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[7 A KM KOK 8ALK: ¦ m min iH tl for Ma '¦ "¦ o 45 UBKÜ, Hhuah-i in the ¦¦ rihen, r tol ,.l„l.-,. Wat w O.unlv. ii anl .. x ,nlle. Irom Dexlcr nnd thr Ir the ¦'¦!. ,„wr mlil. S....1 fa-m l.adapted ¦ ! '" -r ' ttT rnnoibf thmuiih II, iiear lbo I' " ""¦ ,.-a tlnc watert. i.'pl' llr "llct """"¦' '¦ '' " '" En. S? Yo!2f bM barn Wi.: Al Ita . cpair. All Aid np In Rood hypo lili-ly. ïrtetiwln the country ; aleo pe he k u,nccf,4c..c. .1. B. AKMt W, 1,-i.t, F.-hriiry 10, IM "ljVf _ ('oininlsslonors' Nolicc. rh ond.TUnel twen : p ntd h "' , " ,ví'. rxHm. nd dJ09t all ctatnn .llld f "J1 II gninm 'In-t tbc mie ol .loi-huai u-lmin. i ,'".,." üniy, .l.-cc-.-cl, bereteyjiv. polio li irom Jute re llowi-d, l.y onl.-i ol h,i ¦ ¦..nn,r..r credton to prwenl kelr clalmi . , . -i of wld decaed, tnd ihm the w 1 L2 S tl„ offic ChMfg. W. Turn Huil ... the v . ÚT, oi .!...,.¦. ..! on t"rdy, ta. thlrd dv of ¦¦ niher U'U o'clork A. ., OÍ MC ¦ " Lv te rro'lvc. examine and adjimt Mid claim. MI.-I, MirchM, 1181. Mli'll EL ¦). NO BS, i comiuioneim. 028 :u niRAM PIBIU-lf. " Xotice to Credltors. STAT OP MH'HKiAN.C.iin!) oi Waabtenaw.iMi. NoticetB Irerehy !, thtbyB order Of .hel ro te Ooort for the miniyof Wanlitenaw. imdeuo lh duy of Kcbruarv. A. I. ISül, mx monih :r"mtha"af w.r.'aUo. br credit to prejenl h-ir claim. wi.iit the estáte of. Jame M" ¦;' iic "f ald coiuity, deoeated, od lht II eredlloni "f ui deonae i Si requiicd to prewnl ihelr cWm. uld Ptobaw C'OBrt, ai the l'rolwie oflic In th.' SlfOf A.,n ArlK.r. lorexaminatio,. aoü .llowaiice, on ,r Vlore tb.; tweniy-wrond day ol Augn;l next, nd tïïrt -neb III be hear.1 hefore ld NM u Sa.nrday, tb ii-nty-nrsi day of May. and on Mondad th twentyecind da, .,( ' AK..-. next. .1 -,.,, n-,Uk n the ioNDOM "f -ach of IM d ""'"""íiflS'aHAlílilMAN. Ki.7-;W Juditeof Pwtate. "iUtë of James P. dementa. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washti-naw. -. At n eoalon of the l'rohale Conrt for the County ol W-hu-mTw, holden at tfae,. office, i.i Hv "AiwArbor, on Tuexday, the Br-t day of Man, in the yearone thimwind i'iifht hundrud mul eltth'yonc. Pre-eui, WlHUm 1). llariiman, Judge ui l'rola thenrittnrof the e-tate of JaBMI P.ClMMntj i. Willlam 11. lti' the admlnlairawr of aald comee In.o conrt nnd rapreMnta Umi De n..w prepared to rendir bis ñual account as uuh adThereapo'n il I ordered, that Tosaday. iw,-ntyniulh day of Marcli Imrtant.a ten o'clock in the tonnoon be aMtKiicd Tor examining nd allowini; such account, and iliat the helm at law ol Btid dl ¦ and all other pt-nona interested in said eatate, are re oulred to appcar at a sesíion of íaid conrt,then to be holden at Se Probate O4V, In the oto of A nu Arbor. In naid county, and nhow cause, if anv tbere bc. whv the ld ccountanonld BotbeaJlowed. Andit.s furtherordcrcd.thatwild BdmtnUtrator givenol Ibc penoH interented in aid said emate, of the pond.ti.v of eaid account, and the hearing thcreof, by eauaTnc a copy of thls ordi-r to be puhlished in the Ann Arbor Courier, a iicwspajxT printed and circo lated in aid couniy.ihree nccnlTe weelu prwlona ,OBaid day fyiL2'L%j1amtAt, Jiulüe oí Probate. WM. O. DOTT, Probate Reíleter. 10Ü-103I Estáte oí Bdtcc Minor. ÜTATK OF MICHIGAN, Connty of tüMeilw,!1 . At a sossion ofthc Prohate Coart for the County oi ViwhU-naw. hulden at the Probate Office, in ttao City f Aim Arbor, nn Mnnilay, the twenty-ciRhth dy ol [ Vbrimry in thi1 year one thousanri elifht hundred and lüjrbty-une. Present, William 1). Harritnan, Juii "1 l'robale. In Ihe matter of the estáte of Cora A. Krycc and Royai O. Hojee, minors. Thomas S Sar, rnaidlan of sid ward comee lnto conrt and pretest thut he is now prepared to rentier hU animal iccoiintas mch cuardian. ¦ ... Theri-npon 't is ordcretl, that Saturday, the Blueeentn day o( Siarch, next, at ten o'clock in the foro niNin be asslcned for examlning and allowin{ such icruiint and that the next ol kin of saidward and all ithcr persous Interest ed insuid estáte arereqnlred lo ippeu at a session of sald Conrt, theo to le bolden t the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, 111 ld county, and show canse, If any there be, why [he said account sbould not he allowed. And it is rurthiT rdered that saiil guardián jlve notic.i' to the pernonii intereuted in naltl uatati', "I the pi'iidency of said account and the heartns thuf, by cauüiiiï a couy of thl order to bu poblUbed ra Ihc Anti Arhor Courier, Bwipap prlDted aml circulatini; in said county, two nuccensivf prvloas to eaid day of hearing. (A tras copy.) WILL1AM 1). 11AKK1MAN, Judgeof Probate. WI.G DOTY, Probate ReLieter. KBt Estáte or Nathan Salyer. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Va-hui,m , -. At a sesílon of the Probate Conrt for the Comity ol WMbtanaw, holden at the Probat Office, in the ( '!t nf Ann Arbor. on Mouday ,the fotirteenth day of Kbruary, in yi-ar one thousand etuht hurdred uut) chty -i Pntenl, Wlliiaiu U. Harrtmnn, ot Probate. _ , lu ihe matter of the estáte of Nathan Salyer denaeed. Inétoa Salyer, exeentor of the lam ill ¦ nd tftaiiunt of said deceucud, come-" iiito court aud represents that hc is now preparad Ui reodoi bis Bnaï accoiiDtas such exeeator. TherenDcm it is ordered that Satnrday, the tweirtli day of March next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assitrned for examining and allowini.1 loen account, and that the acvi-e, legateea and heir at law of ald deceased.and ml other persons intercsti'd In aid esiaif. are raqnlred to appear at session ot satd court, then to be holden t the Probata Office. In the City ol Ann Arbor, in sald county. and show canse, ir any there bc, why the said acconnt should not be allowed. And it u furtber ordered, that said executor give notice to the persons interested In said estáte, of the pendem y ol said account, and the hearing thereof. by causinï a copy of thie order to be publislied in thtr Ann Arbor Oouner, a newspnper printed aod clrculatlng in said county, three successive weeks prevlooa tu said day of hearing. (A true copy.) WILUAM D. llARKIMAN. Judjieof Probate. VM. (i. DOTY, Prohate Register. IWO W Estáte or Isaac Elliott. OTATE OK MICilIGAN.louuty of Washh-naw, pb. At a sesulon of the Probate Poort for the Co-jnty ol Waslitenaw, bolden at the Probate oflkr. In the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuci-day, the Sfteenth duy of Fehruary, in the var one rhoiiMind eit;lii hitndred and elghty-one. nmit, William I). llarrlman. Judgeof Probate. In the matter of the estste or Isaac Blllolt iK1ceascd. On rearilnu and fllint; the pptltion. duly verluid, of Samuel H. Kllioti pcajlag Am tn(iiÍHtratlon of Bald eetate may le (jriuit l t. ar.ih II. Elliott or Bome other auliahle përaon. Therenpon it in ordered, that Monday, the fourteemh day of March next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon b asslgned for the hearing of said petltlon.and that the heirs t law ol faid deceaned, and II nlher persons interested in U eaUVe, ar reamred to ap ? ar at sowion of said court.tuen to bolmldeii at tae 'róbete office, in the city of Ann Arlior, and -lm canM.ll any tht-re be.why the urayernf the patitkmi shoald not be graoteci. And it i Carthur (M that aid nctiilouer Ktve notici' to the penmna Intereeted in sáid estáte, ofthe pendency of suid patttlcin, and the hearins tncreof, by cauniuK a cipy t tlu ordir to be published In the Aun Arbor tot. newüpaper printed andcirculat.d in ?aid coanty.three euccesBivc weeks previous to aid day ol' hearing. (A true copy.) WILLIAM I). HARWMAN. Juduc ol Probate. WK. G. DOTY. Probate Register. MM - Moiigajfo Salo. DEFAULT havmg been made In the eoBtfttloni of a mortgaife eiecoled by Jame U. Mnne and Franccs I. Stone.hie wife, to L. Allison and Comparnr partners, bearina date Noveml) r lOih. A. D. l19, and rt-corded in the office oí the ragllter or daeili for Washtenaw coonty, Michigan, on tlie ll:h day of November, A. D., 1879, at 7 o'clock n. tn., uf ihat day, In líber 5S of mortKacs, ra pagt lü". wliich delault the power ol salf contaiued in said mortgage became operative, and no mit or procvedlnga in law or equity liavinj; been insti-med to teeorer the debl ¦rctired by aid mortKate, or any part IkeraoT, and the curn of elyht hundred and nlne und flltythree centó, at the date of thie notlca. balDg dalmed to be due upon said mort(;ai;e, notlre la therafura heri;by K'iven that eaid mortgage wlll be lorcloctil by a Bale of the mortgat-ed preioiie IherelD daacrlbed, or -ome part thereof, to-wlt : All that certaln piece or parcel of land sltuatul in the city ol Aun Arbor, county of WaahMuaw, fíate of Micïi!t;au. dijKchled as beiiiK lot numbur iwentyflve ('Í5) (except two teet In wlnth off Ironi the north Kide of aid lot) in Jewett'e addition to the tv ol Ann Arbor, according to the recordad pint ihereol aa recorded in liler fi7 of dt-ed, on paue ti'H, at puhllc vendne, on Monday the twenty-third day of May, A. I)., 18S1, at Doon, at the north door of the conrt honre, In the citj of Aon Arbor, In said county, that beinjr the place of bolding the circuit court In said county. LAWRENCK ALUSON, ISAAC ALU80N, HoiiiR busluesB nnder the firm name of Allison & Comptny, Mortgaüeee. Sawtek Knowlton, Attorucjs. Ww Health Is Wealth. I)b. E. C. Wmt's Nerveanu BbaihTiikatmemt: a speciíc for Hvteria, DIzzIneUiOoDTnlslon, N rvou lleadache, 'Mental Depresnlon, Lom ot Memory, SpermaUirrhrea, ImttOfncy. Pnromure Oíd Ate, cauHed by over exertion, selt-abuce, or ovar.lndnlgence, which leads to misery, decay and deatb. One box will cure rícent canes. Each box contaln one month's treatment. One dollar a box, or six boxes for tiv.' dollarc ; Sent by mail prrpaid on receipt ol price. We iruarantre II boxes to cure any case Wiih i'Bch order recHv-d by u lor six bous, acompañad with flve dollars, we will send the purcbaeir oor written puarantee to return the money if the treatment doe not eflect a cure. Uuarantuet isuiied by Brown & l'o.Sole Authorlzed Agi'nts lor Ann Arbor, Mich. JOHN C. WEST A ('O., Sole Proprieton', Chtcaso, III. Frizelle & Co., Vhnleeale Agente, üetroit, Mich. 98-101 PERDÓN IiUMBER YARD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Manufacturar and Dealer In SACINAW 6ANUAWBD LUHBBR, LATH AND SHINGLES. We IltIí'! al! to glve ne a cali, ana esamine oni tock beforc purctianint; elsewhcrc. ALSO AOBNT FOK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND SELLS FIRE BR1CK. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. KKKCH. Stipt. feb.1'2,'79 BB --. m mx ourwlTM vj miviog in.mrv wneo gulítfn I I I II chkuce !¦ oOcrd. tlierct.T ! ki-.ti PWII ertT from yr duor. tho who !wyi Uke ¦I iivuuf of tb i-l 'b.iii tor DuklDff III Wr niooey that re offere.1, generally beertme I mmmkf, wbile tbow who do uo( impr 11,1 I chwowi rmio Ín iverty. We wul mny ¦ ¦ MÁ MJ ¦. mo, ornea, bv kh1 iris lo work ht M 1 rlgbt Id ihir on locslUi'. The bmiail WlB PlJ '¦"¦ tlnutn üowi ordtDftrr im. W furolab ín exprtiHlve onitit im ¦¦¦ ihAt jou nrii, frc. No oo wbo rnggi (!¦ to lutke aiouy vrr raillr. Tu eftu devof your wbole lime ID Uie work. i Souly jbur Kfftrt muntpuu. Kull'lufurDiKtU.u u! ti ti. ¦Mi few. iMranmM kCo., PotiMaA, Hi


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