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lio II iirdnii'1'd liy Ihí' niuvor rcrnrrifr aml aldiTi tir . ity m Arm Arbor : non 1. That n.) persmi shall .xereise the btutnoM or trade of an ancUoneer. or sell l,i..j..rty ut publlo auctlon or oiitcrv wlthoül i Ucenaa Um Itoanae eammluaa. Thli eollon símil not !iiply t ai. y penon si-llina property by virtue ..i let-il Drnmw. ..r nndu a mortcage, or for beiravolent or cliurltublo pnrpoiea. ion 2. The UoenM committeeare hereby aiiiliiricl togranta liirnsr lo any if gixxi ¦teraetar.oo Cheoondltlona prVscrlbed id ihc t'iiii.wniK leatlon : AoycltlFen of Aun ArborapplyIng tur .i Hosnse shall, befbre the tama li grantel lo blm, py lolo thc rllv IreiiKiiry tlie siini ,.ƒ iw.nlyllvH dolían wr ycar, un'il tila recorder'8 fee. aod exeruit-it bond lo Ui oorporatlon In (be surn or rlv bODdraüi dollars wtlta tosurtiicnt snretlBucoiKlItlonnl for the iHitiifui obawvanoaof the ebartor and ordiuaooea ofaakd i-Hy. II (he for Huoh iicerjM be non rttidmt ol ina olty be símil pay foriuoh Uranse al ilie of tw.-nty-tlve 'ioiiars p.T iiy in adrano tor eaab and overy day he Khall mii, and the reordera i, and he ihall alao glve a llke ijoixl, wüh llk suretieo ns herelnbefore preacrlbed for resldenta: and any rettltlent anetloneer who símil scll oí beengased luthewleol thegoodaor "t.K-k oí niiv non-resideut ol the city, or trau ent penson dolng bagiueaa beretemporarlly t-luill wini. so ampToyed nnd angaged ! treated ..¦- a non-rauldeal auelioneer, and ihall pay the ranioikT.lnj lolutheclu iraaauryaá la provlded (6r non-resldenl aaetlom ¦ su iion I, No bell ororterahall len-.,i to eolleol blddan al any anetlon. Bbctioh :,. Any vtolatU i awy itrorUloni ol tius ordinanoe hall bepanlahea by a Un.Ode rftindrwí'SSlIaF and'c'osft'.'or'Dy M'. Sfíí'S1.1 ment in th county Jail not to axoeaa three monlliH, In the diacratlon ol tbeoourt. Made and paaaad In commou council thls second day oí Mhv, a. r. isi


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News