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The atmosphere don't warm up worth a cent. A Mahone in our midst ! Who is he? Tbat's the question. The juveniles give their operetta at the opera house to-night. Court adjourDed last Wednesday, until Saturday, the 23d inst The state board of health will hold their next meetiDg in this oity. Jas. Carr wants to eell his farm in Pitts field and go to Australia. Wm. Campion, Jr. kicks the beam atl'_ Ibs., and "Billy" is happy. The onera house is be iii ohri nf Mr. Matthews the coming year. Have you got arrangement made for that tree planting next Thursday? The dental rooms vacated by Dr. Nichols will be occupied by Dr. O. Jenkin. The uien with the tar buckets are arouiu! ..j;.;.. . i-o. our sign that spring is here. Several ohurches in the city were elaborately dccorated last Sabbath, it being Kaster. On the Michigan Central niain and branch line tliere are 225 locomotives employed. Now look out for labored editorials comuiencing : " To the victors belong the spoils." The Qerman Lutheran Sunday school children were photographed in a body last Friday. Winslow is putting the sod on the court house grouDds in trim shape for warm weather. " Merrithew 7 ; Johnson 7," saya the Ann Arbor Democrat. Later : Merrithew 1 j CUrVcn 11. The county house paupers are thawing out and scattering, fifteen having left within a week or two. A Dew socieíf has been organized in the high school, to be known by the jawbreaking name of PhelegrethoD. We have almost run out of exclamatories. Will some one invent a supply and seod thom on? The next state convention of homoeopathic physicians is to be held in this city un the 15th of May. Frank Hangsterfer's entertainment at Dundee, last week, resulted in a net gain of $25 to the band uniform fund. At the Milan cros9ing of the Detroit & Butler R. R., last Monday night, a brakeman was run over and lost a leg. Wm. A. Shaw has left the employ of the Toledo railroad, and is now night watchman at the Michigan Central depot. The band boys have been invited to attend the band tournament, to be held at Lansing oh the 5th and 6th of June next. There is to be a Japanese tea party for the lidies' library, in the parlors of the Presbyterian church, Friday evening, April L9th _____ Prof. Otto had his juvenile band out, playing on the streets last Tuesday night. The little fellows play admirably and are nuking rapid progresa. Tbe gutters on Hurón and a portion of Maio street, are being cleaned. That's good, but the work ought to be rapidly extended to other streets. Carrie Carney (colored) has been sentenced to 90 days in the Detroit house of -vi„,.;.._ ... n.. ,i - o. of o.o.i;„ , eoia ring from Mary R. Mowry. What sort of an opinión bas the senior editor of the Daily News acquired of that old strap game, anyway? Is t safe to bet on it?- the game we mean. The old Cook property at the intersección of N. Main and Pontiac streets, is being thoroughly overhauled, added to and improved by its new owner. lhe scent of burning leaves and rubbish permeates the air and gTeets the nostrils, reminding one of the fact that we have had two or thrce days of pleasant weather. Prof. Frieze has broken ground on N. Ingalls street, for a new residenoe. It will be situated between the handsome resi dences of Prof. M. C. Tyler and Mr. Cornwell. The old Speechley property, consisting of 35 acres a little west of the Catholic cemetery, Las been purchased by Jacob Ganzhorn, who proposes to use it for a nursery. The grocery store of John G. Hoffstetron Washington street, has been bought by Theo. Bigalke for $2,200. Mr. H. takes Bigalke's booae, on W. Liberty streot, at ?1,400. Wednesday evening next, the 27th 'nst., there will be a festival at McMahon's oll, for the benefit of Mrs. Banks and Mre. Boggs, two aged and needy colored wotnen. Mrs. B. Permelia Simmons, wife of S. bimmons, died in Covington, Ky., March 15th. Mrs. Simmons was formerly from Ann Arbor, and was a niece of the late D. T. McCollum of this city. 'l'liat lamp post Hiill remains oorded up at the northwest oorner of the oourt house grounds, a beautiful reminder to the peopie of tbc energetic and business-like mcthods of sotnebody. Who ? Aid. Thos. J. Keech is to supercede Mr. Green, wbb has had charge of the telephone exchange in this city since its establishment. Mr. G. has been prometed to state inspector of telephonos. Mary Laughlin, aged 74 years, who has been out of her right mind for a long time back, but very harmless and quiet, was found dead in her chair last Tuesday tnorning, at her homo in the 4th ward. On Monday evcning nezt Dr. Palmer will read a paper upon Food and Cooking at the residence of Dr. Wells, División street, for the benefit of the Ladies' Library. Admission fifteen cents. All are invited. Here you are : Syzgignocism is a new name given an old disease, by the dootors. The physician or patiënt who can make a succcssful wrestle with this affliction is proof. The English of it ia "emotional insanity." The contract for building the new Uuitarian churcb has been awarded to John M. Dooaldson, a Detroit architect and contractor. It is to be entirely of stone and to cost about $14,000 when completed and furnished. "A hat! a hat! my kingdom for a hat -that's different from my classmates'," will be the cry of the students ere long. Every class in the university having adopted a class hat, the high school seniors propose to do likewise. Samuel II. Doty, of ihis place, ha presented tlio homeopathie hospital with a large number of magazines, including Harp6r'S] Scribner, Atlantic, Popular Science Monthly, etc. A gift the patients in the hosiütal are verv thankful for. A horee being misled on the Eber White farm, last Sunday, a search revealed him drowned in a little lake which is on the farm. He had probably stepped on the ice with a view of obtaining a drink, and so broken through and drowned. The Courier not being engaged in the business of chasin up old papers, or of " offering inducements" to people to show copies of the same, will still continue to notiee those sent in by subscribers, and others who are interested in its columns. The following notice of the new university calendar comes from the Otisvillo weekly Telegram : We aekuowleilge recelpt of a copy of the "Calendar of the Unlvergity of Michigan." The calendar was prlnted at the Courier office, Aun Arbor, kihI shows l, m h t taste in composiuuu, auu ikUiuma ,ii-„i. n. iuuu i 111forniatlon on universily mallers is glveo. "Oh! for a thousand longues," not to sing the praises of the recreant democratie councilman ; oh, no ! but to elévate him - blow him up, as it were. At least that's what the demócrata are trying to do, but they can't find out who is; that's the trouble. ___ Tbe new plate glass front is being pat in the Gregory house office. Last Wednesday the large light, eight feet wide and ten and one-half feet high, was put in position without accident. It is the largest light ?i the city, and cost $150 at the factory, we are told. Two children, named Annie and Herbert Knapp, the former aged twelve years and the latter nine, were committed to the state public school, at Coldwater, by Judge Harriman, last week, and have been taken to tliat institution by Superintendent of the Poor, Davis. St. Andrcw's Episcopal church has chosen officers for the enuing year : Senior warden, C. H. Millen ; junior warden, J. M. Wueeler ; vestrymen, A. B. Palmer, M. C. Tyler, E. Treadwell, J. W. Johnson, J. N. Gott, H. J. Brown, C. S. Dennison and C. II. Richmond. The following named gentlemen have been admitted to the bar as attorneys at law : Fred. F. Thomas, Geo. Gallup, Dan. P. Markey, Geo. K. Andrus, Wm. H. Judkins, D. W. Le Valley, W. B. Stickney and Homer L. Castle. One lady, Miss Leona K. Taylor, has been admitted to practice also. The Lansing Kepublican says tbat Ann Arbor people wouldn't know how to live if they should ever mend their ways and put down decent sidewalks. Admitting the truth of the assertion, we can -ay that Ann Arbor has a " powerful heap " of compaoy in this respect. A visit (o Lansing not long ago was only the more convincing on this point. Chas. Tuomey, aged 15 yeara, son of Wm. R. Tuomey, of Scio, was found drowned in Honey Creek, near the residenoe of his father, on Thursday of last week. Just how the accident occurred is not known. The boy left home at about 6 o'clock a. m. , of Thursday, and not returning, search was instituted, when he was found in the creek, life being eitinct. The Ovld Register say: "The Washtenaw board of supervisors wlll stand a tle, and be controlled by a greenboclter." You're a llttle "¦off," Mr. Register. The board is coiuposed of twelve demócrata, ten republicana, and two greenbaclters.- [Saline Observer. And so is the Observer " a little 'off'." The board is composed of 25 members, elfiven of wliom are republicana, twelve demócrata, and two greenbackers. With a pretty fair show for a republican leaning on the last two. Some rascal, or rascáis, for whom the prison bars would be a good thing, piled a lot of shavings on the front stoop of Dr. P. W. O'Toole's house, in the 6th ward, last Tuesday night, satura ted them with kerosene and set them on fire. This occurred at about iuidnight. Some students who happened to be passing saw the blaze and raised an alarm before any particular harm was done. The statement is made that between $5,000 and $6,000 are to be expended in repairing the opera house this season. Among the improvements spoken of are, a new tin roof, the walls newly frescoed, the present seats replaced with opera chairs, bozes constructed on the sides of the stage, a steam heating apparatus and probably eleotric light. All of which are needed, and if done will make it a plea?ant auditorum for entertainments. A little article in another column recites the cold weather of 1816. We don't have to go as far back as that year for cold weather in summer time. The writer remembers perfectly well that in the year 1857 there was a frost every month in the year- at least here in Michigan. On the morning of the 4th of July corn and 11 eender garden crops were cut down, and cc formed on water one eighth of an inch n thickness. There were scveral frosts in he month previous, and May was cold and lackward. In August there was also a rost, but still the farmers raised enough to take the people through without any amine fears. Vesterday morning a young lad named Bucholz, about ten years of age, died very saddenly at tbe home of bis parents in the 4th ward, near the observatory. It seems that he retired in perfect healih, evidently, the night previous, and that he got up in tbe morning, but went and laid down again. His folka supposed that he was sleeping ; but, as he did not get up, they attempted to rouse him and found that life was nearly extinct. A physician was im mediately sent fot, but the boy was dead before he reached the house. The Michigan Farmer publishes a note from Prof. A. J. Cook, of the agricultural college, in reply to a letter from Adrián respeeting some new pests which have appeared on the English ivy. He calis thein the " ivy cocus or bark or scale lice. Tbey are very destructive, and can best be removed by washing the leaves with strong soap suds. A tablespoonful of kerosene to the gallon of soap suds will improve the liquid. These lice are very serious pests, and should be attended to at once. If one washing doesn't kill them off, it should be repeated in three or four weeks." The choral unión and university musical society are to give a grand rehearsal at university hall, on Tuesday evening, April 26th. This will be the last appearance of the university orchestra. There will be a varied program, consisting of violin solos, ohoruses from the creation, orchestral selections. semi chorases, quartets, quintets, trio for violin and piano, etc, etc. Ma-ter Philip Epsteiri, of Detroit, will assist. It is proposed to make this rehearsal the best of the course, and it is to be hoped there will be a good sized audience to listen to it. This entertainment is given as a testimonial to Miss Louise Huggins, whose many friends desire to offer a fitting recognilion of her talents and services. The admission will be only ten cents. "Our own Correspondent" (ir; a hom) who rehashes the " Ann Arbor Notes" for the Ypsilanti Sentinel, instead of endeavoring to piek flaws with the local items of the Cor uier, could spend his time to much better advantage in attending to his own business. For instance, in the very same column in which he grows exceedingly smart over a wrong figure or two in a little notice recently appearing in the Courier, we find an old citizen here referred to as "Dea. Loven Mills." There's no 8uch person in the city. If said " correspondent" wan familiar with Ann Arbor, it is hardly possible that he would havo publiübed this item : Theflnest frame house, ora part of It, Tected here stlll stands u lts orlglual site du Hm on street opposlte the nostofflce and is occupled by J. Iiuus Ureen, Orocer. The building referred to isn't eiceedingly fine, nor is there such a man known here mo "J. I ui 11 - Oreen." In stlll atiuther item he speaks of a new store about to be erected by the Keek furniture company. Said company is not erecting or contemp lating the erection of a store. The tudents inay be familiar with "University Bill," referred to by the same writer. These are small things, to be sure, but they are all errors, and come with ill grace from the pen of one who picks up trivial typographical errors in others. Piek the mote out of thine own eye, brother.