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('ralrhil Woiiipii. Notie reoeie so uiuch bcoefi', and nou are n profoundly pratcful aird show ,-ncli an istcresl in reoomracndlng Hop Bitters as winnen. It ia the only re iy pcculiarly udiptcd in (lic iimiiv il!s the nex is alinosl Mivtrjally aabjeol lo. Chilla and lever indigestión ni' derangod liver, oonsunl ni pfirifii il Mik headmche, weakne m (he Iwk ui1 kidney, paia in l In' shoaldsn and different paris of tht body, a felini; oí lassitude aiul dcsp.ihdu icy, re all realiy ed liy die-i' Bitters - Cjurant " llon are jou my ohl Friend .'" Askcd a hright lookiog man. "Oh! I lol miserable, lui billious kod oan'l ra', an 1 my back is M Uwuc 1 can'l work." "Whv in the urlil don'i yon take KidneyWort? I 1 1 -i( " - wliüi I t-ikr li"ii I in mu ut -mts, and II alvafl mr in tune. My dotoi recouimends it liir all siich troublea." Kiilnry-Woit is the Mire i'urr lor billiounoesfi and cormtipatioD. Doa'l f'ail lo try it.- Loog Branoh News, Froni nuraeroue caaes of l'y-pcp-ia and CoDHtipatlon, oured by the uso ol Kollows' Compoun 1 Byrop of I lypophosphites, alter cvery otlier knowti remedy lias been ii-nl in vain, it efioacy in restoring the fuoctiona ol digestión and evacuados i manil'nif. llorsfuril's Itakin rmvdir. I k., (,'liemist of New Jforfc Board of Health, in a report on the purity of f'ood, recommendo the om of Bakiog Powdera raadt by Prof. Horford ( proSliip Iliat C(ini.'li. II' yuu are isffenDj witd a Coogh, Co'd, Ailiiiia, BrooohitU, May Fever, Cofwomptioo, loss of voice, tickling in the throat, OT anv affaetlOll of the Throat or IiUng, ose Im. Kino'a Niw Discoviar for Con suniptiiin. This ia the great ruuiody tliat is musiitft !- muoh ezoitemeal by its won dorf'ul cures, curing tliousaniis of hopeleB euM Ovit one million bottlen of J)k. Kim, 's New Discovkry havo been naed witliin tliolasi yrar, and liavc givea perfeol atisfaetioii ia etery inatance We saa unboiitatÍDgly say lila! tlii is rcally the only itri fof throal and lunjf affeetions, and can checrfully rceommend it to all. ('all and get a trial l'Ottle for ten cents, or a Kgularsiu lor $1.00. For saie by Koerbach Son, Aun Arbor, Mich. Ask Yonrsoll. Is t ('loiiiiinical and sale to wrtck yuur oonstitntioo by physieal and mental overwork, invitinjr thi altack of' diteoo, wln-n one boltle ot hope and malt bitters will re pair llie stiain and make jou strong? 1'miKEs.sioNAi. Testimosv- Many of' ihe bast physioians use Down's Ki.ixiRin i luir daily iraetiue, bcoause it i the besl cough remedy ihal can lie ma]c. Nmm 'u the Hm ¦ (o in.: Baxtse's ManIHIAKK BlTTBIlS and prevent Dyspepsia, Uiliousness and Jaundiee, whieh are no prevalent in the spring mooths. Oolj 25 oente ¦ bottle. llKMtV & JüUNSON'S AilMiA AND (til, LlNIMCMT i a lainily iiincdy whicli sliould be in cvery f'aniily. l'-cd fm ('m. Buros, Bcalds, Bruñes, Struin, &c. It I ¦ .t no Ciua!. _________ HenryV Carbollc Salve. The best Salve in the world fiir Cuts, l!ruica, Sores, l'lcers, Salt Klieum, Tetter, (Jhapp :d Il.mds. Chilblatm, Corns, and all kinds ui' Skin Eruptiona, Kreekle- and Pimplen. I!' ure you j;et HCMET'B Cariioi.ic Sai.vk, as all othen are but iniitations and counterleit". Trice 25 tente. ür. GreeM'l Oxygenated Bitters [i the best renedy tbr Dyapepsia, BiliousMalaria, Indigestión, all disorders of the stomach, and diaeuee of the blood, kidneys, livcr, skin, etc. DURNO'S CATARRO SM IT ooret all affeetions nf the mucus incuibrane of the head and ilirjat. Dl!. MOÏTS LIVEB PILLS are the beat rathariic. THE LM MA1AKI.V AMI 1.1 VEU I'Al) nit Hol) aiil Koot i . Will not only eure Mal.uial Fevera of every kind but its action upon the Stouiaoh Liver and Kidneys in c meeting their irregularities and in enabling them to n sume tbeir proper functiona inakes it a rcinedy ot great value. Try it. The whole eiunbiiied ireatiiient tor one dollar. Por aaJe by drup.' Motliers! Molhersü Motlursü! Are you disturbed at night and broken ol your rist by a sick ehild sutfering and erying with the excruciating pain of eutting teeth ? It' su. go al nnoe and tet ¦ bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTH ING SVKII'. It will relieve the poor little sufferer iuimediately - depend OpOB it; there is ru miatakc about it. 'l'liere i-not a raother on rarrh who hei ever used it, who will not teil you at once that it will regúlate the bowels, and give rest to the, BDOther, and reliof and lieallll to the ehild, tiog like magia li u perfeutly safe tn n-i' in all cues, and ploasaol to ibe taata, and is the pre-eiiption of DM ol the oldest and tiesl It m i!e physieians and BHHM in the United States, gold everywhere. 25 B6BU I hottle. 1 1 7 ,ïs V iul,'Ii, Cold or Sorc Tlmiat should be itopped. Negleol freqoeotly re sults in an Incwublt Lung Dina ot 'm sumptinn, Bbown's Brom iiiai. Tbocb k.s ui' oertain (o gvot nliif in kukma, Bronchitis, (Jongu, Catarrh, Vontumptin- mul Tkront Ditentrt. l'or tlnrty year t Troohet huw been reeeoiniended hj physioiaitfl and always ÏTe perleel aatisfaction. They are not new or untried but having been tested by wide and oonetanl BM l'or nearly an entire generation, they have attained well merited rank aiuongthc few siaple remedies of the age. tvblie Sptalo rs and Singert use them toclear and strengthen the Voice. Soldal twenty-five cents a box evcrjwliere. 1001 ris Huckleii's Árnica Salve. Tbc Best Salve in the world fin Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulaer, Salt Hhenpi, Fever Sons, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chiiblains, Corns and all kinds of Skin Kruptions. Thil Salve is warranted to give perfect atafaotion in every case or money refunded. Prioe 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach k Son, Aun Arbor. 1002-1034


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News