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Among Our Exchanges

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The Otisville Weekly Tckgna ia to en'arged and improved. Fred. B. Lee is sonn lo start a paper at Monroe, tobe called "The Monrofl Index." The Lake Shore Daily N purchased by L. J, Merchüiif and nu n:rd with the Bt Jaaapfc TnivcliT Herald. The Alpena Pioneer forpot to en lt( the CoVBIkB witli the divi r tana of tb three rana ia referenee io tba bïokenliearte 1 er. The Kalamazoo EMag Tkni starled in a few dpj by Hasall ft E A two cent daily. i'ln' ÁUegfta Journal deniaa ajl toria in cireulation about iti scllicg out, either in part or in whole. The Port Auntïn Ifewa hn a d m editor, Bichard Suiith, who wakeí up the Huron county people in a lively manner. The Big Rapids Current lias Ibis item : Ar eight year oíd son of the editor of toe Lake County Star sat over two ooluiuns of brevier type ia four days. He is a very smart boy, bat ftüttletl tml-a-half yenrs olj on of the wriror ' over seveo coluains of bourgeois type, and it didn't take him four days to do it either. Without flattering in the least, we 0OBsider tlio Htmbdl BtatesuM om of the -t local papers t li .t t i ow talie. It is ncat in rypognpbJe appoarance, to. 1 he nfuacegon ('hrnnicle tbinkougiit (o plant your gardim aocording to the moon. Don tha di ] item erop? We lmv . f . i . lbought it njiglit, perhaps. The Albion Recorder maken thi extremely a-aibU remark : It wou ld not ba :t la ze a society lor the prevention of cruelt) to animáis in rvery town, as mm ,u]d be done by it. E. 8cripps, of the Datroit Bveoing News, lias pnrchaaed hú tiokete for au European journry. He inteods tiking a few moDths' release frora the careo oi and Lopes tofind liealth and plewore, umi we hope he will find both. The Inghain ('ounty New, pnblisbed at Masón, has otuocMÍ ita fortn í i c;!u[ijn quarto to a 32 column folio. It always waa an excellonf an.i neat tppesring journal, and its peoeol ohaofe i u iniprovcnicnt, so fou can in lp' wlmt it be now. The Lansing ltopubücan b of a brother quill drivcr: E. 8. ll.i.kiii-, liurinj; bil recent visil t,, New ïork state ni the gue-t of his eonsio, tlic lieutenant ovenior, atffmiinp ia of lexialatnre at Albany. Fie returns sati-fi"d tlu; Mioh senate is as orderly and . body as he cares to t ot'. Maclc V. Wooster, whi had ju DowagÍM Times niccly Martel ivi, injured by a railruad siiia-li-up. on the ML C. R R., and wa.s olliiod to ivo ti; business, hacomjiany, roccivinf $5 500, $5tli) of which itoes to bis attorncy, Hun. .!. I. ':,ii I'iper. The Throe Rivera TtHmm opraa; D subject whish niay well attract attontiou throughout the state : Pure air is one of the D tiong of life and health. This element ij supplied in such abuodaDOe t hut do li ereatnro need suffor l'roiii a too In; supply. It ii thenfon natter lor r tut tliere aru places ia thu oounty (brty or fifjy ohildron art' oompelli brcalhe vitiated anil poisonoai air trom Monday morninu tiil I injf to the ignoranee or The "chang" rascal 1 ing" tlie peoph ofMantMÜ and Maül,., aiil the Journal of tkê lati.T eitjp leHi the m "' :i-i f.'llows : .Mr Miarper Mten ¦ :ke.s a five ci-nt purohaaa, .- 1 1 i landen in two d.illar bill, the aiununt of tb taken out, and the balanoe banded I htrper. H ie dollar in hia ; et, and holding the remninine ,-liin ¦ DM, Ir Mi.iilciily disootsra tli.-u ho hu a tivc oeui pieo umi ii ni 01 tu have made the (¦ut pieoe wii ii (i iiiDii' ¦ . "Il'you aro willirn-, I wonl 1 likc tbi Mok." The nut liofl of tbe dollar, tnd ia uine ca.e.-i out of tea tliihks ii nut placed it on tl bad lus HMpieiona ir.iu-i'.l ia inj the manncr of hki cu-t i phtiiMble, thst I nucís om r rite 'triT two dollara. l'hanking tfa gentte man Cor liin kindnosi, the poli alk-i out, 95 tenia an.l bu parchase ahí


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