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ndenstd Jrom our Uonnty f.Vchanges .) BRIDÜEWAIKR. Carl Herbst, of' the Lutheran ehurcli, il to preach his farewell sermón April 18th, having aceepted a cali froiuan Indiana congregation. The following list of teachers have been employee! for the spring term in this township: Bridgewater station, (raro Spaulding; Larry a, M s Dora Ilee.l ; Center, Miss Geneveive Lancaster; Dillinghaai' Misa Mury Bower; Wheelock's Misa ílry Wheelock ; Lnncaster's, Miss Catharine rooiuan; Alleo, Miss Aüee Oibton ; Dewej-'a, Miss Susie McAdam. DELHI. Seth Dwight recently sa wed 4." cords of wood in one day. Mr. Drake, who is 75 years oíd, has corupleted a handsoine new fence around the school house. Other repairs maken this building as handsome as anyof the disiriet schouls. Mrs. F.zra Mar.-li, wlin died recently at Caro, was a daughter of Mis. Cunningham, and her reinains were brought here for interment. Services from St. Joceph'a ehoreh, Deiter. DEXTEIt. A little daughter of .lolui ('otello, aged about fóur years, died laat Mondt? of intiamuiatory rheumatism of the heart. CharksW. Que, ofthi Wc.-tern hotel, died on Wednesday of last week, of Bright'g disease of the kidney?, aged 68 years. The men have arrived tocommence work on the new bridge abutuiems. Thoy will also commence laying steel rails on the doublé track between here and Cheliea mmediately. Mim Thos. Dolan, Jr., who lives about one and one-half mi Ie north of the village, died of inflammatory rheumatism, on Monday last. The same disease and the same dy that the little Costello obüd died. Tlie Leader pabüsbea au extended account of the wedding of C. M. Ö. Peten, of Scio, and Miss Mtry Davis, of New Carlisle, Indiana, from the Gazutte, of that pitee. It was :t biiiliant afluir, niany valuablu presenta Laving been reccived. Chip Basket: Frank Harlow is at Linden. Fred. W'heeler has been visiting at Etlamaioo. John Hel rr, mi the Scio road, leM kSOfi last FriJay night. Three young Dexterites siarted for Colorado bat Monday a. m. Jussie Hojt u npaiuting and refurnishing his dweiling. Deunis Warner is slowly convalescing. Daniel Cunningham has been promoted to section boss and sent to Leoni. Tom Cullinene bas arrived home from Notre Dame. Prof. Cook has had a relapse of inflammatory rheumatism but i now better. George C. Vinkle was married recently (o Miss Hines, of Ann Arbor. Jauies Lucas is mak ing heavy sbipmeots of flour to London, Oot. Ben. Williams ha9 -built a large addition to his planing mili. Cooley Heeve is the new ut of the reform club. Gen. Cross has improved his residenee. ( ). 8. Burgess me rare old documents, some of them dating way back to the 18th century. MANCIIKSTEK. MÍM ida Morey and Harlow P. Stringliam were married recently. The assets of Cae &. Corey are said to be a trifle more than the liabilities, jet sonie ofthe creditors are reported as willing lo settle for 7 ceuts on the dollar. The Enterprise says : Mei. Collier formerly publisher of theGrassLake News, but laiely foreuian of the Dexter Leader, has t;iketi Boraoe !reeley's adrice, and gone west. ('liip Raskct: Mím Ht Fofltor lias bern fUtiü ('rienda in Jackson and l'helsea for several days. Fannie Haynes spent her vücation at herhonie in Grasa Lakc. .l;iv B. McMuhor, Eeq., of Ludington, carne to see his father, James McMahon, who has been quite ti. Mrs. M. (J. Grabaiu lias been vii-iting friends in Ilillsdale. Conrad M:ihrlc wiUyo to River Kaisin to start a blaoksmith shop. There will bo confirruation, on April lOth, Palm Saadiy, at thc Lutheran church. John Wisner is nishing the work on the foundry bridge. Ilewett & Freeuian have btSiutified tbeír offiee with a neat new cabinet. Tbeo. Sfarschheaser has boueht out his partner, .1. O. Gardiner, in the blacksmith shop. Farmers hereabout have come to the conclusión that their heat is nut all killed. Georire Nuk is building a new horse barn. The present corps of teachers are to be rctaioed für the coming year. SAI.1NK. Young men in this place pay a.i high as tl 25 per ball for carpct lags. An old Saline farmer says sow plenty of piaster thi.s spring, as we are to have plenty of dry weather this umiuer. Chip Basket : School opened again last Monday. Sevcral partMfl frotn this vicinity are ready to start for DftkoU. Frank E. Jones has been appointcd deputy proecuting attorney for Salino. Mrs. A. D. Sumner and Mi-s M:iry Darenporl hare been viMting relatives in Warm. hut in this section looks hard. Mrs. Wheiton lias jmroliased J. llhodes' placo forhcrself and J. Gates' placa for her daughter. S. R. Culver and family have gone to Romeo, where thev intend m ttling. Treasurer Goss' place ofiMHMaat Hull's store. Üeo. Nissly bas only two iwirmi of hees left out pf 28. Richard Tuttle obtained a po in a Chicago railroad office. .Mis Kittie Luwrence is visitin her tbter in Saginaw. - JeatM L-iwrencc returned fïom OberÜO, Ohio, to teach. A. A. Tuttle lias gone to Ilocbeoter, New Vork, on business. Geo. V. Hall has had 80 young fruit trees ín bis orehard destrnyod by mice and rablits ihis winter. The exchange hotel is for sale. U'ui. liiinand wife lost an inf'ant child recont'y. YPsrrNTi. Therc were 1,287 votes registeredin Vj.silanti, but they didn't all vote last Monday. Seventy-two nauies, mostly of substantial business men, were obtained to the pledge at a recont tveinii:: triiiperanee maetiog. The Ypsilantian very justly condeinn.i the "manies" who rung a fire alarm on April lst and callod out the departincnt. It wa a very silly thini? to do, and ws carrying a "joke' too far. Une of Ypsilanti's oldcát and most rei riiizi -n-j was taken away by death la-t Friday, John W. Flowers, Sr. His funeral was held last Sabbath. AmonROther positions of trust, ba had held thatoft: urer of Fba-nix lodge V. t A. M. for a period of 22 years. A rmac man at the Ypfilanti mi!N named L. S. Moon, was seriously njured li-t Siiturclay. Wlnle attompting to change the bladcs in the " packing auv;er," his clothing wascaughtand he reccived scveral severe injuries about thu t-huuldeis, neck and face before the machine could be s-topped. At the election last Monday the demócrata 9ueceeded in ateetúlg their candidato tor mayor, Henry K. S.-ovill, hy 17 major iiy. They also elected one supervisor, two aldermin and two constables. The republir;in !. rt,-d threc aldenuen, one supervisor and three oonatabltt. The next council will stand, republioans, 4 ; demócrata, 6. Joslin had the enormous majority of 247 in the city, but M against him in the town.