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MKtesf I.ydüi Itosifr. AtlWMlon of tlie Probate Conrt for the CoantJ of Wduhti-imw, holden ui Probate office In tbi city of Aiid Arbor, on Tuday, the twenty-sixth lv of April, in the y. -ar one thousand eis;hr hundred and cihty-one. Prcxcnr, Willlam D. llarriman Jude ot Probate. ' in me mam-r 01 the entaic „i i.,au iio„i„ ,,.. iphen Kalrchild, the Hdminlstrato'r oí sald estáte, rnmii Intocourt lid represent !hat he in now prepaieu to reader ui final account as such admlnldtr.itur. TiMrmpoa It is ordered, that Snturdsy, the twentyfir-t dny of Miy neit, at ten o'elock in the forenoon. be HMivned for exaininiu..' and allnwiiur ruch account, and that the helr at law of sald deceaned.and all olher psrtool iMrontad in ld estat.' MlM to a..-ar al ut", oi said cuiri, then tu he baldan at the Probate office, in the . ly ot Aun Arbor, in sald coiinty, and xhow oom il aor there !, wliy the iai'l account ehould not bc alloned. And it i inrth-r ordeno, that natd dmlnistrator glv Dotlo to to peraon lutereaied in ald of tha M-i,rl,-ncy of xaid accoont, and th.' I. thereof, ly caoalni a copy of thiB order to ie nuhli-ii.d in the Ann Arbor Cnurier, a oempaMr prn .¦il and circnlatini; in iaid oounty, two neciwilvt eki prCTIoni to Kaid day of hearmu. ( tru.c-py. WILUAM D. HARRIMAN, WNC Q. DOTY. Probate Kcl-m'" ISMM Estáte of Loren Mitorc. UT ATE OF MICHIGAN, Coanty of WMhtenw,M At a nesalon of the Probato Conrt for the C'unnty of Waxhtenaw, holden at the l'robate OtHce. in the city of Aun Arb.r, on Tlinruday, the tlflh day of May, m theyeir one tbooaand eUrht hundred and eiKl.t one. Present, NMIIiam D. Harriin-n, Judge ol l'rohatc. In the nmtt.r of the estáte of I.oren Moore deOn readlng and rilini; the petiiion, dnly nrlfled, ot N„ali W. Cbetver, prayini; that k certain Inatrumuol now on die in tbli coort, pnrportlng tobe the laKt will and tentiuneiu of nald dec.aied, nia b a.iinnted to probate, and that hc mav be appointed execotur thereof, or that ¦dmlnlitrmtloo, with the wil! annexed, may be rantud to some other uitablc pernoi), 1 'h'-reiipoh it m orüer.d, that Mondaj, the nlxth day of June next, at ten .i'clock in th. lorei ¦ be axslpned for the bwrlns of 8a1d petltlon. and that thedei and helra ut lawof ssid deceaBd.andali oth.-r pf Km nitcrented insaid etute. Mie roqnlnd U) appvar at IKMkn ol Knul court, then :o be liolii.-n at Uie Probate nttic.,in th. city ol Ann trbor, and thow OM, II any tlu-rc i.e, li liieprayer )l ihe pelitioner Kliould not be granted. And it in irtber orderod.that aid petltlon er t-ive rtotlee to the lotereated In said cítate, of the pendeucy of ¦aid petltlon, and the heuins thcreof, by cauulng a :.. oi tbi order to b pnbllnhed in the Ann Arbor 'Ji'urier, a newapapei printed and circuíate. i In nald mo&tj, thrr. auoesHiVii eekp prt-ViouH to uid day f hearitiK. (A true copj J WILUAM I). IlAKIfIMAN, J ol Probate. WM. U. UOTÏ, Probate Keirl,ter. lna ti


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