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Cltncery Sale. STATK OF MICHIGAN. The Circuit Conrt fot the Coanty of Wshtenaw. Iu Chancery. Kdwin R. Doan, complainant, vb. Luke Coyle, defeudanl, and John Clancey, execator, and adnunis trator and trustee of tl; enlate of Jolla Murry deceased, and Kdward DulTy, admlntstrator wilh the will annexed. and trustee of the esUte of Juila Mum deccast d , adinitted to defend, and William Murry incompetent, by Edward Duffy hls Ruardian ad lilem. In pureuance and by vlrtue of a decrec of said court made and entered In the above entltlwl cause on tlie 15th day of July, 1880, notice is oereby Blv-n that I ehall Bell al public auctionto the hleheüt bidder, on Monday, the lonrth day of April, WW, a! in oclock io the forenoon, at the east lront door of the conrt house. In the City of Ann Arbor, Coonty of VVaKhtenaw. and Htaf o? Michlt-an, the followinR dcKcrlbed real iwtatc, b.-iUK tb Jam.' nicntiouedand decrlbed in ald decree, towlt : 1 he east hal " the north-west qua'ter, and the 1 balf oí the ,outh-wt quarter of -ection nnmber tourteen and the north-we-t r,narter of the north-west quarter of ¦,-ction „umb, r'lw.-ntythrer, .11 in town.1ilp nomber ono suuth, range four eat. In the t minty of Washt.naw. and Suu oí Michigan, contalnlng Ín all lw„ handred acreB o. Ud, be the -.)-¦ Circuit Conrt Commlsiiouer in and for Washtcnaw County, Mich , , JAMKS M( MAHON, Snlicltor tor Complainant. IB6M Get Your Propertv Insured Bv C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT Xo. I Soulli Mui n Slreet, ANN ARBOR, - MICHIGAN. lowinf trt cla8 conipanli-i' : 1 Niágara Fire Insurance Oo., N. Y., AwelB l,l,"w Commercial Union Awurance Co. ' $3 000 000 I London MK" ' ' ' %9-RATBS LO W. IoMe liberally djuted and ; mBST' O. H. WIX.I.BN.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News