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Who'syour candidato? High school junior cxhibitidn to night. ? A. L. Noble has got into liis new store. Schools close to-day f'or one week's vaeation. Ncxt Tuesday Btght ])r. Steele, at the opera house. The railroads roport f'ruights to tlii oity as being very heavy. I'olly ticks : yes she does ; but look out f'or the ides of April. m Ncxt IViday night the Uivé-K'iDg coucert at university hall. Tlir BtOfa H'lijoli 'I'laoo. 'J'acir OCCUpidd haa !¦. n vaestfed bjr kim. Tbeoityof ïpsilanti returned $.rlXi;s7 of' taxe as uncolleclable. Prmnk Hanstorl'er's band socinl to-inormw niht, at the open house. The (Uopaged frescoing in the Congregaünnly ohuroh is being ropairi'il. l portion of Switi's dam, on the iluron, was carried away by the ice Tuesday. Mei are like wagons - they rattle prodigipwMj whcn thcre is nothing in thetu. The mail guing suutli on the Toledo & Aun Arbor railroad, now clOMiat 7 o'elock a. ui. The L-ike house, at Whitruore IjsIcr, has beet purchased by W'm. (Jruhain, of this city, The niatquerade (' the ootillion club la-t Friday uiglit was a mwon, $42 being lKtt. The aiuountof taxes utxrolleetable u tliis city art' r.tunicd al $778,3. Nut ao large as last year. ¦ ? Joe T. Jacobs is fixing up Iiím corner ttore itnl will son be gladto welcome you in bis new quarters. One of our prominent justiees bas turucd poet, and slaahea oflf ibyme just as easy as coniinittinent8. Our flcmriiiK milis are so crowdcd with foreigo orders that they are obliged to refuM taking tlu'iii. Jacob randewarker's estáte is valtied at $ÓO,000. The estáte of Henry W. Hogers in estituatcd at 1150,000. A new front for his residence on lluron streel, u what Prof. Y . J. Horduian contémplales in the near future. Thedemocratsof this judicial district are to hold their convention next Thursday, at ÜU eourt house, in this city. For the accooiniodation of citizens of the city a telephone lias been placed in the ticket office at the M. C. depot. The reform club has publishcd the addrcss of tbeKev. J. Alabaster in paniphlet forni, and it is uowoti sale at Moore's. Nolson Sutherland's auction ale last Tuesday was a succes, and be disposed of about $1,000 wortb of personal propirty. Dm Aun Arbor jubilee singers gave a oonoeit at Doxter last Monday eveninjf for I bentüt of the refonu club of that place. We have reoeived a copy of the Colrier of March 19th, 1880, from R. Blaclcman, of Prospect Park, UI., for which we return thanks. Mr. A. K. Hall has taken M. D. L. Bitnofa into partnership, and the new firm isenlarging and iraproving the preaúaea occupicd. Trampa are more numerous now thaa for a lomj tihie. Jast cea c.m't sentcnce theui to the Ionia work houso now. Do you sce ili. point? At lait we havo a change for the time table of tho Toledo, Arfo Arbor & Onad Trunk R. R., whioh appoars n its proper place. Yesterday was " St. Patrick'sDay in the uiarnio'." Thcre was no general observanee of the day by our Irish citizens, or special exercises. Tho greenbackers are stiil triuuiphant at Manchester in charter elections. Last Monday they elected their entire ticket except treasurer. If that oíd -uw is true that li the devil dances in an empty pocket," the writer knows of one which has kept theold fellow Pretiy lively for a long time. Don't forget Frunk Ilangsterfer's social öaturday night, at the opera house. The band boys can stand a little encouragement. Retenred seats at Watts'. The reform club will be addressed nest Niuday aitcrnoon, at 3 o'clock, by Pre.-i¦WThuuipson, of Otterbein college, ühio. m't u Oliio man, turn out and hear hitn. Cha A. (iinlner, of Cünton, N. Y., a Hatniiton college alumnus, has been te'n lered the position of teacher of elocution ! Knglish composition in our high school. 8. W. IXirr, of Manchester, expects to hv! 3.200 basbeh of fine winter apple to me Bpoa tlie market Jun.: 1-t. lle keeps em by the refrigerator proces.s, on a Iarge ÏV board of hüalth, in their laudable ef to have our city's rtnata, alleys, back M. ate., i.rop-.Tly eloaned up this spring, ouid receive the hearty support of every wuïen. 1 1 s hoped, by the authorities of the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Grand Trunk railroad, tliut work will be resutued upou tho nortliern extensión as soon as the weather will perwit. m m . When a wood vender is modest or diffident about vranting to pile up hi.s load, you may t it down for u Gut tliut lie has abottt one fuurlh, at Icast, le tlrin b claims. 'l'lie weather lias uut beta extrenu-ly plea.-ant Cor the past weck, I. ut paseablo tbr March. We ám M mow and rain, í'reeze and thaw. Somo good Migar weather though. It Un't thc fir.-t of May yot, but re notice nuuierou.s dray loads of luniscliold Koodsbcingcarttídfronione place toanotlier iu ourei'y. RooaMWe in U M4 lifíii.nnl a.sevcr. IVi'sident Sehumacher ís eorresponding with Mrs. ez-Preádent Haycs, endeavoring to induce her to be present upon the coming anniversary, and has considerable hopea of success. And now Mr. Cobb, of Detroit, who it 8 stated holds a lease of Cook's hotel, furniture and all, h having bis turn at taking !(i-..'.sion of Cook3 hotel. More lawyur's fees in prospect. ? The reinains of.Mrs. Bobt, J. Voungice Miss Ida Mour.t, ven brougbt to this rity for interment, aml services were held yesterday atternoon at the reádeaee of her father, Harclay Mount. I'. W. Dyar, of Toledo, formerly of the Oomaeroim', Iki-j tocepted the local editor¦hip of the l;iily New-, Bueoeeding Mr Kouscuip, who i.s giving bis iiersonal attention to solieilinx subscriptions and work. At a Meeting o' the Wtihfowew cminty beekeepers held rocently, they resolved to change their name to the South -eastern Michigan Beekeeper.s Association, and adjourned to meet again on the 5th of May. The Kalamazoo Telegraph has un item in its last issue whicli ends with this sentenee : " Keep cool !" 'Jreat Winfield! What advice with the mercury in the thermometer constantly sceking the bottoni I Hilward Duffy, wlio tbr many years has oarried on the rocary business in what was fonnerly lenown as the Win, 8. Maynard block, in (.. k" Id I), (r,,it n the wholesale tradfi, and is oloting out hi.s businesa liere. 1 - It woulU be wcll lor the republicana to reoMmber, also, that the next board of supervisors will re-district ihis county into rtpfeWDUtïve district. Thcy should make food Domiouioiis for raper viaon and tben etoct tluir men. IVof'i'ssor A. H. Preaoott will rcad a iaper m the " Chemistry of t'offee aod Tea," lor the benefit of the ladies library association, at the houa of Mrs. (eneral llunt, South State gtret, on Monlay fvenirifi oext, at i-ight o'cloek. Next Tuesday evening, the 2L'd inst , Rev. lr. Steele is to deliver the last oí' the reform club course of loctures at the opera taue, Bfa subject is " What I saw in Ireland." Ife who attends will go home glad that he went. Don't forget it. Saturday wa mm of tba Kvelwat days ever experienced at the monf Ofdw department of tbc poMoOoa, Tborowen paid Í 10 orders, oomag from l3 different states, Mid ainuuntin to $1,335.64 Th large.t number ever paid in one day , Klizabeth A. Swayze, of Augusta, arul Joho V. Shutts,of Ypsilanti, were coinmitted by Judge Harriman to the PtmtUc in sane asylum last week, and Supervisor Krapf took Emil V alter of the 2d ward back to the HUnê place again ImI Wednes day. The receut prize social given by the ladies' aid society of the second Baptist church, resulted in giving the prize to Mrs. E. J. Lucas, and the raising of $23.63 for the benefit of tWP church society. Over which result tLe colored brethren are mucli pleased. The Lake City Journal says regarding the "0 sharp B flat" item and its responses, given in the Courier : " Yon fellows have fiTed on that tune long enough to give us a rest." The Journal man must be a "lyre " or ho wouldn't keop " harpiog " about il. Bishop Harris, of Detroit, filled the pulpit of St. Andrew's church last Sabbath, both worning and evening, udadmioutered the right of'confirmation upon a class tif ten. Dr. I'almer tendered the bishop a re ception at hia residence on División ttnet, Saturday evening. A vety largo audience greeted Uuiuenyi last WedneHday niUt, at university hall, and the entertainment wan one of the most pi- 'm in tlie ontire ceurso. Encoré followed encoré, and Remenvi didn't acknowledge (.hem witli u iaid huw, but responded with hia bow. The ladies' society of the PretbyteriM church will give an entertaimnent next Wednesday evening, March 23J, at the residence of W. Thomas, South Fifthstreet, commencing at 8 o'clock. Jean Ingelow's "Songs of Seven" will be illustrated, snd good uiusic will be furnished. In speaking of bridges over the Hurón last week we got a little mixed on the nuui bers. The' lower town or Pontiac street bridge is No. ] instead of No. 2, as we supposed ; the latter number applying to the Wall street bridge. And thM are the two structures which need re-building. Hm legal fmtcrnity at this bar express themselves as being very njuch pleased with Judge J. B. Shipman, of Coldwater, as i presiding judgp, and gome thetu think lie deservesto be the nominee of a more promisión party than thegreenback, whose candidate he is for a&sociate justice of tln u preme court. The Bellevue Qazcttc copies our wealhcr item which spoke of the poor house fly that has been loDging for warm weather to come these many long months and adds : " We shall have to ' raise you about five ' Bro. Beal, for at present ' we have a full ' and the probtbüitiea are that they don't laimnt at all, but lika good respectable flies take things uu tliey coiue. " Sdinibody asked us a short time since what becauie of tho flies during tlie winter. Happening to raise an unused win Jow a few itft ugo we uncovered perhaps fifiy fliïs that had crawled in under the sash for a winter's home. Fully one-half of them were alive. 80 it would seem tbat they iuiitate the bcar of the, den up, and sleep away the cold winter mODth. How económica!. Mr. ico. Wfidenmann, of the towu of Ann Arbor, had a black horse with a white spot on the hcad taken froui bis bain on Wodnesday night. lt is thought tljat the man who stole it, is the aamo ono who committed a umrder at Wiïoiu tbc night preeious, the details of wliich are nut fully Icnown at this writing. The Corunna American of March 12th, has thi= i'.em which will bc of interest to our citixens : Mr. I). ('. Kuil called DpoD uftThurs'lty morniii{ loi'Xlciiil ii parllm 'iHkiim Corunnii lust Irma hls ilxjtit t" tukf lilaüt'pnrtiirr Trom oun. tilr In the city of hís forraer Joy. Mr. Kall has rturiieU to Anu Arhor witlj hls famllv. and wlli ''D(! in the clollilug busluea in"lhat rltv And here let us say that wliat is CrunD'n - Anti Arboi's gatn. for, ilurlnu IiIksIhh-i i In Ilils city, li haa proven iilinsi'H -i wnrtliv oltlten, therefbre we r.-r.-i iii.s depati ure. II.' Ivm nianv frlenda here who wisii blm abaadant uohu in hls u.-w iici.i. We are inlurmoU that tlio Unitarian society ha.s purchusoii the properly upon the Doitbcastcornor of State and liaron BtreeU, iipp isite the liih school, and proposes to erect a ehurch edilm tlicro instcad of upon the lotpreviously purchascd on ijtad Tliis looatioD is au rxeellent ono, far preferable to tlia one first proposed. lr. Vanghan takes the other lot off th ¦¦ ty's hands, and wiHerecl aresidence thereon. 'i-, return smile for nuile, shake for shake, " how aro ye?" for "how are ye?'1 To be sure he tenders these very pleasing and cordial greetings simply becaue he wants to run for Home office this spring, but tbeM plnmnt puwaen, adoptud lor the present euiergency, may become a second nature, and ding to liim through lile. Which, should sueh be ihi case, would c a refortuation devoutly to be desired in the iiverage office-i-eeker. The wnundod hound i.s the name of ao excellent crayou pieture, executed by Douovan & Auderson, and purchascd by Dr. Nichols for his office. The picture is an extreniely Jiflicult one to place upon can vas, and, the accuraey and faithfulness in whiuh nature is portrayed in the faces of the natter and horadipieaks wordt of great praise lor the talent l&ylayed by these youni artists. These crayou jiictures are but the work ol'odd moinents, but they indícate a uiost excellent use of these mouients. "Chaff" is the name of a nuw weekly journal, to bc established in Detroit, aud devoted to art, literaturo, musió, thü drama, society, and the fashions, by Messrs. McDonald & Breeze. The latter, Mr. J. Lloyd Breeze, is well known in this city as college student and genial gentleman, and will take into hia ncw enterprise tlie good will and wishes of many friends in this city. lic han made jouroalism a tuccess, and there is little doubt but that many kerneis of the fines! of wheat will U found in the forthoooiing "Chaff." Tho Michigan horlicuhural soeitty han pubiislii: 1 ia paiiipliU't i'orui the paper read by Prof. J. B. Steore, upon the " Migration oí' Michigan Bird-V' at its recent au nual meeting, in this city, and a copy of the sanie is now upon our desk. Besido.s giviiiK :i pretty thorougli deseriiition of these liMiliered inhabitants of our state, and KOlUng the peculiaritie.i of many ofthem, the urtielecontains a li.-t of 'ti5 birds, clast-iliid into permanent rt'Mdonts, Mttera, siiiniiier Tintori, winter visitón, etc. It ia 11 vcry rastruotive as wdl ïs entertaining paper. 'SU. ü'Ileilly gives facts and figures in anol! er column, to show the true cauic of woes. No sham syiupathy for the wealthy aristocracy which is to-day grindÍDg thé trisfa people into the dust can long stand in the face of facts. A liberal, bumaoe policy with that island, tlie ipodmg of at least a portion of its immense and revciincs among her inhabitanu, aad the efaangiag of the law to allow the propia tu pqrohaa the toil they pay for many times over in extortionate rents, would uiaku a happy country of it. But this tlie English government, to lier shauie be it said, is not inclined to do. The utinual meeting of the Woiu io'i ClirÏHtian Temporáneo Uoion was held on Tuesday afternoon of this week. A very large nuniber were n atteadance, and a good degree of interest manifested. The . following officers were elccted lor the ensuingyear: President, Mrs. J. V. Bishop; . vice-pre-udent, Miss M. L IJrown ; secre. tary, Mr?. Phebe Steele, ; assistant-secre! tary, Mrs. E. N. Gilbert; corresponding secretary, Miss Sarah Fletcher ; treasurer, Mrs. M. J. Dygert. A faruwell addross to the ladies of' the union was delivered by tlie retiring president, Mrs. Schuyler, who has now leftforher Chicago home. A vote of thanks for her able and faithful service was adopted unaniniously by the union. Last Sabbath afternoo resident in the vieinity of Orloans slreet were considerably exeited over the attempt at suicide of Miss Martha Yeomans, an ettiuble young girl whose widowed mother lives at No. ! 1 Orlosns streel, by taking uiorphine. l'rof'. Langley and Dr. Ilerdman weru ealled to ai 1 in saving the young girl's life, and after severa! liours of persistent labor they succeeded, a portion of time life being retained by mtétt of an electric current. Thcro seems to fiave been no cause for the deed except cxtifino melancholy, and brooding over the loss of her father souie time riaet to whom she was very iinicli attached. Since writing theabovc we learn that tbc drug was taken through mistake, and not wiili Muicidal nlent. Ilow teiribly "touchy" some pooirle are. If a little item happens to get into the local columna or any other departnunt of the paper not strictly in accordance with the faots, they rave frantically over it, and at once suspicioo sorae one of endeavoring to uiisreprescnt (hem. At the name time they forgot that they ncver havo taken any pains to let the editor know any of the facts of the case. The aláo forget, in looking over the inaiiy columns of local and otber items, how littlo time an editor has for going all over the county and city to verify cvery little paragrapli of news he may " oatch on." Have justa little roflection and POWpiMJOO and you will not always aoodémo " Ye local," but endeavor to help liim along in.stead. All sorts of gaines and tricksare rosortei to by sharpers aud rascáis to def'raud lion est people of their hard-earncd money. I these samo schemers would but work a: bard to gatn an honcst living as the do t lioat other people out of their wealth, thej could oot fail of being eminently successful It hardly seems as though poople endowec witb a usual ainount of comiuon sen-e could bo induced to invest in the following swindie, exposed by the Grass Likc News, bul ncvcrlheless many peojle are fboliah ciiougli to lal! into the trap : Another frauü Is on its travels. It lasftlted ll' ilri-SH pattern scheme. A man culis at u resldeuoa wUh samples of Kille dress patterns, and rtpminll blmMlf as nn agent of kii Matirn boOML B htin nisw witti hun u lottery box. In this h pats a number of cliftinr-i. ure nt-iu-ly ali valuable drens ]alterns. 't t o-nts ] the price of a ticket. The ¦oiiiidliiK feinale wbo lnveats draws a (lik ilieMs, of course. Her name and address are tukt-n. and the prlze Is to be dellvered In two wekH, bot of coursO the woraan liever heHrs I. II of agaat or dress agaln, aud Is " out " Just RmdU. The clüsing untcrtaionicnt of the studriil-.' locturc a.i-ooiatiou course, will bc 5ven next Friday evcninj;, April lat, y the Kivé-King grand concert couilany. Tliis coinpany consista of five lyric Stars bcsidus Madame Julia RivC-King, one of Amcrica's greate.-t piauists, and has created a great faron whorevcr it bas apMêtti. The different membors are : Signora Laura Bellini, prima donna soprano- for tho past cight years critica] Italy's favorite ; Mi-v Kmraa E. Mabella, contrallo; Mr. Oeo. H. Brodericlt, basso cantante, from '" Her Majesty's opera," London ; Mr. Ferdinand Dulckeo, the celebrated composer and pianist, and Hcrr licinliard Richter, violin virtuso, concertmeister imperial opera, St. Ftfenbnig. Tukinii thr,c toKetlior wilh the ltiv!-King baneif, niakea a stron coiutiiiiation. As tliis is the lat, don't t'ail of' a 1 1 . ¦ i n i i r 1 .


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News