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lleg8ter next Tuesday. Court stands adjourned until April 1 hh. Prof. .Krieze n t. it. -r m hhw ïiousr oa Ingalls street. Don'tyou forget it. Next Tuesday is registration day. Spe the oalls tbr city oonvontiun and ward cauouses in tbeir proper places. Dr. Stone has left Keokuk, Iowa, and is now located at Lynchburg, Virginia. The republicans of Ann Arbor township w'ill nomínate officers next Saturdty. Soaae of oor peach growers are filled with a littlc hope. A fair erop ia now J of. The contest over the will of - llawson has resulted in Uie admission of the sanie to probate. Republiean should remoiuber the ward caucuses called for next Wednesday evening, March 301 h. Tin1 :inmn! r... --¦ '¦' J ¦¦¦ city of Ann Arbor will be fuund on the 4th pago ofthu paper. The lti% Kiog concert at university hall, Friday evening, April tst. Don't forgot it. The last of the course. If yon have moved froru one ward toanothef lince last elcction, dou't fail to register, next Tuesday, the ü'Jth. The little daughter of ('brin. Schuuiacher, whnse advent into the world we noliced sotue two nionths ago, died last Friduy. And now the Dexter Laader finds fault with ihe oonstruotion of some of our sentences ! ! ! ! Well, it takes a rogue to catch a rogue, doesn't it? ? . The rejiublieans have called their city i-iiEivention, to nomínate city oflicers, for t'riday evening, April lst, at the eourt house, at So'clock, p. m. In the case of John J. Fischer vs. Harriet Wing, on trial as we went to presa last week, the jury returned a verdict of $22.38 and oosts, in favor of the complainant. Ag it is proposed to hold a unión tem peranee meeting nest Suuday evening, either in the opera house or univcrsity hall, there will be no services in any of the churches. - -- - - Messrs. Hughes & Ward are waking up and iofusing new life into the temperance sentiment of the Ypsilanti people. Last Friday niglit 105 signaturas were obtained. When a man kills his wife they cali it uxorcido ; but when a man is excessively fouü oF hs wífe they cali hitu uxorious. That's the difference betwist ide and oue. The Iviause tanning cotnpany has been organized in this city, having a capital ot $40,000, with the following directora : C. Mack, H. Krause, D. Binook, M. öeabolt, J. Bi Wheeler, B. J. Conrad and E Treadwell. D. P. Whitmore, editor of' ibe Ingham County Democrat, has taken unto hitnself :i life partner, in the person of MissMinoie Iv lïussell, of Mason, formerly of Saline, in this county. The couple start out in li'e with excellent prospecte. The illncss of Judge Morris took a nice lump out of our county clerk's salary. As tlie fees of the office are what the olerk has to depend upon, and the admisión of the W class contributed about $100 to them, it was of no little importance. The new building on the corner of Huron and Fourth streets, to be ereeted by Manly k Hamilton this season, will be an ornament to the city. The plans cali for a brick structure three stories in heifht, with 4 l':t Gmtt om Fourth 8treet and KMI feet eptll on Huron atreet. Mrs. Marilla L. Clark, wife of Jl. M. Clark, of the Hastings Democrat, died on Saturday last, and her funeral services were held last Tuesday, at Grand Kapids. The deceased was a sister of Mrs. N. II. Pierce, of this city, who has been with her several weeks during her last ilhios. The ex-prisoners of war during the late rebeliion, are to have a grand reunión at Detroit, on the 21st, S2d and 23d days of lune next. Those residing in this county can obtain any information desired by adJr-.sing Fred. Schlanderer of Dexter. W ill the county papera please notice. The hand social given by Frank Hangsterfer last Friday night, for the benefit of the city band uniform fund, was notaslargey atteoded as hoped for, because of the unpleasant weather undoubtcdly. The entertainment was oue of the bestaf the kind ever given in. the opera house, and deserved 'jam-up " house. Mr. D. J. Oakley.'whose countenance was a familiar ooe last year at the register of deeds1 office, and who is now trith ¦ewri, l.,„ly & llarnilton, in the ab.lract '"i, v, na married on Friday of last week wiih Miss Nina ('. GHmmt, at the residence I the bride'i futher, Riehard Glasier, by M'. ) T. Sumkrland. lt appears quite certain that the man ho Moh Mr. Widenmam'i horse, spoken f last week, was Honjer Andrews, who is lso accuied of committing a murderous wit upon one Thomas Johns, near Wit"' Uo was fullowed iuto Lenaweecounty, aud aiuT Moapiac from the officers ouceor l'e, was finally caught nt-ar Morenci and kn to J'ontiac, where he is now o jail. rhe biUaf tcud cxibtiujj uwueo Sagiuaw and Bay oountieshas been buiniog fieroely in the legislature, over a bilí detaching a part of Kochville from Saginaw eounty and giving it to Bay. fi, has once failed but was reconsidored and tabled ready to be brought up again. Representativo Gorman was au active participant ia the debate. Surrounding towns have aome queer reporta of the fearful marnier in which the small pox is raging in this city. These reports probably grew out of the vaccination of the student at the university the past winter. It may not be out of place to state that there is not nor has there been a cu-e of that distase In the city thisseason, but soiue ot' tüe cluldren are afflicted with the chickeD pox. Capt.. Edward Torrey died at the residence of his son-in-law, John Thompson, on Division street, last Thursday morning, of pneumonia, aged 79 years. Mr. Torrey was one of Ann Arbor's oldest pioneers, having come to this city' a early aa 1825 or the year following. He was a respected citizen, and leaves a large circle of relatives and friends. Funeral services to-morrow at 10 o'clock. K.v. Mr. slalk.T luis been lecturlng in Ann Arbor on "Looklng for a man." The rush of old inald, rldowa and yonne lHilles is said to have twaa unprecedented.- Adrián Presa. V liy, you miserable man, how darc you talk so? The idea! Old maids and widows! The young girls may have rushed there, but we will gtve you to uoderstand that there are no old maids in the city, and the widows, having had experience, have better sense than to be looking for men. There now ! A recent issue of the Adrián Times has tliis notice of the candidato of the republicans of the eleventb judicial circuit. He la ¦ amin of Prof". Steeic, of the univcrsity: The republicana of the eleventh Judicial district, comprUlDc Um eoontiea of ciiippewa, Miu'kinao and Schoolcraft, havo placed Josepli II. Steen In nomination for circuit judge. The selectton was a credttable act of the conveutlon and a recognltlon of the abtllty and woi Ui of tl' nommor. m iiieua "JoM raerita pergonally all the tumors the people may bcstow upon hlrn. . ?-? Somebody asked us a few days sioce why we didn't publish the grand cures effected at the university hospitals, giviog the same amount of space to each school. M hy. t ia " unprofessional," didu't you know it? The doctors have resolved that it is "unprofèsMotMÜ" for tbcm to advertise in-a legitímate way, and so it ia eer tainly unprofessional tbr a paper to give them free advertising. Fred. Schlanderer, of Dexter, nuya that some of the prisoners of the late war met at Detroit a few days ago, and made prelioiinary armngements for a grand reunión to ing.s Fred. told the boys that the Ann Arbor COOBIIB was the paper to publish the notice, and other papers all over the state had copied it froni its columns, and the boys gave the Couhier three cheers for the good it had done in their behalf. The Cleveland Herald recently had this paragraph in u notice of the meeting of the homeopathie alumni of the hospital of that city: The animal meeting of the alumni association of the homeopathie hospital college was held Tuesday.ln the lecture room of the college building, and was largely attended by members of Ihe professlon in couuectlon wlth the raduating daas. At 2 p. ra. the membera amml.i..i f., ij. the nnntinl alumni addrettH. delivered thls year by Dr. T. P. Wllaon, of Anu Arbor, Mlcli. The oratlon was thouKhtful and eloquent, aboundlng In trenchant satire dell cate psitho, and sklllful aualysls. charmlng the henrers as mach by the tleetlng sliades o( tiiought ns by the splendld dellvery. The Marshall Statesman heartily comniends our remarles regardim; the publishing of President Schumacher's letter in the Nev York Independent in these words: ''The Ann Arbor Courier very justly condemns the action of Dr. Iloward Crosby n publishing a letter from John Schumacher, president of the reform club of that city. John is all right, dares to do right, and has the courage of his convictions. Such men as Dr. Crosby are the flesh-and-blood stumbling blocks to temperance men." John Geddes, of Ann Arbor, who has lived on section 36 since the llth day of May, 1825, a period of Bfty-six years, celebrated his eightieth birthday last Saturday, aüd invited his old friends in to help hinj. Of the original ten settlers of his vicinity he is the only one left. Mr. G. walked into the city last Tuesday, transacted his business and walked back again, a distance of foar and half miles each way. There are very few men of his age so hale and hearty as Mr. Geddes, and besides his ,other gooi qualities he'Js a constant reader of the Courier. Because the writer never had the benefits of :i univoríity course, and sometimes in the hasty preparation of anieles fails to construct his senteoces according to the strict rules of granimar, there are one or two editors in the state who delight in picking out such errors as occasionally appaar in these columns, and throw thein up at hiin. We do not, nor have we ever, made any pretensiens to fine rhetoric, or nicely constructed sentences, but endeavor to use nlain Knglish that the masses of the people can understand. If our errors grate harshly upon the delicate tympanum of some of our "highly edicated" contemporarius, it is but another argument in favor ot what we have always contended for, the more thorough educaiion of the people by the continuance of our present educational na in all its departments. In conclusión let us state, that there is not a paper which comes to our desk, daily or weekly, in which we have not found errors, both grammatica! and otherlf have never paraded any of them except in retaliation, for we believe that when a person is so reduoed for argument M to greedily eatch at a slip of an opponent's pencil, he is niighty hard up. It is not n good taste, Mr. Critics, for the pot to cali the kettle black. Spetkiog about old papers reuiinds us that John Dale brought in f'or our inspectioD the otüer day, sevoral of them. One was the Michigan State Journal, bearing date Aujr. 30, 1843- befbre "ye local" carne to Michigan, and he is a native of Michigan, too. It eontains the names of a few of our citizens who were then in buiness, but most of the names are not familiar to the ears of the present resident. It is a rare relie; for our older inhabitants lo con. We fiud also among the papers a copy of Atkinson'.i Kvening Post and l'hildelpftia S.iturday News, bearing ilate Philadelphia, July 6th, li3); also The Painesviile Telegraph, published at Painesville, Lake Co., Ohio, and dated Wednesday, Scpt. 29th, 1841 ; also The Weekly 'iitor, ïiublished at Stockbridge, Mass., dated Sopt. 7, 1843 ; also the Detroit Daily Adverteer, dated Mach 15ih, 1844; also a copy of "The Methodist Almanac For the Year of our Lord and Saviour Jesus ('luist, 1835, Being the Third Bissextile and the Fifty ninth of Auierioan Independence." All of these old journals are rare curiosities, and by perusing their columns one is struelc more forcibly than ever with the immense strides whieh the world bas taken the pasl half oen tury.