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Archbisiiop Purcell dUgVOUtly UI. The oí aleotad a complete municipal tieket last TaM e... ..i for thern. Prof. Richard A. Procter, the Knglish astronomer. and Kr Stilte I. Crouley wen marricd Tue-iday. Gov. Jerome has been conflncd to lus iH.ltorseveraldaysbysevereilluc-. fmterdty'i ptpart mU ba wta '" bi-u.-r. .l(,hn K. Bote, f Hudsoii, has been appoteted au Imliun eommMoner by Ün ,ri-idciit. Tülly OM nO f'"r Mirliig (¦nillt i, v,-.l witli bOBOT by thf lUzten rtborttle They probubly have not raad ÜM dMBOCMtía papers. , .,,.u poitalunuiganiratiharebMfl !„.tr,-n OVanall and ( aliada. :, u nppowd il petall In btMÉt tn both. Hm M(imhoü ure wading nmnenrai onaries to Eiirope to obtain ciiiigrauU and convert. Europe ought to imprison nr haiii.-h thcra. The legislature has pasxd and thegttTtrnoi- Mííiied a bilí treating the 2fith judirial reuit. Thk BBltoTM tlic Alpen; i,copi'lt'.Iiid-cTnttioa-a prwMtngJudg and they are liappy. The V..rktonc, itllllOOIMUPA leng list of cclcliriiic-. snine from England even, who will be in attendaneo, are tdegntpbed (WW tlie country. And oom tbe women have tnothei eausc to rejoice. The aniverlÜe ol Spain have opened their doen to the gillw MOL An iini'xiíected concesión froni an nnexpectci qoftrter, hut acceptalde, just the same. Everyboly la AI ]r[[l ll"'-v ought to be, for l'rof. Swift, of Rochetfer . Y.t tuiid anothcr cornet. It' l whoppiT. líe ha-ü't t.innil hik'. It wab simply :m ailvcriUing dodge. Bhool hta. a dedeten lia ai last been reached in Mi BMB, M raii'l BapMft M Lddfc hU been grauted a divorecand KM alimony, the same to be paid out of real estáte. The ckVgM hgalnil M I ¦ lis ere not proven. And now the democrats atv talking of running Frank Hiird, of tóledo, forgOf ernor, aga. '¦ Frank is abom the beet Mbjeet fot " knook ilown" Ihat canbefound in Ohio, and -laughter and will get it- if he runs. The San Francisco republicana have been bolding PMM couventioiis fer the purpose of cttdor'siiii: 1 B. Senator Millert coursc in threatenlag to break the ¦¦- -- .....,!.. Tiu'v ar tbej' want the Chioaee treaties ratlned. It is proposed to consolídate all the army departmenta iuto tita, the. castern and western, the fortner to be commauded by Gen. Hancock and the latter by Gen. Sberidan, witli subordínate generáis a.-sipned to duty wherever thcy are most available. ña senate has at last concluded to hold executhe - -vioifi. attond to the business of the country, and contirm or reject appointineuN made by diepresident. Last Wednesda.v the first executive session was held and a largC MLb of appointments were dlposed of. editor of a paper tliat has in a M ure adopted the phonetic spelling, n a po-tal oard hom an oldsubscriber, which read as follows: " I hev tuk yur paper for leven veres, but if you kant spel en na bettur than you hev bin doin for tbc lass too montlis you ma just stoppit." At ¦ banquetatMontreal Mondav nigfat, M. Coursoll. M. 1'., in a speech referred to Gen. Layfayette, and said that he believed that the amieable relations bctween the liiit.'d States and Great Britain would not be complete unless Cunada sent ¦ Eegiment to the Yorktown celebration. Hon. John G. Palfrev dtod at Cambridge, Ka., on Friday of last week, aged 80 . He was one of the early anti-slavery agitators, and at one time a man of considerable prominence in the country, but Hved in retirement for several years. He is the author of the H story ol England. Erastus Corning, of Albanv, N V., has purchased i remarkable cow in Herkimer county. Sht; is of the Jersey breed and is five years old. It is clalmed that ï-l per cent of her milk is cream, and that she can produce 18pounds of butter a week. Prire $1,500. The question is, Erastus, how many pounds will it take to net $1,500. Tucre are people in these United Ratel who still belleve, or profess to believe, that the assassin of President Lincoln, J. Wilkes Booth, still Hvcs. tUeomOj the same old stories which travelod through the country about his escape, have been revived. W'ell, f polygamy was as dead as J. Wilkes Hooth is today, the country ( mild congratulate itselt'. Tlie president doesn't seem to scare vcry much respecting threats or intimations renrdlng some of the nominations made by him, which are obnoxious to one or two republican senators. His coursc through the entire proceedings has been manly and ¦onimendablc. He believes that the senate ought to stop their boy'splay suffleiently long to attend to the business of the country, and the people tuink ditto. Representative Campbell, of Marshall, hinixlt a Catholic, though a republican, has introduced a bilí into the legislature u liieh provides for the repealing of the act which autliorizes Koman Catholic bishops of this state and their suceessors to hold proptrty in their own names which belongs ia rcaüty to the ehurch. If he sucnadl in securing its passage the bishops will probably siueced in making it hot for him. A fund lias been started for the relief of the aged widow of Old John Brown, of whose poverty and helplessness we spoke last week. Such a fund ought to be ralaedj and it ought to be large enough to support the old lady in comfort and ease the rest of her life, after which the money should be given to the faithful daughter who has supported her mother these many years by the use of her needie. President Grevy, of France, has written a letter to President Gartield, accepting the invitation of tlic l'nited States to France to particípate in the centennial celebration of the surrender of Yorktown. The letter also expresses a cordial feèllng toward tlie Atnetiean repubiic. As it was the French totees addëd to those of the little band of patriots, whieli elleeted tli Mirrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, this repubiic harbors ot gntefulness to the Krench nation. (ov. Ilubbard, of Connccticut last yea asked the legislature of his state to take wcek's recess just previousto iinal adjotirt ment, that he might have time to exainin the multitude of bilis rushed through in the last days of lcgislation. The present governor incditates ¦ like prooeedlog. Why isn't tlie plan an excellent one for every state t It would undotibtedly be tlie means ot killing many bilis that ncver ought to beconie laws, and thus save the people much annoyanee, and probably expense, too. The Canadian government has done something which will have a grejat intluence npoa the trade Of the lake ports. She lias abolished one-half of the toll upon the Weiland and st. Lawrenee oattala and has also reduced duties on west bound freight Hom 40 to 20 cents per ton. This uill have a great tendeney to not only promote eommerce between ('anadian and Anit-ricaii lake ports, but also to induce foreign i'iiwAtl tlicir freighL ut these ni inU'UÍ of unloadini; at Ka'W York ml slii[)iin; liy rail the nniAniiiei ot the fcrttitoe. Laborlng men all over the country, but n the weetern Matei partlcularly, are jut nw iimulated u ith tlic "ftrike" fevi-r. Crery dty we remi of new strikee in some f our cltiea or mauufacturin centers. One item pai tkulnrly attracted our atteniin the dthor l:iy It was a Cleveland dpalli, and taU'd tliüt tlic MOM niasona, ilready raeatrtag :.00 per day, had strurk or a rai-c to $5.50 perday, and the n iail baw gruted. ÏOW the iniestion naturally arii. hadift we all better turn ItOM ma-ons and emigrale to CleveliiinI v The Iftbortog efaeeei in all departtnents tema u ! reiy fenrertah and unsettled. Sometímet thJ are successful n their de nnniN, but quite often they are Mt


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News