aaaeta l,Wi,UUU VTKA TES l.a Y. I-oaae Uberally tdjusted aud urumptly pald. _ _-, lv.Mü35 O. H. M1XLBN.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News