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I . Aïierioav ISai.i. Ki i Kliaf'iiiK'klyfnunl i( way tito our launlrícs. h i absolutely pure, hártales, itnd imparta the most bcautiful lme to tlie washing. Marcii WlMMl- Tba sudden changes and high winds which prevail in March malees a bottle of DoWM ¦ Ki.ixih always neccswiry to huve at hand. It is a Hure cure for suddeu eoUl ind all lung diseases. Baxtkr ' e Bitters will eme all Biliou lisc;ises. Sold everywhere at 2J cents per bottle. Try it. The best remedy for --trains and galls on hor-es is Hkmív ,c Johnson's Ar.nica AW Olí, ! bea-t. THE LIOX MALARIA AM) l.IVKK PAD. % ure Cor Mtoniarti lioril r. The prompt action of the Lion Malaria and Liver pad and Body and Foot Piasters in chanjsing the condition of the stomach and correcting itó irregularities establishes the ('act that the curo df di&ease by absorp tion i.s in perfect accord with the laws of nature. If you have Indigestión, Constipetion, or any sloiuach disorder, try tuis remedy. The whole treatment for one dollar. For sale by all dnygiati. Xotht-rs! Mothersü M41ffnMI Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick eliild suffering and crymg with the rxcruoiuting pain of cutting teeth? If so. gu at unce and et a bottle of.MRS. WINSLOWS 8OOTH[NQ SYRUl'. It will relieve the poor Hule sufierer immcdiatcly - depend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There inot a mother on oaríh who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regúlate the bowels, and give rett to thc mother, and relief aml lualtli to tbs child, operating like magic. It is perfcetly safe to use in all cases, and pltMtBt to the taste, and is thc pretcription of 011e of the oldest and best fcni'ilr physioians and nur.-c in the United States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. 100T A ( 'oiiffh, Colü or More Tliruut should b stopped. Neglect freqiicntly re -nlt; in au Incurable Lung Dátase or 'ontmtptien, nmwn s Bbonohial TboohES OTV nrlaiii to c fluí i„ .sf,mi, Brcmchitit, Couaht, Catarrk, Cmuutnp "I Thni'it Pisáis'. Fur thirty yi'ar the Troches have been reeominended by physician.s and always give perfect satisfaction. Thcy are not new or untricd but having been tcsted by wide and con.-i mi r nearly an entire generation, they have attained well merited rank among the few staple remedies of tho age. rUhiic Speaker aml Sitfftr use them to clear and strengthen the Voke. Sold at twenty-five cents a box everywhere. 1007-58 Workingnu'ii. Before you begin your heavy spring work, aftor a winter of relaxation, your systcni needs uleanning and strenethening to prevent an aitaek of Ague, Bilious or Spring' Fever, or soiue other spring siekness that will unfit you for a scason's work. You will save time, umeli liuklllWl and iirct aipeow il' yii will une one bottle of Hop Bitters in your fainily this inonth. Don't wait. - Burlington Hawkeye. BaddM'l Árnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulsera, Saltllheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all kinds of' Skin Eruptions. This Salve is warranted to give perfect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Prioe 25 cents per box. For sale by Kberbaeh & Son. Ano Arbor. 1002-1034 I (.noli Smuéwlfe. The good housewife, when she is giving her house its spring renovating, should bear in mind that the dear inmates of her house are more precious than many houses and that their systems need cleansing by purifying the blood, regulating the stomach and bowels to prevent and cure thedisi arising trom spring malaria and miasma, and she must know that there is nothing that will do is so perfeotly and surely as Hop Bitters, the purest and best of' medicines.- Concord (N. H. ) Patriot. Agcftts and Canvassers Make from $25 to $50 per week selling goods for E. U. Kideout & Co., 10 Barclay street, New ;York. Send for their catalogue and teruis. IOOO-Iii.'.l:.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News