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INIntc of Kilwurd Torrpf. UTATK OF MlCUlOAN.Couniyof At a owlon of the Probste Court for the County of Wshtenw, holden at the Proble Office. In the city of Ann Arbor, on Frlday, the elghth day o( Ar ril f n the year one thousand elght huDdred una elghty-oni Prenent, Willlam D. arriman, Judge ui In tb matter of the ette of Sdward Torrey ,1. Uu reading and Sllng the politlón, duly I oí John W.Thompnon, praytng that a certain Instrument now on flle In this conrt, purportlng to L-t will tnd testament of sald deceased, may !¦ admltted to probate, and that hc may e apix.imcdciccotor thereof. ... . .. TluTcnpim lt is ordered, that Monday, the ninth day of May next, at ten o'clock In the forerned lor the hearing of asid petitlon, niid that the deviseeB, leñatee, ano neirs st l.w or sald decessed, and sll other persons lnterested In ssid eUte, sre required to appear al a sesslon of sald court, then t be holden at the I'rohate Offlce. in tho city of Ann Arbor. and show caiiae, ir any there be.whj the prayer of the petitloner sbouldnotbe i:ninted. And it la further ordered, that aald petltioncr give nottce to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said uetitlon, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thls order to be publlshed in the Ann Arbor Courier, newnpaper plnted and clreulated In said county, three successlve weeks previoas to aaid day of hearing. (Atrony. nARRIMAN , Jndge of Probate. Wil.G. DOTY, Probste Heelster. 1034 XI EsUte of Edward LitctaUeld. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Waahtenaw, as. At s sesilon of the Probate Conrt for the County ol Washtenaw, holden at the Probat; Offlce, In the City of Ann Aroor. on Thursday, the fourteenth day of April in the year onc thoasand eiifht hundred and elL-hty-one. Present, Willlam D. Ilarrlman, Judge of In the' matter of the estáte of Edward Lltchüeld deceased. KeFomt Michflpld, exeentor of the laat III and testament of eald deceased, comes Into court and represent that he la now prepared to render hl final account aa anch executor. Tbereupnn lt 1 ordered that Tuesday, the tenth day of May next, at ten o'cloek In the forenoon, be assigned for examinlog and allowing soch account, and that the aevisees, legatees and helrs at law of aid deceaaed,and all otber persons interinad In said estáte, are reiuind ti appear at a perslon ol aaid court, then to be holden at the Probate Ofllcc, In the City of Ann Arlor, in eald county, and show canse. Ir any there be, why the said arcount ehould not be allowed. And it la further ordered, that said executor give notice to the persons intereatod In lld ut, of the pcudency of ald account, and the hearing thereof, by causlnf; a copy of thls order to be publlsbcd In the Ann Arbor Oourur, a newspaper prlnted and clrculating In sald county, three successive week previoue to said day of "rr,,,. Judjieof Probate. WM. O. DOTY. Probate Register. 1034-37 Chancery Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN- The Circuit Court for the icmiitv f Washtenaw. In chancery. Mary E. Costello, guardián of Mary Coste lo and Holert Coatello, minors, complatnnnts, n. John Tostello, Mary Ann Costcllo, izarles S. Uregory, Henry tí. Uregory and John H. Kvarts. defeudanti.. In pursuance and by virtae of a decree of said conrt made and entsred tn the ahove entitled cauae, on the tenth day of Fcbruary, A. 1). 18M, notice is hereby L'iven that 1 shall sell at public auctlon. to the tighest bidder, on Monday the lBth day of May, A U. 181, at two o'clock In the anemoon, at the cast front door of the court house. In tbe city of Ana Arbor, Washtenaw county and state of Mlchl can the followlng described real eatste, being the sume mentioned and descrlbed In said decree. towlt All of those certaín traets or parcela of land in the townshlps of Bcio and Webster, in the county of Washtenaw, lyingon Mili Creek, near the villaje of Duxter, being the saw-mill and site of the barn and a grlst-mill wlth thelr privileges and appurtenances bounded and described as follows: Comnicncing at the center of " A " street in sald village of Dexter, according t" the recorded plat thereof, at lt lnterbectlon with "C" street or the Ann Arnor icad, and runnine thence north nineteen degrees and tllteen minutes, eaat along the center ot "A street (Ivo Chain and eixty-three links, to a stake ; thence north Beventy degrees and forty-flve mluutes, west at rigbt angles wlth "A" street two chaina and twenty.onc links ; thence north nineteen degrees and flfteen minntea, east parallel wlth "A" atreet one chaln and elghiy links, to the line of a plece of land old by s. W. Dexter to Julius Ramaev ; thence north forty-slx dezrecs, west to the south boundary oí the Michigan Central Kailroad; thence westerly along the aouth bonndary of said rallroad, crosslng Mlll Creek to the Southwest boundery of the public htghway leading acroês Mili Creek from the village of Dexter to tho town of Dexter; thence along the sonth-west boundary of the highway aforesaid sonth-eaaterly to a etake in the southweet bonndary ol said highway, standing north seventy and one-half degrees, eaoi sixty-ix links from the northwest corner of said Uexter - baru ; thence south twenty degrees, thirtv-flve mlnntes, west ten chains and twenty-nve links to a Htake tandiug south scventyfour and a half degrees, weet seventy-three llnka from a black oak tree nine inches In diameter, and north Beventy-four degrees, weet flfty-nlne links from a white oak tree even inches in diameter ; tbence south slxty-nlne degreen twenty-ttve minutes, east two chaina and flftysix liukato the mlll pond; thence easterly across the mlll pond to a white oak stump on the aontheast bank thereoi, nine luches In diameter ; Ihence north forty degreea, eagL nlnety-elght links to a stake iUndini;, north clghty-four degreef, east nine llnkB from a Dlack oak tre, slxteen Inches In diameter ; thence north flve degrees, east one chain and seveiity-flve links toa post; thence north twenty-flve degrees and thirty minutes, eas-t two chains and nlnetysix links to a take on the aouth bonndary oi "O" street or Ann Arbor road ; thence to the place of befftnniiiff Andalsothe riuht and privilege of flowlng wlth water, and at all timea overflowlng and keeptng overflowed wlih water so mnch and snch parts of the northwest quarter of sectlon number ven and all of section namber six in township two, sonth of range flve eaet, as may or can be overlfowed by ralsing tbe watei' ïuthe mili pond on tbe premlses above conveyed to the lieight and level of a certaln spike drlven in a certain large oak tree standing on the east bank of mili creek In the valley thereof, a few rod below the dam on whicli the md croaaa aid crok t Uie vlllage of uoxter, and of a mark made to correspond therewtth and a nall driven thereln on tlie sidu of tbs accond post (counting down stream) from the gates of the flume of the saw-mill on the west bank of aaid creek at said dam seven inches below the shonlder of said post, aaid mark on sald flume-post and on said oak tree being the same marka wblch were placed there by K. Roae and II. Thlelson. civil engineers, at thu time of inaking the mark of Ihe same height on the grist mlll at said dam (since buraed) which marks have been generally understood and known by the per Bons worMng inandabout the grist mili and sawmill at said dam and generally spoken of and referred to as the height or marks to which the water of said dam might be ralsed. l'hla conveyance la made subject to all lncumbrance of all roads, streets and higtiways now laid out or running tnrough over or into any part of the premlaes above conveyed and aluo reservlng all that piece or parecí of land heretofore convt-ycd from Thomas Peatt, Jr.. and Alvah Aldrich to Samuel W. Dexter and by said Dexter to llenry Vinkte. All ihose certain pieces or pareéis of land situated on the Iluron rlver in the township of Scio in the county of Washtenaw and state of Michigan known as the Si in mili property togethcr with all the Hy draulii' power and privilege as beretofore used for the uses and purposea of Baid mili and all the rlghts and privileges owned and held In relatlon to the keeplug up of the dam to the height of eigbt feet and two inches above the naturel level of said Huron ri ver and the right of llowlng the lands above sald mlll being the same premlses the undivided half of which was conveyed to Henrv Saydam, Jr., by Nelson II. Winc by deed dated January ílst, A. D. 1857 and recorded in liber 45 of deeds in the Kegister's offlce of Washtenaw county on page 67'J and the othur undivided half was conveyed to sald Suydam on forecloBure of a mortgage made by George Wal ker and Willlam Popkins ny master in Cliancery's deed dated Oct. örd, A. D. 1850, and recorded In liber 31 on page ais and by the Baid Suvdim conveyed to John (ardner by deed dated March 23rd, a I). isri7, and conveyed to Edgar Keed on foreclosnro of the mortgage givcn by said Oardner for Ihe pure han-j auu hy iti-r in Chancery'i deed dated Oct. lst, A. 1. lti."8, and recoraea in uner ol deeds on page 677 la said Itegister's ofllce and by Edgar Keed conveyed to Almet Reed by deed dated Mept 18th, A. D. istil, and recorded in liber 4:1 on page 514; a portion of sald mlll property is embraccd in a deed made by Samuel W. Fouter to Oron (uaekeuhiixli dated July 18ih, A. D. 1837, and recorded In líber "K" on page 468 and Is snpposed to describe eaid mili property by metes and Dounds: Alao all the land and premisos conveyed by the Michigan Central rallroad Company to Almet Reed by deed dated April Nt, 1864, and'recorded In liber J on page 504 togetuer wlth all the rlghts and intereste of whatsoever kind conveyed by Almet Reed to John W. (reen by deed dated Aueut lst, A. D. 184, and recorded In said Kegister's offlce Sept. tith, 1884, In liber 54 of deeds on page 259. Also toe followimg descrlbed lands and premlsea known as the Oeorge Walker store (so cal led) at Sclo vlllage aa descrlbed in a.deed from A. 11. Green and wTfe to George Walker and recorded in the offlce of the Kegister of deeds for Washtenaw county In liber 'T" of deeds on page 444 and 445 and which last descrlbed lande were also deeded by Artimus M. (iriffln and Elljah W. Morgan to John W. Oreen on the KHh day ot Ang. A. D. 18t!4, and recorded In sald Kegister's offlce on the 9th day or September, A. D. 1864, In libwr 64 ol ileeds on paee 274. All of the above described pareéis of land and premUee being the same conveyed by said John W. Green and wife to John M. Markell nd said Wllliam C. Hughes by deed recorded in said KegUter offlce in liber 60 of deeds on page M7, The following descrlbed plece or parcel of land, to wit : Commenclng al the uorth-east corner ofblock elghtecn (18) in the vlllage of Dexter, In the county ot Washtenaw, and running thence along the eaat Une of asid block. In a sontnerly airection, one hnn dred and fiity feet. thence weeterly on a Une iiaraHe] wun Tne Aiii Anwr runa, tweuïy-ai; riet, thence north wosturly, on a line parallel wlth the easterly line of said bloeit, to the Ann Arbor road, thence eusterly, along the line of said road, to the place of beginning. Also the undivided one-half of lot number nine (9) in block number seventeen (17), of the village of Dexter, according to the plat thereof. All of said lands being In the county of Washtenaw and State at Michigan together with the tenementa, and appurtenances there unto in any wise belonging or tbereupon situated. Ann Arbor, March ilth, A. D. 1&S1. PATKICK McKERNAN, Circuit Court Commissioner In and for tbe County of Washtenaw. ïra and Kkowlton, Solicltore, and H. J. Bkakes of Counsel for Complainant'B. James T. II on et and Edward D. Kinne, Solicitors for Defendaotg. ASSIGNEE'S 8ALK. I, l'harles S. Uregory Assignee of Evarts A Co., 111 eell at the same time and place mentioned in the above notice of Chancery sale, the other undivided one half of lot number nine (9) In block namber seventeen f 17) of the vlllage of Dexter, according to the recorded plat thereof, and on the same terms and conditions as the otber half of eaid premisos oí named In the above ssle. Said premlses are situated In the connty of Wasbtenaw and state of Michigan. CHARLES S. GREGORY, I032-1I)' Asslgnee of Kvarts & Co. Estáte oí Ednard Reeve. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtcuaw. ss. At a sesslon of the Probate Conrt for the County ol Wushteuaw, holden at the Probate Offlce, in tbe city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the 19th day of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eightyone. Present, William D. ilarrlman, Judge ol I'roIn the matter of the estáte of Edward Reeve, doceased. Noah W. Cheever, the admlnlsirator d bonis RON of said estáte, comes Into court and representa that he 1 now prepared to render hls final account as sucb admlnlstrator. Thcreupon it is ordered, that Saturday, the Bcventh d.'iy of May, next, at ten o'clock in the lorenoon, be asaigned for examluing and allowing such account, and that the heirs st law of sald deceased, and all other persoua lnterested In said estáte, are required to appear at a sesslou of sald courMhen to be holden at the Probate Offlce, In tbe city of Ann Arbor, In said county, and show canse, lf any there be, why the sald account shonld not be allowed. And itls furthcr ordered, that sald admlnistrator glve notice to the persons lnterested in sald said estáte, of the pen dency of said account, and the hearing thereol; by causlng a copy of tliis order to be publlshed in the Ann Arbor Öourler, a newspaper priuted and circaisMd in sald county, two successlve weekt previouB tosaid day of hearing. (A trae copy.) Wil. MAM D. ÏÏAKKIMAN, Judge of Probate. W.M. W. DOTY, Probate Beslater. 1084 1030 All klnda of ook-Hlndln aom ut (iiurlir atare on Hhort notlre.


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