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ir Vou Arr Si, U, Kcu.l tbe Kidney-Wortftdvertisement inanuiher column, and it will cxplain to yon the rational tuethod of setting well. KidneyWort will t-ave you mine doctor' bilis I han any othcr medicine kimwri. Arting wiili .-I i rific energy on the kidneys and liver, il cures the worst dlMMca eaufed bf their derangement. l'e it at once. ín diy and liquid forin. Eithcr is cqually efficiënt, the li(uid is tlie easiest, but the dry is the ¦Ml económica!. - Interior. lt m no longer an idle drcaui or boaating to ath'rni that Fellows' HypopbospfaitM, whcrein are uuited uatwrtt forcei, will strengthen man and malte bis hfe not only cndurablc, but sparkling with rude and joyous hcaltli. Fellows' Hypophotphitea supplies the ingrediënt wbieh cimstituto hcalthy blood. and imparts the elenients which ive vitality. Hun to Secure Hcallli. It wem ut range that anyone wili .suffer from derangemeut broupht on ly impura bteod, when 8COVILLS SARSAPV lili, LA and STILLlN(iIA, or BLOOD 8YRUP, will restore bealth. It is the best blood purifier ever discovercd, effeotually curius Serofula, Syphlitic disorder-, Veaknes8 of the Kidneys, Erysi pelas, Malaria, all Nervous Disorders and Debility Bilious Couiplaints, Diseasea of' the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Stoinach, Skin, etc. It oorreots indigestión. A mngle bottle will prove toyou its nierils asa hualth renewcr, tor it acta likc a charui. BAKKES' PAIN PANACEA cures pain in Man and Beast. Use externally and iuternally and find relief. DR. ROGER'S VEGETABLE WOlt.M SYRUP in.-tanüy destroys worius and reuioves all secretioos. An Oíd Doctor's Ad vite. It was this: "Trust in God and keep your bowels open." For this pvpow uiany an oíd doctor has advixrd the habitually eohtivf to take Kidney-Wori- fir no other reinedy so effcctually overeóme tliis condition, and that without tin; distress and griping wbich other medicines eause. It is a radical cure for piles. Dn't fail to use it. - Translated from the New York 'itung. Man's oblcst Work. This is au agc of great workti and wonderful ioventions. Steaui, electriuily, water, air, all are made to serve man, but unquestionably the greateüt inventions are those which preserve man's health and prolong his life, and anionft the greatest of the.-e is Dr. King's New Discovkry for ConsumptioD. lts effects are truly wonderful and lmndred.s are happy to-day, who once looked forward to aa early grave. For Couglis, (Jolds, Bronchitis Astlmia, loss of voice, Hay Fever, Iloarsness, Croup, or any affection whateverof tbc Throat, Che,st or Lungs, Du. Kinu's New DiSCOTEBY will poritively cure. We ean cheerfuliy recommend it to all, and can unhcsitatingly say it is the only sure cure for Throat and Lung affect ionc. Trial bottles ten cents; regular size, $1. For sale by Eberbach & Sod, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1002-1034 I'hysicians claim Hope nJ Mak Hitiers are the best. DlPHTHERIA. - A surc preveuUtivc. We speak ot' Dunk's Uamphorated Árnica, tbc (reat Household Remedy. 1029-55 Airciits and CaBrassers Make from $25 to $50 per week selling goods for E. C. Rideout & Co., 10 Barclay street, New York. Send for their catalogue and terms. 1000-1052. Professional Teotimony- Many of the best physicians use Down's Elixir in their daily practiee, because it is the best cough remedy that can be made. Now is the time to use Baxters Mandrake Bitters and prevent Dyspepsia, Biliousness and Jaundice, which are so prevalent in the spring months. OdIj' Üó cents a bottle. Henuy & Johnson's Árnica and Oil Liniment is a family remedy which should be in every family. Used for Cuts, Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Strains, &c. It has no equal. TUE l.KiN MALARIA AND LIVER PAD And Bad f and Koot rianter. Will not only cure Malarial Fevers of every kind but its actton upon the Stom - ach Liver and Ktdneys in correcting their irregularitics and in enabling them to resume their proper functions uiakes it a remedy of great value. Try it. The whole combined treattuent for one dollar. For sale by druggists. Motherst Mothenü Mollursü! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick ehild suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting tceth? If un go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHINCr SYRUl'. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately - depend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is not a motbcr on earth who has ever used it, who will not teil you at once that it will regúlate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating like magie. It is perftetly safe to usc in all cases, and pleasant to tbc taste, and is the prescriptipn of onc ot the oldest and best feiuilc physicians and nurses in the United Sutes. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. 1007-58 A Couffh, Cold or Sore Throat should be stopped. Neglect frequently results in an Incurable Lung Diteate or I M siimptimi. Brown's Bronchial Troches are ca tai) to j!vf rrlirf in A.ithwu, BroñcMtú, Cough, Oaiarrk, Coiuumptin iind Throat ïiteases. For thirty years the Troches have been recommended by physicians and always give perfect satislaetion. Thcy are not new or untried but having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained well merited rank among the few staple remedies of the agc. FiMic Sjeaker and Singert use them to clear and strengthen the Voice.. Sold at twenty-five cents a box cverywhere. 1007 Bj Bncklen's Árnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulsers, SaltRheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all kinds of Skin Eruptioos. This Salve is warranted to give perfect gatisfaction in every case or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach & Son. Ann Arbor. 1002-1034


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