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Kolhers ! Mothers ! ! Hottaerg ! ! t Are you disturbed at night and broken of' your rest by a siele child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? Il so, po at once and fret a bottle of MliS. Y lNSLOW'S SüOTHNQ SÏKI.T. It will relieve the poor itlle Bufferer mmediately - depend upon t; there is no niisukc about it. There ia not a mother on caríh who has ever nsed t, who will not teil you at once that it will regúlate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief andheahh to the child, operating like magie. It is perflctly safe o use in all caaes, and pleasant to the ante, and ia the proscription of one of tue ildest aml rst feuiale physicians and nur.-s n the United States. 8old everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. 1007 58 Rescued Front Death. William J. Coughlin, of Sornerville, Waas., says : "In the f all of 1876 1 was taken with a violent bleeding of the lungs, ollowed by a severe cough. I was so weak at one time as to be uoable to leave my ed. In the summer of 1877 I was admitted to the city hospiul. While there he doctors said I had a hole in my left ung as big as a half dollar. I was so far 'one at one time that a report went around hat I was dcad. I gave up hope, hut a friend told me of IR. Wm, Hali.'s Bai.sAMnmiiii: Li;ngs. 1 got a bottle when to ray surprise and gratification I commenced to feel better, and to-day I feel in ctter spirits than I havo in the past three yeais. I write this hoping every one araicted with diseased Lungs will bc induced to take Dn. Wm. IIams Balbah for tuk LUNGS and bc convinced that consumption can be cured." Sold by Druggists. A Congli, Cold or Sore Throat should bcstoppcd. Ncgleet frequentlyresults in an Inemukle Lmmff Mwi r 'm umption. Brow.n's Bronchial Tboches .v errtain (0 ffioe relief in Axlhma, Hroiuhitif, Cought, Cntarrh, Conmmp¦ I Throat Htetuet. Forthirty years the Troches lmve been recommended by hyRÍcians and always givo perfect satisfacion. They are not new or untried hut taving been tested by wide and oon.-tant usc for nearly an cnlirc generation, they lavo attained well uierited rank among the ew tapie remedies of the agc. IvlAic Sptaken and Sinyers use thcm to olear and trengthen the Voite. 8old at twenty-five Mits a box everywhere. 1007 58 Kncklen's Árnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for ('uts, Jruise?, Sores, Ulsers, Saltllheuin, Kever Sores, Tctter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, orns and all kinds of Skin Kruptions. 'his Salve is warranted to give perfect satsfaction in every case or nioncy refunded. 'rice 26 cents per box. For wilc by Eberbaeh & Son. Ann Arbor. 1002-1034 X. PROFESSOR,! Made frum ITüftuur lloifoi.U Acid Fhoiphmte. KocoiimnndM bj ladin(f physlrlanii. Hikri liglitor biscult, cak, t'., and In healthlw tbaa ordiuary Baklng Ponder. Iiieanf. Sold at a reMonabl prirr. . The Hortford Almanac and Cook Hooit ent free. Rnmforrt Chemtcal Workn. rroYldence, R. 1 nd ¦ Lke St , ChicaRO. 1028 7! HlOP BITTERS (A .Medicine, not a lrink.) CONTAIN8 HOPS, BlXIir, MANDRAKE, iamm;mon, AXDTBX TrB8T AND TiBSTMEniPALQUALI I TlllOfALL OMilvB liU'XÏJta. THEY CURE All ïttnensM of theStomach, Boweli, Blood, I Llver, Kldncyi.and l'rinaryOrganê, NervouBDeM, Slrriilr-snosBand cspeclally Fcnmlt' ( oiiiptaluts. H $1000 IN COLD. Ê wm he pald for ee they wW Dot care oB help, or for inythlng Impure or lnjurluus ¦ fouad in in. Aftlc your drufrglst for Hop Bitters and try I tlu'iu bufore yuu slrrp. Take no olher. I D IC. Han absolute and trreslftlblerure for I DruakenaeM. usc of opium, tobáceo aad narcotlis. ¦ kaïiaV SlKD FOB tlECCLAR. ¦¦¦¦ AM thin lold by Jrogiriita. Hop Bi.Un Mft. Co.R.K-hCTlrt, N. ï., T"roUi, On. W-10-19 c e m fn?EONrWEDICINEE I IX E1TI1EU LIQl'ID OU DBT KIBÏI H MM That Acli at the ninr time en ItSILIVEM, TBSBOWgLtM AÏÏD IBS KIDÏÏXTS. M IJWHY ARE WE SICK?L ¦ 1 Becavu U4 alloxo theu grêat organt tomk Uíkíjotw cloggidor torpid, and poitonoutW Wmhvmortart thtrtfor forctd into tht blood M that thouMbeexptlUdnaturaay. fl W ILL SURELYCÜReI Jkidney diseases. pi liver complaints, MPILE8, CONSTIPATION,1 IllliiKir R SIlEASES.rEViLEWEAKXEMEI, I AND NEKVOr DIBORDEBS, JMtjy caiulng frtt aelion of thae organi and WÊ WÊrutoring thelr powtr to t?irow of diitau. Why inlfer BillM palas nd ches! ¦ Whj torniMited with Pllei, Comtipatlon! ¦ Uwbi frla;htiid OTtr dliordtred Kldntfal Q H Why endure nerroa ar tlck headtcluit ¦ M Uêt KIDNET-WOUTaníí rjoi(i in htalth. Q H Itlputupln Wrr Vtblp Fora. Inlinij ¦cana one poks of whlch BMkM aix quarta of H ¦ ¦medicine. Alao In Uc.aU Feral, Tery Cae.n LJ t rateo, for thoae that cannot nadilf pnpar ¦I Wit arts with eqaal cfflclency la ttber f orm. M GBT IT Or TOUR DRTJQG1ST. rRICÏ. 1.00 M M WELLI.BICR1BDS0N re.,Prep'i, té é (WU1 KBd the dry pott-pald ) BC1LEWT0, Tf . H PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUWPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Ijosaof appetitr.Naunea.bowelB contive, Pain ín tnelTead.with a dull sensation in tnè back part. Pain under the ahoulderblade, fuUneaa after eaiing. with a disinclination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of tempor, Low npiriU, IxM öTmemory , with a feeling of (inving neglected Bome duty, wearinesa, Dizmine, riuttering of the Heart, Dote before the eyee.' Yellow Skin, Hoadache, Heatleuneu at uight, highly colorad Urine. IF THSSEW AKKIH08 AEE UKHEEDKD, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPEO. TtTTTS PILL8 r esperlally adapted to mich muei.iiiir il. mr vttrrt aurharhange of feellnK aa to astonlili the aufferer. They Inrraor the Apprlllr. and cauat the body to Taar on rih, thu thf aysteni la aMrhbnl.iinl bjr tlit-irTonlr Artleemn the ritn. Hrf ular abieli "P"duced. l'nce S cenia, aa JIurr,y Si., M.T. TÜTT'S HAIR DYE. Okay HAiBorWiiIsKia ohanged toauuwav Black by a InKle alplliallim of Ihla Dt. It loiparts a natural color, acta Intantneouly. Kyld by DruxKnU.ur "1 bT vrM ud racelpt otl. Office, 36 Murray St., Hw York. Dr TITT8 lAltiL f Tkluablp ImfurwBlIoB ¦¦! ft tSfdW -1 'W ¦" ¦ a„Ulto.. 1032-iM


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