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AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL rr IHm.hs.x of lh Throat nil l.nncs. MM n oiiehs. „„ M li.xijiiK ('ouïli, l'Éon-lij,' (lima mifl i '01111 nipt ion I s roniidptii'p In ito virtm ; nthi-r nicdi currmade bv mcdicnl -ki I. lili robbtd : muni' ed, if the remedy he tuk ehoitld havo It in thi-ir cloiet tor prompt kü ¦nd 1 rTPn llf. prudent Mmuld doi nKleci . ¦ Keep It hv yon r.r (hf oarly im in IBd4B ttuü ' PKKPAItK. DR. J. C. AYER & C0„ lo%vt'll. Ma... Irai,al A iMjtlcaJ Cfacailtti Sold by ,11 Dn,,,, „„ iu M(,1cn(, Battle Croek, Michigan? MAütrrACTCBuia or tbï o.nlï uE-irli THRESHERS Traction and Platn Enginos and Horse-Powers. QO YEAR82iï{SESirariSS O Zi panMTament, or locUon, toW o "S - - troaJ liurroniy jrirn m ail our yoo,j4. stea: r. power sjïparatobs ¦ iiinpliti' Struin Outfit lÜKett Trnrllon KnKiiKwuml l'luiii Jbnjiinr ¦ti in i.i. !¦¦. .111 msrket. -- f pr )1 tOKethiT vrith nprrior qvalitiet C con. . t;andmaterial4 not dieuned of bv other maken. 7,500lÖ00 coutanthr on hand, from whlch la Imilt ih [xmiljle wu xi-wi .rk of our uiaohinery TRACTION ENGINES ¦ 8. IU, 13 Horso Power, f Farmera nnd Thrpxhrrmrn atv brflM 1 1 liiwMtiw-.t Thn iuiiu' Matbijiery. (Ji.Tiilars e.'iit fpv. Aildreu NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO. Battle Cree k, Mlchlean HUMi IMPORTANT TO YOD Therc' is b money ralue In vuur Ufe Immrance policy. tío matter how lmir itnce ahy premium hu been pald. To determine that value, and how to secnrc t, consult The Life tntnrance l'olicv Holdera' Association of tba l'tiidii Btate. Endose i wo t hrcicent stampa to Insure an8wQ nnd we will glve our time in auaw ering your latten, imd opinión free. Addrmn. Brinkerhoff, Besjiain Selle;, fea'l Síats Agü, WtthiaftOB Avr, LAW8I5G, I ET-TH E ONLYMEDICIN M IS KITIIKK 1,101 ID Olí IKY KlItH R k4 That AN ut thc Vnm I iitii' M 5 The Liver, M n The Bowels, 9 U and the Kidneys. y MÊ Tliff trri ai nrtrnni ari' the untura! rlrft'; W F1 U f I irr-t. )f til. i ¦ ¦ ,1 MI t,, I TERRIBLE SUFFERINC. 3 í..'. . y N ' ' t! il N IJ art' (1íví1i.]mi1 th'll" ' -i fl U the Iminurs tlmtsliouM í ! 9 KIDNEY-WORTwnAJiSTORElj m t)u' lKfilthy ictlon and aJl '¦¦¦ ti 1 . U win b i ""'1 ¦' ¦ ¦ Wlll livo lllt tO HUffíT. U I ndal [I ¦ iUaddonemoreuflbeiuifíiber. i! iukJ fcl j lu-Kltli wlll once mol H Hhy itiífr lm(tPr MMUtlUMHItlNiwUq H ¦V hr hMT Mi ftlIMi FroMt I ..iH.:il i-n ;ut FIlM ¦ ËÊ Kn.NH w ,,i ¦ 1] ij be satisüed. Yourdrusar&thaslt. ]-i n . #1.00. I j H r" It a lut up ín Irj Fon. t_n II I tVlin rans onc [Mwkaír' of wlik-h ümiI ¦ ft II lyqúartaof m d J t?M-' I l-lyul.l lürm.Tirj onccnt rulfil 11 Q tTfur the conrenlfnoi oí -. bo n n tWrtxlilT prpiare t. íf (iría iritfi ¦ 1 HTfjB.-ieni- (n Clíi.r ƒ.".. M "ÍVKM.V."ÍÍH H Uil0X Jl ('O.. rnipN. U Q iWülsenilthydrTpoaUMld.) Bl Kl.linil, ' 1 . "Tí'all'sQatarrhQura Is Recommended by Physicians_ HALLS { QatarrhQura Is indorsed by Clergy"2gü. AVill ('uro Anv Cíiw': June!, ISSa Jtffjír. F. J. Oír ney .{¦ O) . TrÁedo, O. Qntle, d [Mkl plere In InformliisT" that I bT uMd Hll'i CÍrtarrh ( uiL '" JJ I wii rerr bl-l lío" l leitatto(y iW it UI „Áraurca.scollatarrhift.k. 1 " YÓníitruly.J.B. WEATUl.lUuUI). AVoi-tli HO A Itott1o-_ E. Mrr.RAY,.T.i. U-.ii.Mi, li.wriic: HbH Cfurli for M fi . 'arrh Cure curca B Coniidritwprth $16.00 liottle. Hall1 Catarrh Cure is b.,11 t.r a" f'1 ::.,.,.. r Iwttle. Manufoctand and soW l.y ¦ CHENKY A O. Solé Prcprieturs, TOLKPO, OBI" H.J. Broivn C'o , Cor. Main nml Hnmi Acn Arl.or. 10W2 NATfKKS TRIUMPH. Frazisr's Root Bitter: [fvmiare weak r li Bhten ir vour Besh - Hal ' complexión llow, i vou live in malariitl ilistri.;t, lütt. If worn down wit!) thf i chUdren. une FraiierV Bitters. It v. the blue, um I "¦- h.1" U,),l late hoiir :mj liv.-d n lawtofhealth, uh Fraziei „eed toning [. tke Frazier's IJittei roa liavc abuoed iristeíd ol nsed n.-itnre ilt.s ue Fraiier's Bitters, [f j your time, use Fraáeí'a Bi Jife bal become :i burilen aml tou " gUtomj forebodingii, ue í'razier's Bitt If rota handa trembl and you eves lia" grown dim, Fraxier1! Roo Bttrwill mrf vou feel young again. Sold ly all Ir"? evervwhëre at the low price $1.00 per bottlft JAS. E. DA VIS & CO., Wliolesale ! gists, Detroit, Mich., ApmU.


Ann Arbor Courier
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