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A DlCTIOIÍABT OF EnQLISH PHRASES WITH ILLCSTKATIVK .SENTINCES. To WtllCh ftre added norne Kngllsh ProverbK, and a selectlon of Chínese Proverbs and Máxima; a few quotatlons, wonls and phrases frora the Latín and French languages, etc., etc. By Kwong Kl Chin, late a member of the Chinese Educatlonal mlssion In the U. S., and compiler of an Engllsh and Chínese Dlctlonary. New York, A. 8. Barnes & Co., publlshers, 111 & 113 Williams Bt. Prlce 5.5ü. The above work con taina over 900 large octavo pages, and Is Indeed somethlng unlque In the fleld of literatura. It U also valuable to students of the Engllsh Ianguage. It ought to put the blush to the cheek of om AmcHona bol an that a cltlzen of the Celestial empire should be the flrst to compile a work whlch drops lnto an unoocupled nlche. ín compillng thls work theautbor has Included idlomatio phrases peculiar to thls continent, and we also notice many colloqalalisms and some " slang" phrases. Onr couslns aoroes the " blg-water" may object to the name " English Phrases," because there are so many glven whlch are peculiar alone to the people of the United States. But be tbat as It may the work Ís one whlch wlll be recelved wlth dellght by literary people, students especlally, for whom It Ís doobtlcssly intended, and wlll save them much time and trouble. As the author has not resided in our country a great length of time, the work glves good evidence of persistent labor and research ; batjusl bow hehas been enabled to collect so many phrases, some of them being peculiar to certaln sectlons of thls country and not in general use, Ís a ltttle singular. Besides thls department, we flnd much else that Ís useful, 11 such as a collectlon and explanallon of Engllsh Proverbs; of Chínese Proverbs añil Maxlms; andallst of the Chínese dynaatles- the dates of whlch are harmonízed wlth the Cbrlstlan Chronology- wlth some account of tbelr rlse and fall ; also a short sketch of Confuclus, the Chinese sage. Namen of emperors and lynastles are prlnted in Chinese type as well as Kngllsh." We have placed the work along slde of our encylopedla, and bellevo that many others wlll do llkewlse, for It wlll be a great ald in wrlting. The leadlni; professors of the eastern colleges commend the book In warm terina, and we doubt not that those of the western colleges wlll look upon It wlth like eyes. A Fiir Bakbahian. By Francés Hodgson Burnett, aathor ol "That Lans O'Lowrie's," " Haworths," etc. Boston, Jas. R. Osgood & Co. Prlce 1.00. Thls book wlll answer very well to whlle away a llttle time lf lt hangs heavy on your handa. It wlll never add to the fame of the author, and reads to us very mueh llke a farced work, wrltten for pay. The scène Is lald lu Ënglatid, and the heroïne is an American glrl, danghterofa lucky Nevada mlner, whoshocks her Engllsh "úneles and her couslns and her aunts." etc , by her elegant costumes, flne dlamonds, and perfect freedom of acllon. If the book had been wrltten byan uoknown author we doubt lf lt would ever have been ui ven to the public. CtUIKBT. IMMIORATIO, IN ITS lOBIA ANI ECONÓMICA I. ASPKI.TS. ItV ürn. F. Sj-wanl, late IInltMl Slal.s Minister l i'hina. New York, 8 ms. PrloetfJO. Thls work was wrltten, the MthoriMa, " wlth a slrong feelingthat the United State oughtnot to unnecemarily with numlgratlon," and as he proceeded lic " tn-cHim' satlsfied that no nccemlty exlsted for such actlon;" that Is, ttiere was In bis necesMity for any actlon on the part of the United States to prohlblt the Importallon of the clan of Chinese who are shipped to our horen. If these people cune to tlii country as free men, lnsteadof as lave liound for a Ii-mkiIi of time to an Immigratlon corapacy, and If they r,i wlth an intention of becoralug citlzens of the United States, to conform to our rust. mis, aud our laws, Uien tlie wrlter would agree witli Um author. out as It Is, he don't. So much to Har! off wlth. The work before us Is mechanleally above crltlcism. It contalns a bout va lrge pages, In letter press, and an honor to th.' publlshlng house from whlch It comes. The work tak es a very calm view of the sltuatlon, and presenta lome strong arguments In behair of the Chinese. It takes upmany of the superstltious and falso lmpresslons prevalent In thl country, and eflëotually pullR them to pleces. The author falls. hwever, to recognlze the fact that the daas of Chinese who come to thls country under contract of the wealthy companles are not the olass wlth whom he has been thrown In contact as minister to that country. If we oould have the better clasaes, or even a good portion of In-tter classes as emlgranU, the case would be somewbat different. Or If they would come as do the Oermans, the Engllah, the Irish, the Frenen, etc., wlth the Intention of living here.of becomlng cltizens and conformlng to our cusloms and law, Instead of coming as they do as slaves to htartwlth, and aftor they hiwe bought themselves free, wlth hut one alm or ambltlon, vlc: to amass sufflclent money to return tosacred China and live without labor, Uien the case would be different, also. Dut Chinese immigratlon, as It has been In the past cannot be anything bui a curse to our nutlon. They arenot emigrants, but wlventurers. If the accusation that they undKrhld our lal)oring people-whlch Mr. s.ward labora hard to dlsprove- be thrown aaide, tlie factstill reinain tlmt evrrylhliiK they do earn Is tken out of the country. Thl carried on toany greatextent must of anecensitr soon Impoverlsn us and -iiricli ('hinn. We do not joln In the senselesa tirade agalnst all C'hluamen. We believe that a majority of the people of that nailon aro intelligent human belngs, bnt ttiat class, with rare exoeptions, rt-main Mt home. Ncvcrthi'l''ss, thls book of Ur.Sewmrd1 vis one a good understnliiiK of the questlon. It is tlmely, and from the pen of a man wlioouglitto be thoroutchly familiar wit) the vii'stials, and iï do nut iimiht uiii belargely soughlafter by thosc lnterested in Uu sul.j.. t Sir .lullus Bwitfllnt. Iht famous I a mtoii composer who, as pianist and director, mmpAiled Jenny Llnil In her American Uur In WO, lias written a blographical and iiitlcal paper on ' the Swedlsh nlghtingale'' tor the May Scribncr's. Theartlcle Is sald to ctntain Inte resting comparlsons of her wlth Ma.ibran and other contemporary artists. The accompanying portralt of Jinny I.ind, etiKravwl by Closson from an old daguerreotype, taken whlleshcwas in America, wlll be a strkinu feature of the number. At the end of hl artlcle, Slr Juliu hints that he muy follo.v lliis paper wlth another. upon the Niilijecl of luusiial mriKi't vatorip In this country. Tlie Reason Wliv. The tonic effect of Kidney Wort b produced by its efeumng and purifyingaction on the blood. Where thcre is a gravelly deposit in the urine, or milky, ropy urine from disordered kidneys, it cures without fail. Constiparon and Diles rnadiv vield to its cathartic and bealing poVei. Put up in dry vegetable fbrin or liquH (very concentrated) either aet prompt and sure. - Troy Budget; Hali's Vegetable Sicilian ucwer ib no iiuw picpuration tor the public to expsriment with ; s success is unparalloled for restoring gray hair to its natunl color, promoting its growth and producing new hair on bald he3ds. ¦ The Greatest Blessiutr. A simple, pure, harmless remety, that cures evefy time, and prevents disease by keeping the blood pure, stouiach regular, kidneys and livor active, is the freatest blessing ever cotiferred unon man. Hop Bitters is that remedy, and its proprietors art' bcing blessed by thousands who have been saved and cured by it. Wil! you try it? Soe anothcr column. - Eagle. Dipbtheria. - Asure preventative. We speak of Dunk's Camphorated Árnica, the Oreat Household Remedy. 1029-55 Agents and Canvassers Make from $25 to $50 per week selliog goods for E. C. RlDEOUT & Co., 10 Barclay street, New York. Send for their catalogue and terms. 1000-1052.


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