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The Inaugural Ceremonies

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TIn' snow-stortu had continued all the niht previou tnaking a vcry drearv aspect for the inauguration. Add tú tliN tlie stroni; wind and snow melting, with slush, and the combination was about as dÏMfree able aR it could be. About eleven o the air becanie warmer, and the sun pceped uut Crotn atuong the clouds, and nature was leas cheerloM. TUK MILITARY BOOM of the president and president -eleet moved ui the avenue to the capítol at eleven o'clock, making one of the tinest military displays ever con in Washington. Both sidea of the avrane were packed with peopie. Ilayes locikrd l'resh and unconcernfd, hut (.AIUIKI.D I.OOKED VEItV WXAXT, He said ihis mnrning that the put week had been most Iryitlf of lus hl'u. The ff' 01 of' irregular sleep and deep anxicty are plainly seen in his features. DH'AltTlltK POI TUK CAI'IKlI.. Shortly before eleven o'clock President Ilayes md l'resident-clect 'iartield left the white house tbr the capitol, ecorted by one of the four gratul divi-ions ot. ihe prociBwioa uu] were heaitily efaeered all alung ihe ri Ir tu the Other end of tlie avtniit', wliich is reached kboot h&lf-past eleves SCKNKS IS JHI IKHATI I IIAMHEIt. Mranwhile the senate eliamber nd i;al had been rpidly lülinv' wiih tdii tingutshed thrnti. The oentief of at trac tion was in the front soat in the ; opposilfl ihe vice-proi(l.'iil'.H deak, wherc nat ihe president eleet'a otothcr and wife and Mis. Huyes, THE VKNKKAlil.K iHH wtu Mt at the head of the seat was regarded with interest by the whole audience, ;is ihe tooked iliwn upon the scène in which her son was the most conspicuous figure, with a quiet expresnion uf joy, that was very delightful to behold. Next to hersat Mrs. Haye-', radiant as ever, her white silk bonnet contrasting vividly with her black silk and iiiite overshaddowinp by her larjje frame and i-trong personality bot iiiutlier and wife ut tlie pre.-ident elee', th latter of whom sat at her right and wa droaaed very quietly. The three lailie chatted together constantly, and the eldes set the other two laughing more than onc by her quaint remarks on the proceeding in tlie charnber below them. THE SENATORS AND SEXATORS-ELECT were all seated on the left side of th ohamber, and the prominent niembers o the txidy were cagerly watched by the spec tators. Conkling, dressed with even mor than his usual eire, occupied his ordinary conspicuous seat in the second row, next the centre aisle, and eonversed oarncstly with Judge Davis, beyond whom, in order, i-at Tburuian, ilamlin and Blaine, by all means the H08I NDIK.'KABI.E aBODf n the chamber. The venerable Hauilin was evidently in i meditativa mond as the lust minute of' his Ion? official lite pastei by, und was not ineliocd to be talkative Thurmau brought out the familiar snuff box, took his last pinch of senatorial snuff andflung the traditional bandana handker ohief otice "more to the bréese. Blaine eonversed with Ingalls in an animated way jumping up occasionally to viit some othei pari of the chamber. A littla way off u JOHN SI1ER.MAN, evidently glad to be relieved of' exeeutive duties, while everybody lookel for Winilcmi und Kirkwoud, and womiered whether they were about to asume such dutios. Kirkwood, honcst, good natured grangerlooking person that he is, appeared in excellent spirits, while people f'ancied froto Wimioiu a manner that he did Dot feel as Bure of the treasury departinent as he would like to. Allison was ket away by sickness. lt was known that (1KNKRAI. HANCOCK would be prosent, and his arrival (TM awaited with' interest. At last lüaine escorted hitn into the chamber about eleven o'clock. The. democratie catididafi' for the presidency was dre;-;ed in full majorfteneral's uniform, looking in iplendid condition, and conducted himself in a manly, modest liishion, which eallcd forth warm applauKi and coinmanded the respect of all s[iectators. Fnil. Sheridan was heartily welcomed when he carne in soon afW and took his scat by liancock's side. The next Hensatioo was produced by the entranee of the diplomatie corps, who presented a brilliant appcarance in their rich and variecmed i-ntu I. A tuw minutos later the judges of the snpreme court filed n. By half past eleven Kobeson, Loring and other memberi of the house, who cared more for good scats at the senate performance than for the clobing proceediogs of' their own wing, bean to drop in, and belöre noon a large delegation had arrived. AT TUE CAriTOI.. Hol Iers of cards of admUsion to the eapitol thronged the approaehes to the senate long before the doors wero opened, and withiu a few minutes after eleven o'clock the eenate alleries were BiUd te the utmost capaeity. They presented a very gay appearance, a much largor pro portion of their occupants being lidies, who graced the occasion witb boliday un. .MUS. (AKFIELI), wife of the president-elect, and her reoerable mother, occupied t'rontscats in the private gallery, anfl Mrs. Hayos sat between them. Mísm's Mollie Garfield and Fannie [layes and a few personal friends were aNo üf the parly. ïhe Hoor of the senate began to flll np quite early with distingui.-lied nvited guests including a number of army officers of high rank. THE IHIT.OMATIC CÜIU'S. Tbe routine busine8s of the senate procot'dcd until about 11:30, when the diplomatic corps appeared at the main entrance, and at once attracted universal notice as thcy filed down the center aisle in their gorgeous court countutties, resplcndüiit with gold and silver eiubroidery and glittering with dccorations. Sir. Edward Thornton headed the corps as its dean. The Freuch, Italianand (ernian minuten followed. Then came the J'urkish minister, wearing his red fez; the fuJI ChineM legation next appeared, and atforded a fresh topic fbr the buzz of oimaient iu the galleries, alike by their grave deuieanor and their red button Mandarín liat and peacock feathers. A few minutes afterwards TUF. miBII COURT Of Til K CNITED STATE.S wan announeed, and the jatticei headed by Chief Justiüü Waite, tu ciad in their robes of office, entered the chauibcr, and marching slowly down the penter aisla took -i'ats prepared lor thorn in (Vont of and facins ihe rostrum. Kx-tlustices Swayne and Strong aUo entered with their former colleaeue. Shortly bt'fore twulve o'clock IWU (IARFIEI.I) ANIi PAS81 I1AVKS entered the ehamber, arni-in-arai, escorted by Senators Pendleton, Anthony aod Bayard, committee of arrangemeuts, and followed by all the members of tbe cabinct. As they proeeeded down thp ai-'le to seats reserved fbr thora, senators and all other occupants of the floor arose, and remained standing until thcy had taken their seats. The galleries applauded by clappiog hands and waving ot' handkerchiefs. TUF. VIl'F.-l'RKSIUKNT FI.KT was ncxt announced. He was escorted by the sergeant-at anus and Senator l'endleton tu a seat on the rightof President Wheeler, by wIioqi ho was introduced to il. e senatc. Yice President-elect Arthur tlien delivered the u-ejal formal addresa and took the oath of office. t t lii-i stage of the iiroceedinga the MKMHKKS (IK HIK Il.lISK OF UPBS8KNTATI U, lleatk'd hy Speaker Kandall, entered und toolc seats in a body behind the diplomatic 'i-, tilling up all the Hpaee now remain ing in any part of tlie chaml er, OAINING 1IMK. The hands of the clock had aluiosl reaohed the lioar of 12, and it was obvioosly Dsoeanury to lengthen the closing tiour of ihesession so tháf noon tnight nut arrive to s)on. The venerable door keeper, Bisset, therefore reappeared in his somewhat familiar role of the modern Joshua, mounted a chair and with a stick piuhed back the hun] of the clock five minutes. This gave just the needed time. The cabinet eame in a moment later, and, as soon as thcy were sealed, the PUU9KNV AMfi MUniSUIT-KUOT, Took seats in front of the ae retary, facing tbe senate. Vil 'F. PRESIDENT ARTIII It Kntered, and was piesented t tbc seoate by Mr. Wheeler, .'irul utmb' bis aeknowl edjüiicnt in an adoiirably oonceivod and tfracefully delivered little speech, which ni pr.ii -eil on eery hand, ('onkiing led ert in the applaoM tint liillowed it, but Hlaine and other .senators wero hardly behind him, while Hamliu leaned over to Tliunnan and voioed his hearty approval, to whieh the Ohio scn&tor howed his UMQt. Mr. Wheeler ihon swore ia Mr. Arthur as viee-presideut, and exactly at 12 o'olcck, and with a fewappropriate word?, declarod the sonate of the forty sixtü tongtHS adjourned me die. THE CENTER OF INTEREST a now transl'erred to the east front of the capítol, whiiher, as soon as the new senators had been sworn in, the procesión of distingui.-liel Mople in the chamber look up the lioo of mareh. SCÈNE FROM THE PLATFORM. A great platforin had been erected in front of the building, and the sight preseDted from it was a most Ktriking one, for rods and rods in front and to either side were massed thousamls upon thousands of spectators wedged n one solid uiass, so that nothing but tb ir heáda .mu11 be leen. It was indeed ONE OREAT SEA Of' FACES, All uplifted in eager expectancy. In the center of the platform, at the front, was a little space raised a few inches above the level of tho rest upon which atood aeveral chairs, Ihe most noticeable being a hotnely and antique one, which tradition, f nut history, saya was occupied by Washington ut bia first nauguration, and which has certaioly been used for many years on sueh occasions. o TUK I'I.ATKORM. In tliis cliair Mr. Gttrfield took his seat for a lew minutes when he arrived, the others being occupied by President Huyes, Yice-1'resident Arthur, Mr.Wheeler (.'hief .Ju-itire Waitc, and Senators l'endleton, Buyard and Anthony. The clder and younger Mrs. Garfield, Mrs. [layes, and one or two other ladiee, were also given seats here. About a (uarter of one, Gartield rose frora tho historical chair, drew trom his pocket rolls of manuscript tied at ODe corner with blue ribbon, and bogan delivcring. IIIS IVAUiiTRAl . II is appearance was dignified and even missing. His voice. though not at its bost, waj still in good condition and bis words spoken with deliberation and force, could be lteard for quite a distance, though of course, a great majority of his auditors only Mk the moving of his lips. The crowd was disposed to bc eHthusiaitic, and for ome time applauded every sentenee with little respect to appropriateness. THE HEARTIEST AI'I'I Al h Greeted the declaration that the colored race shall enjoy fuIL and equal protection of theconstitution and law. It was in this connection that Garfield made tlie only slip of speecb, saying five thousand where he jntended to use the words Gve millions. The portion of his address regarding finance elicited warm applausTliu address occupied thirtytive minutes in. itsdelivery. At itsclo?o(iarfield turned toward the Cheif Jusiicc, who advancod and AIiMINISTERED TUF. OATH )f office, the clerk of the supreme court holling a beautifully-bound liible, upon wliich the oath was taken. Theo occurred as impressive an episode, a.s was ever seen in official life. After the new president liad Ir'Oii MPgnitaltttd li; ex-President ui. i Cbief Waitt,,who stood next to him, he turned around, took WIS AiiED MOTnER By (he band and kissed her. The uM lady's oap of happiness at this moment secmed f uil to running over. Ft tg quite wft to say that nobody, not even Uartield himself, lelt uioreenjoyment at thespectacle of liis elevation than thiswoman, whose mind ranged ('rom the days of his obscure and poverty-stricken boyhood to his present elevatiou, aad uobody witncssed the sighl hut rejoiecd at her bappi !, i.KNKUAI. COHQ&ATÜLATIONS. i'.ulield nezt kissed his wife, then shook hands with Mrs. Hayos, and spcedily tiiun.i (he grasp of his hand sought by everybody within reach, froui vice president down through coogressmen to the unknowri strungers who could manage to juisli witliin reaehing distance. in the jam which hm set in, and which ihe pólice cotild hardly control. At last the presidential party, jostled a ood deal of the way, returned through the rotunda to the senate wing of the capítol and prepared for TUK KIDE TO TUK WIIITK IHHSK. President Garfield and party took their positioD on the stand erecied in front of a building ncar the avenue, and the president reviewed the procession, which n'led past for two f uil hours, niaking a spleudid display . Despite her fatigue, the eider Mrs. Garfield insiited upon takiog in this part of the day's pageant also, and for a long while sat in a front ecat ncar her son, enjjying the sight as fervently, if not aa deuionstratively, as her wido-awakc grandsons, who rojoiced o the freedotu from the black glovüs and decorum which their mother had vainly tried to impress upon theiu in the senate nllMihnri M belitting the dignity of the president's children. The wholo party were glad enough to have the long prooession at last come to an end, and givethem a ekance tosettlfi down in their ti"W home. A oranu iÜO I In faet, every feature of the inaugural ceremonies has been a succes. The military feature has been a striking succ all unite in saying who witnessed it. There wete nearly fiftcen thousand men n line, and tho procession was over two hours passim? a given ppint. By far the must creditable display made by any state was tliat of' l'ennsvlvania, with her six thousand uniformed militianien. As to the nuraber of people drawn here by the occasion the eátimates greatly yary. Fully tifty thousand straners van n tlie city last night. TUroagD all the earlier houra of' the uiorning lieavily loadod trains were eonstanlly arriving. Countin? the population of the city, and it would be safe to say that from liiO.ÜOO to L'00,000 people wilnes.sed tlie promvssion.