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Ki'undtMtd Jrom our C'ounty Kxclianget.) BRID0EWA1KR. Délos Mills lias gone to Ohio for more cquincs. I 'lic lionüe latcly o, cniicd hy D. Le Baron, lanow oocupied bj Mr Latkini Kies A Woodard are Mili addine to tbeir large orchurd by setting out more treei Jas. Kress has Monedad in raisr lamba trom SS ewes. A reinarkable recon for thts ye:ir. Tlicic are aliout 40 yoting dras beioi taught how to thoot :tt tbe Center Khool, hy Mis .Iciinic Liunastrr. .lames M. Kress, of Bridgewalcr, wtio showed Midi a ftne md of thef ai the Majjiicstcr festival, tliough for niany yeais a bMder of thetp, yet not until three yeara B0O 'lil ciilcr iiito the liiisincss ol 'laisIng and desliiig In line wools. He boujfhi liis ürst iheep ol' Van Gieson Bros., and of li is pKscn! BackhM twenty -'i-vcar old cwi-s and tliirty i-jemr old ewes,'all sircil In "Chubb." 'rChubb" was bied bv .'. Wood, sired by " Old Wrinkly," ba by "Usurner," he by Stoclls' ' Golden Fleece. ' The dam was sired by Usurper. Hls 3-year old nm "fiiiah" waalredby "Honeparte 2d," oniied iiv.l. Van (iiesou, he sired by "Bonaparte" of Yemiont, owued by Cnetbino & Williamson, be by liockwcll's " Kun-lvii 3d." Dam ol A . I!. Lone, of OornweH, Vi., and she sired by ¦ PeerleM," No. l'W, Vrnonl regiêUr. Manchester Enterprise: K. S. Rn A Son. of Bridmwater, began 10 years ago with lOewe Lamba. They Uien puiclnscd eijjht registemt ewea of Vennont stock, and one yearling ram, sireil li tbe cHibratod stock rasa "l{ip Vaii Wlnkle." üor'Yh'rêë" imúm al Adrián breeding. The tour :i-yar JW_ r Toledí),rirr88t;'Tsf pï-ize at Vpsilanti, and lat prie and s.weepstakus at Hillsdale. ce lamb took 'M premium at Manchester. They liavc heen verv raoeeasful in breeding, harin; raised from 90 to 06 per cent. of tli;ir lambs, until this year, and have sueceeded in wllinfr at good piici-s. Several rams vereMldal 50ech, and ewes at $20. The lengtb of .laple on la ml, and 2-ycar olds. one ycar's gTOWtO, meuured frotn 8 to ;![4 Incüe; one 8-ycar old cwe's fleece last year weighed 17 Ibs., and one 2-year old ram's wvigttad 'ii%. UU&i.HEA. The village marshal rejiorted 14 complainte; 8 cases diapond of; 5 panding; umi one ciise discontinued tlie past month with il'.i patd in linea. The llera ld takes back it8 tem relatlve to t excellent whe&t proepete, nuil saya : " In our issue ut iwii weeks ago, we nientiuiifd that the wheat erop in this tectlofl til nol iliiiniifícil niueh by being winter kille.) - tliat wasa mistake - farmers nfonn iis tliat on in average 11 vuil not turn out Ii e busliels In Ihe acre." The last senteuce iu the following tem rroiu Die Herald will bedenied by ttiu rew: " It is said that the Bínate of the band, can bc beard distinctiy at tlie different emU of Uit' telephone lines tliat have all iusuliiti-r attached td the buHding wliere the band ini.ot.. Am] tliat tin lutlsic sounds S CettT thaii by anv other method of hearing it." Chip Basket ;d bealtli and plntj of work prevails in this vlUagv at present. Sam Giierin has returned luim tlie south. The Herald of the "th inst., chronlolea the arrival of Frank ;iaiei an.l wife at Hiedelburg, Qwmany. L K. Bparka bas bought the fine resklence of Kev Mi Fiankinii, ofLeusIllg, 00 Kast -tieet. Slvan chronicles 41 liirts and L'? deaths for 1S80. Saín (íiierin and L. 11. Van Antwerp are to eonstitule a new tinn in the grooery business. One of the liquor dealen laatt tants was recently niulcted iu tlie suin of $:)u line and 17.-.'."i costa for telling llquef to a minor or 60 days in jail - ;osts wtn paid. There are :iü new frame buildings in the. course of erection. Burnet Steinoach has strui'h a mineral well on his place. A. "house-wanniiig" at the re-ideiu'e nl 'l'lius. Sears, receutly was ¦ happy occasion DEXTEB, William Tuoinev and his motlier are to take up tbeir resiilpiioc in Kansas itv, i .i uMine , a iiroiner mul son of the above respectively, is nou la busiii' In ipeaklng of tke maaaat in which Bro. Allison of the Herald, fjot his "dander up" at the Daily News, of Ann Arbor, for calltng Chelsea a "tleepy place, the I)eter Leader says: " Well, brotber Allison your head islevel attei all's said and done., i'roni all aooooati v uu liave a smart tOD n, aml we are gtad "1 it, it is the smart tuu ns, or tlie villages rather, that buikl up the surrouiuling ('ounliy. But rsaiiiiiilwii the Hw man ís a stranger iu tln wctlon and don't kuow eTerythlng vet, and his Interest for the present are all centen-d in tlie county town.'.' ('hip Basket. - Thos. Dolan, Jr., ha.s purchased theTaomey homeatead tbr fl,900. The prospecta for org&nlzlng a new Coiijiregatioiialcliiirib soci.iy, or veorganIzing the old one, is very goed. The dairv malas are ioccefnl- at reoeptions. Sibbath was iiiissionaiy day : t the M E (lunch, Hev. J. L llinlson. of C helst livered the (ddrest in the evening, Music elianns the '-blues" away trom Bro. Edg&T, ot the Leader, and so a party of serenadera made liim happy the otlier niffht. The Baptist charca people have thoroughly renovated and oleaned up tbeir hoi worship Martín L. Ivice and MÍ88 Julia Ouest, of viUage, were narrledonthe 4ih lust.., by Kev. J. H. Magoffin. Kn N. (. (ondule and .Mr.-. Setli Dwlgbt, of Del b i Mills, hare goaato Comuna, nsltíng M ' IIKSTKH. I he ( hiikeii plague has broken out again in au aggravated (orm, and anni.-sot other people's chlckem areinrsdlnf the pii ¦ il peopk ubo keep none t lieniseU e, Maf-hal liose irolibled np Mie worst look ing individual that has ttrack thlt town in a long time. on M..ihla Illght, last, and pul hun In the lck-up for safe kaepina;. Enterprise: In digging the cellar to tbc Lehn Clarkaon bloek workmeii uncovered au old stone wall, that was ander sume building which was burued in the big lire of líC:. Chip Basket.- Tha Srao of Baaasaler A Kingsley has been dissolved PameiVSa} that gronad was oever more mellow than this spring. Jack Frost did the job. Haiey Authony is to rebuild a portion of his house. Rev. W. L l'almer, Iiaptist, rocenüy emeraed fimr couTSHti in tbc river. The cornet band is tO ! reoryani.ed. Satn'l ( uslunan, of Sharon, atter about six month's siekness, li io as to be out train. ByrOO llül bas moved back tOtOWO agin. Jas. McMabou s Mtttllg aroiind aglttn. Ben Dean arrived in TeXaa all rlfrht, uid savs the weutln-r is ann and the ratel poor - e have slwayt aeard that o rexas water. The dop are in thesbeep' HUineai bcreabouts. SAI.1NK. ('hiji Basket.- A. Y. Sidder has qult the saloon business. Tlie ¦ Dutch Mi iré raginjr. June Warner, of Vork. has goae t' Tascóla oount} to lócate, if tbc' ¦ountry suits liim. The Obervr would Ike to observa sntioa of a Lro..d base iaii dub this siimiii,-!-. John Ls Ren bas returni-cl trom T, vis r M Khlg has moved hls old h e back t.i be oom luto a barn. tío ueed of idle aten now, or woik was liever more plentitul. .Mme hade trees are needi-d. The villaje pnund il being Oxed up, ao look out for your lawtock The $9,000 in school bonda llave been letundcl al t' ; per. 'ent. h'le, irk ..[ M.-., coiisiu of K. l( , the Co clerk, risiting frieudn and relaüves hen, on bi way home (rosa California, irhere he has been health Kartfalag. J. H. Barr s putting in a sorghom apparatoa, so farsaen plant your uri'liiuii


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News