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The Eiuperor William, of Geriuany, s very much effected over the murder of bis warm friend, Alexander, the cïar of ItusSecrctary of the Treasury Windoni was born in Ohio, so according to thecry raised against Judge Woods, he uiut be an Ohio man. Ye.s and the cry has hlll nittd he i an Ohio man. Ilarry Genet, oae of the faaious Tweed ring, bas jut been sentenced to eight liiuuihn impridoowcnt, and to pay a fine of $9,604, and i" tan-I oommitted until ihe tiiu' H p.iid. Tardy j'istioc. The damocralH aic in Mdneaa i'a-i duwn. Mabone, of Virgiuia, aota wiih the repobBrons, :inil II 'iitrol of the s.-nate lias aaaaed nut ui ilu'ir han U. I! hoo ! iImm tearc The anieiKkiienl (o the Indiana constitution, changing ihe day of state electioa to sorrespond witlt thut of the national alcedon, bat luen :igain votcd upon by the paopia nl'that state, and carried. Qen. llani'ork, by his sensible conduct in atteiiilinK the recent inaugural ceremonies, at Washington, and gentlenianly hearing, tree f'roru parli-an fecling, wliilc there, is receiving many couiplimentary notico), and wa tbc nciiiient oi'much attention. 'l'li; Maino IfifitWini Wednesday elected Win. P. Frye, onc oí' the nio.-t gifk-d iom of the I'ioe Tree State, as Tnited States senator to succeed Jauies O, lilaino, resined to accept a pouition in the cabinct n'tary of .tatc. He lias been Ebt niuny years a live member of the housr. TIn1 (rovernor of Minnesota has appointed Gen. A 8. Ugtrtoa as ('nited States iea ator to sueceud Scrrctary Windom. The ncw man is -aid tu have tuadc a fair name for hiuiself in tlie army ; to bc a lawyer of ibility, tliough not brilliant ; and to lie timid in politit-s, but with many admirHM tor his qultttM I heart and head. The arresta in Ircland of land leaguer-, iindor the pntNMM act, rcccntly pMHd by p;irliaiiicnt, aro linillf IOM The heel of Britian will soon have the poor pcople of that island, who liavc darcd to cry out their opprewon when starvation and dcath stand them in tlic Caco, 00Opletel; liloixod lt't look i'rom 1 1 1 ï - dutaooa as though the great world'n fair of 1884, proposed for New York, wou!d be an mínense succchs .No OM M'iiis willinu to tako hold of it with ihcir fundn. The people's money i-i wantul. If the froveroiDCBt will expend the peoiile's money to help italong, what a grand flupatu will be given it. The people's money ia wautid fir the interoceanic Banal, IM. l!nl th prople are nut willing. u meo eotered the honsa f Miss lülizabeth llobertt, at l(0 set-ond place, Hrooklyn, N'ew Vork, at 9 o'clock. in tlio morning of th" 1-th in-'., liound and gagged the servant girl and Miss Roberts, and hred ta lallcr t.i ive up $;,(_Mii in bonds shc liad conceuled 00 lier person, and also $500 in diamond and jewelry. Thcy then left tlic home, jompcd into the mgN which they OHM in, and no trace or track reiuains to teil the (hieven hy. Om "f'ihc Uildost robbenoi on record.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News