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= -.- FMt f itaetort. VPPVt9fiwl4H a" 'tel" t)t : t vcry J in ju.-t at present. We belicve ihp scheduie tor vihn iÍ3.1H, wliicli would Ui a iikiii. conlined to hN bed for a yeur, ind in Deed ¦!' ;i daily viit, over $1,00(1 a year tor medical attenduMt alone! And apa .-ingle bottlc of Hop Bitten taken in time would Mve tlir $I,mki and all tbe m'íit'h tiokoe V WiiimIciTiiI Diximii . l',,r the - i I all i l..i 1 Col'i-. li llay Astbtna, pain in i '.. lv ÏHIH; iiiiiih, tickliiiK in tiie rhroat. S 'l'liroat, anti ;ill ('luonio or 'Iimim-s ut' ihc iliroai wi lutifn, Uit. New Difcovkri no oiual anl h.-i Mtabiished foï Iti worlil-widc repuUtion. Many teading physiciana rcoonimi-nil tod dm t in tbeirpTic tico. The formula troui which it is pre pand is highly rccoiniiiciidi'il by all nn-ilical journals. Tbo derg toa the have compliiiioiitiMi il in tlie nmsl !xvi r:r ternis. Go to your dr ure M atid trial tiottlo forten oenU, iw regplar -iz; for$l. Kot sale by l&berbach Son, Aun Artor, Mich. " lOUfi 1HK UON .MAI.AKIA AM) LIYEB I'Al). K l'UM fob I.ivrri Dni ¦ Wlien rnr hum to perfora proporly its PonotioM the whole systera becomei dermaged ind dit Pha ircatnicnt liy teorpÚOT in (lie BW of the Ijion Malaria ind Líto Tul and B idyaod Koot Hlitlera i moví wttmighine. [f you are afflictod witli Stomach or Liver disordrrs try ibis reiucdy. Tli.' wliole corabined for ooe. dollar, forsale by Druggists. A'rnts anl CaüTUSCn Mako from íl'.'i to $5K per r k g fut Iv ('. RidkootA Co., 10 Barclay street, Neu Vork. Send for tlicir walloJB and Itrius. lUOO-1052. Hw ( Secure Hcallh. li straugfl Lbal aoyouy wili sufFef l'rmii derangement brouht on ly impuro blood, whon 8COVILL"S 8ARSAPA HILLA and S'fl U,IM ; I , oi BLOOD SVKIT, will ri store hcaltb. It baat bino! puritiir evei diacovercd, eflFeotually ooring Sorofola. Syphlitk disorders, V. ,ikncs of the Kiilncv-. Hrysipflas, Malaria, all Diaordenaiid Debilitj Rilious CoDiplaÍDtx, Diseases of th Blood, Livor, Kidneys, Stomaoh, Skin. eto, li oorreots indigestión. A single boUle wtH pi i vi UtyoU itsinorils Ma In'.illli rcii'Wci. lir it BCU like a ciiann. i:KKKS PAIN PANACEA tam pain in Man and Beaat. mally and intornally and tind relief. !u. uo;ki;'s Yi-:;i;r.vm,KviM SYRU1' Mtantly destroys woratf umi !¦¦- all BCcretionp. M.tliis! HuthersSI Holhersü! you diaturbed u nialit and bi oleen of ymir mtt by a ïick chifd suffering and erytng wit li ili.' excrociaüng paia i oi tmir leeth? [f M, c it nnee tod eet a bot t lo nCMlis. WINSLOW'S 8OOTHI.Ml SVlil'l'. It will relieve the pooi litilc Bufferer imiimliatc Iv - ili-m-ml ....-.- li, no mir-t -ikr iliiüii it. I lieren i on i-!ir; h vtlO ever uscil it, wIid will Mt teU you :it (.nee tliut it will regúlate the bowel, and (live rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, opcratinR like magie. It ia perfcetl; mfo u u.' in :tll r, ad pIsMaai to the laete, má '1r prescriptio of ons oí tba dlili'.-i iitnl best l' ui Je phygicims and Dnrses in tlic United Staten. 8old evérywhere. tt a bottle. IOW -68 A CoBfb, ('hl or Sore Thront shouM be Mopped. Negtect frequeotly reults in an Incurabh Lung Ditean or ('mi sumption. Beown's Bronchial Tro n ks an certain to give relief in .!¦ Bronchitis, Ccfught, tturlt. Consumptie aitd Thrn.ii !,.¦. sis. l'.n t hirty yeartlie Troches have líen reoounaended by phyaknanfi and al aya give perfect tisfac tion. They are not new or ontried bal having been tested by wide and BODitant OM tor nearly an eniire peneration, they have atUined well uieriteil rank anionii the few staple remedie of the age. ftWíc Speaken and Sinoert use theruto clear and gtrengtben the Voice. 8old at twenty-five centa ahox everywhere. 1001 rs Bncklen's Árnica Saiip. The Vwst Salve in the WOïW for Cut, Hruise. Soree, Ulsers, Sak llhetnn, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblaina, Corns and all Itiüda ut' Skin Kruptions. Thia Salve it warranted to give perfect iatist'action in every oaae or money rofanded. Priét -" oentt ier box. l"or wie y El erhaeh tt Son. Aun Arhor. 1'HrJ THE INTER OCEAN FOR 1881. lail. Ni'iul-n'rrkl) nmt Wecklj. In presenting the prospectus ol The [stkr i k i vMu the .. ui iwl, il la Bcarcely ewtary i.i remlnd people i ibe Noitbwesl thal i ba paper baa been, trom the date ol Ita estab llsliraent, pte-einlnenl as au exponent ol talwart Kt'publii'anlMii, ;iinl 111 advanoe Ol uil cpiIhts in promulgallng tluú Hystein ol poltllcal étnica whteh has as lts foundation toa kUn o] huiiiaiiiiv ui politica. Il la i i t the Hilvocatu of r.iiiiiy eonoetoad Uieorlea, bui the ehamplon ui ideai warm wiili the bloud f struggling and bloeding bnmanlty Aa suuti n la and knmvii ui :iü mra. tllauot nnnraiwri tuaaylbal Diel baanevec deaerted Ur plalform oí principie Dii wlncli il uegan tlie niii ii rlgtiwol il jiiiMi or iis woik in tbe Intereetüol llm peuple bul ii l gratllylUB I" knw tbat Uie Kfiniiili'iiii pari) liaa c e ntially i" Htaud maarely on ibi sialwitii plaltonn. and Umi ui mus movlng forward tbe part) lenden liaVe acknowledged tbal Um poaiftoa ol The Inte Oceau.tak.en years ago, wu correct. itilsU, loTbe ínter Oceau, the heartle! and inosl cmphatlc mcimi-fiiii'iii "i lia pollc) autl Uie iikwI eOecllve leatlinony a to the value "i u-v ïiilluonoe, and tlie quaflty ol iis leadoritl Xba uiiUifiirc ui iins leadership wau liever more apparent, nor the hild The [iitcrcicenii lia-s utooii earuest Kepubllcanv ;i m-v.'i uioru lorclbly Iliastraled Ihan durlug Ui. IhhI l'renlUenllal oampalgn. Throngh thecampnlgn tbe aarnestneus, loyalty auUenterprlueol ihepapei verywhere recogntzed au Importan! lactuis in deteniilnlug lbo result, and Ita ;üus na ihe leadlng [lepubllcan Journal beyund dispute. In vlewol these (acts, n Isonly neecssary tu say tbal Tbe Intef (Jceauwlll malntaln iin posltlon by coutlnulug m tlie Btralghlforward uourHe tbat lia made il o many frlend among Ui i' vi rvwIu'H-, umi Cual han glven II .i reputation ii oouraceouslalrncasandjoqriiaiisiic xeal and enterpi Ise. Hwlll iiisisl npon a party pollcy oRsentlally sUtlwitil, bclte )n tbal Ui ui lloiiriand lbo wellaroof all clanses wlll be tK'nl oonserved by a close aillierenae to the fuuditnu nal principies ol Repnbllcauism, 11 wlll inaiiilaln l'ii mui al I il uilr in favor ol prolecllng American ludnstrj agalnul tbe paupei lat'tii and couctiutrated capita' ol the uld world, and will be foieniusl In i he fliflit uu any uew qnestions tbal ina.v be sprung ou Ukttepublluau parij l'ti, I ui .i Ocean wiH all public jues n. lairly and fearlessly; il wlll glve th laslalu .i M.l f i i 1 I klihlHli'IIH.ML lli iT wtlli iBtelÜgeili anti Inil -lliiinU'tl i-uiimu-lii , II will iiiaintain ii lilgh siiimliuil ni i Washington aml forelKD i epondence, and will cuni imif .n i!. apeclal Alten Hou todepartraenta liavlng referí Beo to home idluirs. i 'iii-iiisiiy (hop,"rWoman"g Klngdom," iml "Farm aod Home' have ki'h ' wltb. acta ucceedlngyear, and the eonsHcntiuuh iiiori thal gv ihem their popularlly will h.' dcvoled i" ttielr Improvemenl The Vterluary departmenl, In charge "i ;i practical veteri uary lorgeon.will !"¦ iu sprriíil valuó i" horaemen ano aUickgroi [n the departmenl "t Hctlon the Itm i-iii1 hav been ecured, and theita rill Hppear ui ooDDCCtlon wiui slioit Btorles and The mnrlttt report, tnfclug in Qnanclal md oommeTclal üeWB And dlHcUKHlon ii trail toa will i"1 made mu and rellable glvlng special atWoUon t" matten In whlcn tiie merehaDla, Mookcrowera and farmers of the Norilireal hav ;i direct lnteret. The W.-tkly lutei Oceaii will kim' the n.-ws ui sacb week oomplete, praaentlng Importan! matten In detail, and eondcnalnij minor nevm in siu-ii ii was i" i" "i ob ure oi weaken aiiy tatemen I ol (act. The ¦¦ kly will slioit, more oomprehoBHlTe m charactei and nan aoy othei polll leal oí general newapaper In i hr ooUDtryi in addltlon to dl other departmonts mentlóaed in oonnectlon wlth t in' Wewkl; s.-iniAVcrklv will ' "i iniK' "a educ part mout innler the pnwn i ahlf clitir. eviiiK thal riie Ínter Orean eoutrlbuled lltui ii EtepnbllcaB luccem lu i h campalgn, the proprleloi bave ii" beellatlon In .ikin n ie country lo ald Ihem in wldenlng IU Held ol Influeuce. The wholeaomenei and eflectlvenesii "1 tbe Influeneeol uch a paper bare been demonatrated i„, i dlapote Rapablloani) Interestcd In malutalnlng tl"' lotegrlly un ol UB partj u-d in Increasing Uk' clrcnlatlon i thrwe napera thal contri bate tnost to the deslred enda. Amons all u ï:;l' I lllt-r ll't'il!! Si B Ddfl Hl Ni ¦ Tbere la no varlatloo lo the prlcea "i the ramms edltlona. ïbe ínter Ooean Is the i ei paper oonslderlng the amount i reailliig matter furnlshed and IU liigli chi loar nal -puWlaUed i" the country. Dailï ínter OC6M, One Y( ar, Tostad I'ai.l I10.W Scini-Wcolil) ínter Ocian, One Ycar, PWtagO I'aid -" Tfeeklj later Oithii, Om' Vcar, l'oslasrf Paid 1.1 Sample Copies Sent Free on Application. HIIIMllI lTKK M KW. hiiiao. $500 REWARD ! WK will pnj thi uMHnl Mr uny Liver l'oniplaiiii, Dyapepata, Blek Hoadachi i:, ttlon Oonatlpatlon m Coüttvcnem lüi weat't VeBotohle Llvér Pllli-, wt ¦en n Hom Ktrictfy cnmplli'd wlth. llie.v an purely Vegatable, andnerOilM t ln . mij.'": Custid. Larite hoxea, coBUlnlDg SO P Kor Mie liy all rtru ¦ ir "f coantorfeil .md imttutlouf. The iienulni manohetafed oiilv dr JOHN ' WKST i üO.."Tbe Plll Makera," tfl Jt W W. Msdte-tn 8t.. Chicat'). Pree trial package Bent by nnll prepald on raoa1i1 ol R " i en1 itamp.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News