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Kalamaxoe ii infestad witli trampa. Miiliigan i ovcrwlielmiiiftly .'publican. A town lul! is tlu' talk pf Nurth Branob people. Graad Utren Polka bow "holler:" "helio!" Caro bosinesa mea bare hin-il ¦ night watchuiao. A. -mall-pox MMt at IVntiac Mlbúdcd. Ooe deal h. John T. Kieh lias 3,500 ínajorily in tlie 17ih district. Katon líapiJs electa municipal offioera ncst Monday. Bangor haa ao iroo farnaoa in lull blaat niglit and day. A rlbvc and milten faotory s to be ostablished at Alp lonia reporta her poacli bada pratty enerally iii good coiiJition. Tlion; aro 7,i hJK) piat luijs in ao iw mu bclow iSajrinaw. Juiu it. The JiUilinKton Germán aiJ soc oty ure to LuilJ a hall t'or their own UM. Manitce in to enlarge lit;r hih sohool building and beat it by steam. VV. Seaver, of Midland, aasigned. Lia bilities, $30,000, imet, 120,000. Scate Senator 1 Icnry Ford, if' Lawton, lost Kis wift' by ileath HUt Sunlay a, ni. September I9th u tbe date set fur the átate fair at JboIuod, to oootinae six daya. J. K. Turoer, bhe lawyer acoaaed of til 1tappD, at lifrri'n 8priogJ, has been acquitted. A new rein of ooal lias been struck on the Deyo farm Hear Jackson and M. ('. 1!. K. track. Northport reported on April lst, snow limr feet deep, and oe a ine ba; fiftecn inches ihick. The wife of K'-v. E. I'. Pairfield, Ibrinerly ut' Hilladale c 'llega, died at Meodota, 111., last wccii. The Port Buroo ladiea librar; u tion 1ki I ooght a lot and l to erect a library building to cot $1,300. 1 1 on. Jonathan J. Woodmaa and wife, oelebrated their silver wedding at their borne n l'aw I'aw, mi the ;uth ult. The demnerats of' Dorer, Lenawaa Co., nouiinaicd Miss [aes Baker for superintendent of schools, bat failed tü elect her. Tbe Ba'tle Creek Presbyteriant do not live togcther in harmooy as Chrïstiaoa nutlit tu. Bonje of' ilii'in talk leoeitioo. I:i1;!ikiz)o ha deotded to liuiM au opera boa o. W'li.-it dotaamOaga want t' such aihinu' Only eitiea aspire to the opera. rívt Mondny tbe towDihtpaof Lyon and Novi eaoh roted $250 to the men who captured Homer Anclrcw,--, tbeWtxom desperado. fttoskegoii talks of building a pofíoe station n wliirll to keep tllrir eilief Of pulici', ¦0 tliat they eau iad liim wlioii tliey want Ij i in . At l'oint St. [iDMe tlif .Maniuottt' railrond li;n seoured 1,500 (êet water front. Ls thcre any prohibitory nfoifieaaoe iu that 't A (iuiiitt i-.njiity farmer lias a wayof plating lard wit h butter and. selling it all lor a tapie árdele of the latter. lle is au unlardly wretch. Xorth Laosiitg the laai plaoetoget op a haunted hou-e teosatioa. It is au old woiuan with a brooBMttíck lio appean in k'linstly attire this time. Teachers in tlie upper península, it is said, receive ïnuch Letter paj on the averace, tlian tliose ui" the lower peiiin.-ula. Make a rush, now, girls. Team were oroanng the itraits of Maokinac, at OhebeygU, on the ice yesterday. rVhefi will a break ap OOme? Kclio annren I ce l don't s(k)now. . f. iM-iimrii imiiu} oiuauiiMi 10 iijt BaptUt inniistry, is the unly minister who "rundon tbc rivcr valley road" in tliat rin.iy, an 1 lic bas nix charges. K v. M. V. lïork's confrreeati ut ut SIhi wood are to ert;ct a new church of' iair dimensión, for him. It will bc remembered that lie is u (juuer seoeder. The Wardelevator, tt Viclubarg, owned by Bishop & Robinso, was burnud Monda; night, togaiher with L',000 busli wheat and .'¦ame of oats. Iiss, #4)500. Tli' iu'w term at Orchard Lake commenoed lut Monday, and Major Rogers, who lias been seeking healtli in the southern .-tatoa retumed uiueh improved. rand Haven's port was reported clear of ice last Monday, atul the milis oommODC ed loadimr veta I with lumber. Qosiy ; Where did th' ke go to? It Ladn'tthawcd aiiy. Scveral hundrod Hollanders have alrcady arrived at the scttlcmcnt of this ( )it.iwa und Allegan oouoties, and large addUiOOI are )ct ezpOCtad this soring. The :¦ itor 'i!' St Mark'o (Enige ehurch at Grand Rápida, Rer. 'i. D, E. Mortiaer, b goos to PhiladsJpbia to preacli to St. Luke's, ; " way up," conition. 'l'iic Detroit (Sveoinc Nowa niw'ia ony of Greeaville and Boward City people, wli o are goinj to Dakota MOB, to Imiv retnro iu-k't, foc fear the walk ing uiay not bc good. The banks of Detroit ni of ohargütg a discount on mulilatod coin, and then paying it Ottl at lts face value. They shouid beware. KxtrTiraDeö is api i l'oüoiv sucli tliril't. llrnry Willis "f Batlle (';,vk, h is alroady txpended (5,000 on water works at tliat plaoe. and now DU aki'd ilii people ir he .-liculd o on? He OUght to havo thougln of tliat bufoio. The mm-h tiwpeUd DoUoit base ball club were defeated in tbeir fifcrst game at New Volk lt Monday, by tlic UetropolitU of tliat !aa by a eeoN i'l'l'i to .!. A bad ball to keep rolling. The stutueatocouipIctutlK! wldien' moo ument at Detroit, have been coinpletfd by the Mulptor, Raodotpfa Elosera, tod will be bi' shipped by löth in-t. 'l'liis is a thiag niu'.-h to be dañed. Some of the Marioe City fbtka think the of real astkte hold. i has driven Ini-incss away from tliat plaoe. That very tliinij; has killed inany plaoes. It kept Detroit back for many yeai Last Friday five trains, oach of thirtecn cars of freight and 6ve cars of emigrants, all froin Canada, paaaed throagb the on the (rand Trunk Mfllth 0rtMU I!. U. , for Dakota and Manitoba. Miss Kniina A. Hall, baring been oboaeii raperintendent of the se reform school for girl-, kal reaigoed her poaitfcw as a metnbef af the board of control. The institution wjll open about the I st of July. Al pena deer slayers are said to be a lawless set, and pay no attention to the mandates of the aiuut legUWtare. The Argus saya 500 oí these animal have been killed in tl. at coiinty ditring the DM( two weeks. I i ai Caro toase bonea ksve beea etiiag pieces of wire whidi goi in their lood from wirebiaden, and theydon'tdigeatftrat-nte. The equines prosper better when the wire remaiin in their mouth - in the form of btt. At Three llivers a self binding roaper fuctory is to go into operation, whit-li will employ from 500 to 800 nu n. The paper millf tliere will als Leenlarged, and a project is do (bol Tot erectiog a knitting factory. The riuL'inuw papen think the railroad leadlos eat (Vom thntcity to Túsenla county, will be completed throuh Vassar to Marlette thii naflon, and theo on fo l'ort Huron. There'll be no holding Marlette wil h livo railroads. On April Ist the keeper of th ttfo-erv in station at Thunder Bay said tliat tfae water w. ¦ l'rozen out as far ai the eye could extendí and it looked asthongh itwould be :i jood round mooth yet before navigation cuuld posiibly open. The "jail tax" in Maooinb cnunty, votod on last Mondy, itondt: Por, l,80G; tgtÏDSt, 1,606. It is ilaimed that the offical oanTBM will not ehange these tgan -. ' I 1 1 . liht was Mt. dement vs. liouieo. i, oh, Romeo, where art thou? There is sumt: talk of renjoving the college at Albion to Detroit, and unitingitwith the educational institution there to forni a university. In the cvent of its removal the building in Albion would be used for a preparatory school. -Marshall Statcsuian. The balance of cash in tbe state trea.urv, Htroh 26, was $2,073,999.37; reoeipta Rw tbe weck endDg April 2 were 160,372.81 ; paymi nts Cúrsame time. $56,061. 10; leaving a balanoe April 2, 1881, of $i' u7s,;;in.whioh $590,000 beloiut to tho inkint: t'und, $730, 1 14.78 are held in the trust t'unds. and $7'_'8, 1% are' avaüable for general purposes. Martin Texter, of Irving township, Barry county, was murdered by a blow from an axe, oo the bead, at the resideooe of Beaja min Trega The lattpr grrm no explanation only that himaelf and the murdered man wcie alone in the hntise at the time the deed was dom. He bas leen subject to ipelta of in.-aniiy, and as there was no kn.iwn oaaat for tbe deed, it is supposed that Trego did it in a temporarily insane tít. He has been placed in Died- At OoMwater, Mrs. Daniel Ide, aged 87 yi ar-. Daniel, himaelf, ia 92yean oíd, and tlie had been married 68 yeare. Mrs. Mary K'elley, ot'Kutland, Harry county, died last Saturday. Sbe was a fewdaya over 100 years of age, and had lived in that eounty 39 years. Jaa. Forbes of l'lainwell, -¦ yeurs a portrait painter of some note, died ncently. .James H. Katon, of Jaokaon, managet of the home guardián and accident as-neiation, iliod last Fiiday. The StaDton IleraM pronounoos Franklin C. Upright the tellow who shot his wit'e in that city. in cold bloot!, reoeotly, a wretch for whom hanging would be too good. The liis record is brought out tho blacker t ppa- tu In', lier tatenient is that he wa.s oompelled to teil her virtue to farnisli hiiu monoy, :inj (liat the reason lie út t her was beoante lic dcuianded $2ö :md she had QOthing to give hini. Her Mory a timost toa horrible to believe. The roanded roman diid Sunday April 3d, having lived 15 days with a bulkt tlirough herhead. The a strong argiinicnt in favor of'Levi Biihop'i hongiog law.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News