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THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, ini Arbor, II i Iiikhii. f&ANSACTS GENERAL BAMI BUSINESS, CAPITAL, $50,000. Organizcd under the General Banklrjg Lew of this itate, the etockholders are indlvidually liable lor au idditional amooDt equal to tfae stook held bv ihnn. hereby creattn? a unrtinlii' i'unil for Huirni IH Of l-UOHitOrH Of $100,000.00. Three per cent. Interest Is allowed on all 'tTiasi Deposita of on dollar and upwardü. ac rdag to the rules of the lUuk . mid i n teri's t compoanded emi-annually. Money to loan on anlncnmbered rea! statu and other good secnrity. Wreeiom-ChrlBtlan Mck, W. W. Wlnes. R. A. Benl Wllllnm Oeiibcl, Wüliam D. Harriman Daniel Hiecock, and Wlllard B. Bmlth Offlcem: 'HUKTiiN Mm, I're. W. W. WiNis. Vice-Prc' . Chah. K. Uiscocb. Carbler. 15-986 Real Estáte Tor Sale. ATK OF MICUIOAN, UoujDIy of Wafhteraw, ss. In the matter of the estáte of James Mr diceafd. Notice Is hereby uiven, Ihat in uuiauamv ui au urder grantcd to the uudereianed, trator ol the egiate of said deceasea, by the Hou. Jndge of Probate of the Connly of Wn-lit.uaw, on the tbirty-flrst day of March A. D. 181. ih'Tr ïll be old at public vendm', to ih hlgliet bidder, at retlde f the Mld deceased. In the tonahtn ui Wakatw, in the Oooatj of Washti-naw, In r-niil Male, on Saturday, the Mih day ol May, A. 1). 1KM, ai ten o'clock In the lorenoon of th il day (sub Jee! to all encumbrance by moriuaRt' or otn exiitiiifi al the tiiuu .il tlie death ol said dec.M.-t-d) the foliowlo (icrib.'d r.'l eetite. to-wit: llie cast half of the north i-ast qatrtar of Metlon i umiier tblrtr-roar (S4), towu one (l)rtoutli range nveujeatt (Wgbater), Washtciiaw coanty, Michigan. , WILLIAM MrCRKERY, Adminletrator. Dated, March til ,1"-1 10K 38


Ann Arbor Courier
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