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¦ ¦¦- m. iuii .-r. i iiiJVi ui uujii!! a il in JX ( 1 nalisfic enterprise in its report of the Muunt Morris flre.. C II. Waitl. the foriner editor of Ui'1 l'auamo Plaiudoalcr, died 11 '1 ix a sliort time igo, of coitsuuiptiun. The IVwaiuii I'lai"'1"-11 lia? CIlBUgOU from quarto to folio fonu with the beginiiinj: ot vol IV. An iniproveuient. R. F. Kellogg is now the sole proprietor of the Dowagiae Jiepublioan, haviiijr urcfaued the Interect of Richard Holmes. The Michigan ilclegation in CoiljcreM unsaid to be still confldent of the appointment of A. B. Turner, of the Urand Rápida Ea#b, tu i In' position of public irigter. Wonderif the Brighton Citizen hiu a idea wlücli Ofte of itscxoliangcs niudi' thOM MBlibla rcniaiks irhlcfa it quotes and eminciids, but credits to"an exehange."' Tiic Dundec Baporttr Iim eoaiplvteëU fourth year and the editor tliertoi' oaten uto a retrospeotive rttmrtattnw. shon-ing the advaiHvniriit and lite whith a live papi bas broiight to town. The Battle Creek Daily Moon h Mld (o have giown from a $." press and $10 wortli of type, in the short period of two years to & $1,000 press and a good office. 'J'all MfcM from little toe-corns grow - sometiuies Nelson.of tlic I lanaw Knterpri-r although he bas the thintf all to liim solt, lic don't ]ropose to relax lii.' cal or Mt lay, but intonds to gin citisena northpoct a good paper. That'.-s buaineM. öomebcKly having aceused the Clare t'o willi belg a -uliisky paper," HM editor of that journa say? "We wish tn gay right here, once and forever, that that Is a lie." All tiííht. We'll take your word for it. Tl.. OrM L'iiIoii ir. ui.Kiii.l ui...ntfli „ re. l'rint an editoral and several article. trom the Detroit Free Pres of August '30, lstv,'. Thtngt weren't then as thejj are m , you know, and these anieles iead lathui singular siiicc t tu' events of tliat day. The Edniore Journal man hm got the thitig all eyphered out : WIii-ii printer kim's to a lawver U li ic nork ilone ar Jiet advice, the lawyei bas it all bis own wav, l)iii hen the Uwyei wants a job oí prlotiog done, he can teil the printer exaotly liow to do t. We have uu iloubt that tlie printer would inake I hoicli of law as the lawyer does of priutinf. But there is tuis differeiice. The primer knovvs L'iiough to know it, and the lawyer cloift. Tlib uppllc? to other profeions 11 as lawyi 'J'he Ogeniaw Heruld has been stuilyin up the statutes and timls a forgotten 0OC "There not om peraon in a linndrcd u lm la IWSM ol Die lact tlnit there u la agiiinst profane swearing I.ike inany other !aw-, however, it obsolete. No one hM the moral i aire toenforceli. Theatatntc provides tliat any ' lui lias ariiveil at the age of diseretion u ho .-.hal I profanely Cline Of ilamn, OI swear by the name ol God, JüMl 'hrint in the llolv OhoM ;' sliall on couviotion be fllied not more than $' nor letttlian fl: but proeecutton therofor umsi b oomroeoced wltbüi tive dayt iiier the conunlwioo of tbc oflcoMi 'l'he AilriaiiTiines, sjieaks of tbeetlorls of the nihilists In crmhlagoal everj tbfng, n tbis sentible rnanner: "l'he Hn-.-ian nihilils. in I itcciiI man Jeolare their parpoM ot oontiiutiiii; llieir 'lor the lilicraHoii of the peo pie' The, whoni tbey brutallv m Orcd, diil luim1 lor the liberation ol the no of Ku-Ma than the nilnii-i ever eau. bad lenw enoufb to adopl mui to ihe end ilisircil. II' iai'-il niillions ot Mrft lo ¦anhood and woinanhood, a deed that the nihilist iuoie u of no .iccoiint. The) would libérate people by rtriktaigdown all law. and all the represenUitive of the law. That mean chaos, and liconse, and the rule of the strong over the weak. NI bilUm means nolhingisni. " 'J'he OUml I l.ibe nol slow tO TCCOgnie the real bcautie of a landscape. 01 the laudable rirtuet of the dertl - printer? devil CTndertlie bead ofehooetoj u obcdpatiou he (booti the following advice at Ilie people: "In ehoosin au ocenpation for yourself soa, ui' s oiu brotbei's sou, by all advlae them totakeup the Ihankleee and n:iiiunerafi e role ot running a country newspaer. It's deliffhti ¦¦ cbainiing, its lábon -o few and pi wil H, it rewardt to large and remunergtive, it puuiahuienU m ipane and ihin, that if you et 1 1 ii ¦¦ ii thoroujfhly installed in tiie eilitorial cliair, ainl gel tiiem well dallbed with ink and plastered with paste trom the ci., d of their beadsto theaoleof their feet, hosannas load and deep w II asccinl sanl, showerinj; hlririnjITi lipon yonr bead eviu to tbeteiuh cueratioii. Hyall meaiis ailvise yiuir sou to euibark in PM MWipi pi i business,'s inillions in it."


Ann Arbor Courier
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