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AMERICAN w 1 U balTblue THIS IS THE BEST BLÜEINC I2ÑT USE! it a troT í'oisoxoi UELP8 BLEACHDÍG md (JIVKS A BKAITIFL'L TINT! fcj-For Sale by all Grocers._tfl American Ultramarine Works, H Malden Une, Xew Vork. E8-.ilO.-il M. S. SMITH & C0., Importing Jewelers, Detroit, mark every article in their choice and extensive collection in plain figures at FIXED PRICES from which there is no deviation. M. S. SMITH & C0., while being one of the largest Jewelry heuses in the west, recognize the fact that in their business as well as in all others comparative competition exists, and have, in order to sustain the pre eminent position which they have so long held, adjusted prices upon such a basis of equality that to undersell them on the same class of wares and realize a profit is impossible. This will be understood when it is stated that their large purchases are made direct from the manufacturers, both at home and in ! foreign markets for CASH, thus securing discounts that can be obtained in no other way. J 1028 44 Get Your Propertv Insured Bv C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT No. I Soulli llalli Slrect, ANN ARBOR, - MICHIGAN. The oldeet acency in the city. Kstabllsbed a quarter of a centnry airo. RepreeentlpK the folliw!ii_- first cías cumpa' Home Insurance Co. of N. Y., Asseta over }e.000,000 Continental ín. Co. of N. Y., Aet8 over 13.00 ,U00 Niágara Ftre Insurance Co., N. Y,, Asneta $1,444,000 Commercial Union Aeeurance Co. of London Aesetí Í3,000,000 &TRATES LO W. Losses liberally adjiisted and pfa.yC. H. MIIAra. CET THE BEST Fire Insurance $4:2,000,000 -& Security hekl for the protection of the policy holders. CHRISTIAN MACK Reprcsents the following lirst-class eompanies, of which one, the .Etna, has alone paid $55,000,000 írHos.-cs a sixty years : yEtna, of Hartlord t 7,41)0,000.00 Boetnn DiKlerwritcrs 2,5OO,üOO.ÜO FraDklin, Philadelphla SOO.000.00 Germán American, N. Y _ 2,8O0,00O.UO London Asporance Corporation 15,800,000.00 National, Hartford 1,200,000.00 North Uerman. Hambnrg 2.000,000.00 Phrenlx, Bnoklyn_ 2,SO,(00.00 Underwritern Ajteucy, N. Y 4,800,000.00 Lossos llberaUy adjusted and promptly paid. Pollclea ssiicci at tl ie louoi ralesol premium. 10-21 73 (IIKISTIW 1HU -)THK(CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY Is the OI.DE8T ! BKST CONSTRUCTED I BEST KQUIPPED ! and henee the LEADING RAILWAY - or the- WEST AND NORTH WEST. It Is the ehortest and best ronte between Chicago and all pointe In Nartíem Cliseii, Ion, Iikot, Wyomíag, Nitruii. CilL'oral, Oitcoa, Arizou, ü:it, Colirji;, liih:, Uonuu. Ñevila líifcr COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, DKVVKIl, l,i:VI)VII,l,K. SALT LAKE SAN FRANCISCO, DE&DWOOD, SIOUX CITY, :íi: Sapii:. Dea Idoicc:, Coltmtni, i til poiats la the Trntoriís ui tho Wt. AÜ3 fcr ICIwjïi. O:es Bir, Oihbia, Saetoygía, Kirqastt, Toad in Ue, Wí'.ertows. Hoajaton. Hmuï, kuuha, St. Pwl MiíacipoUi. Hurón. Volg, Tírgo, Blsaurck. Wiaoa, LiCron, Owitoaa tni 11 toiati la lliasuau, Dikott, Wiscoasto aad the Nortawoit. At Council HhilTs tralns of the rhlcaeo & North-Westan and tho TJ. P. R'ys depart from, arrivi. at and ma tlie sume joint nnlon depot. At OhicaRO. c'one conuections are made with the Ijikc SlHr', Michigan Centra], Baltlmore & Ohio, Kort Wayne and I'ennsvWnnla, and CbicaRo A (ii'and Trunk Hy's, and Kankuiksa and Pan Handle Kouten. Close Connections Made at Juncüon Points. It Ih Hm OM.Y UI i ii ii ii i nu Pullman Hotel Dining Cars UETWKBN flilcaií" uid Council Blnfls. l'iilliiuiii M. , . r on All Mülu Traln. Insist upon Ticket AfWti felling you tlcken vla tnis road. Uxaminc your tickets, and lefuse t buy tf they d' not rend over the i hicago and NorthWaatsra Kailway. If you wish the Bct Trav. lini; Aocommodatione yon will buv vonr ticket by (bis route 2r"ANI VVILL TAKE NO OTlIKIt. All Ticket Agente Mil ticki-ts by ihi I.ini-. m it i hk;itt, 1081 -CS 2d V. i'. A Uen I U m,j, Chicago. FRAMLIN HOUSE, DETROIT, t'ornrr of líate and I.iiiik I NtrrrtH, Centrally lociited. Only one block from Woodward and Jetl'ernon avenues. Thls houn has baen thoronebly ivnnvuted, and will be lound the BEST COMMERCIAL HOTKI inthecl'y. Rale 1.50 per day. HUIMII A JAMES, llanas. ïooy-ii ench, íi" Ib. bedt $6, fine 4rrf. iry pickrd Keathem I."c H lb.,Prlme Oeeee Keather w I A.í_t 65c., .1. W. Morriron & ¦H '- ¦ Cu., 4)fi Ji-fl'erd(,n Ave.. .' WÊ Detroit. SAMPLE FKKE Mpl riit-Hpotit FeHthfr Dirnterit V In World. -ff 10VTJ


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News