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The Ypsilanti Sentinal has got all ready to " fence in " that city. It is stated that about 25 architects will submit plans for the new library building Hon. A. J. Sawyer is one of the lawyers defending Dr. Wheeler in the suit at Hastings. The old Hawkins residence, on Miller avenue, is now occupied by Warren Tremaine. The juvenile band has secured about half enough funds with which to purchase a uniform. A floral concert will be given at the Methodist church on Sunday evening, at 7 1/2 o'clock. The Hon. Edwin Willits is to deliver an oration at Dundee says the reporter. Last Saturday's storm damaged the foundation of J Keck's new building to the extent of about $100. Delaney & Hill shipped an elegant carriage to California last week, which they had made to order. David Henning of Chicago, has given $100 to the extension fund of the Toledo & Ann Arbor railroad. The same mosquitos are around this year that were here last, at least they answer to the same name: " Dammum." The Chelsea cornet band propose to enter the contest at the state band tournament at Lansing. June 8th and 9th. Deputy Register Carpenter is one of the most generous knights we know of. He pays out $2.50 gold pieces for pennies. The buds are shooting and so is the grass, but it don't seem to deter the boys and girls from promenading evenings. J. Austin Scott has been chosen a director of the Ann Arbor agricultural works in place of Henry W. Rogers, deceased. Mrs. Elizabeth Eldridge, who had been a resident of this city for 18 years, died last Thursday of cancer, aged 60 years. Quite a number of our citizens were subpoenaed to attend the cases at Hastings growing out of the Smoke will controversy. The hall-stones which descended in the storm last Saturday were very large ones, some of them being as large as hickory nuts. John Goetz is putting down new walks, repainting and fixing up things generally at his fine residence, corner of Division and North streets. Three of our Ypsilanti brethren, Capt E. P. Allen, Frank Bogardus and A. M Noble addressed the reform club last Sunday evening. The " Land of Nod "' operetta, given by the juveniles, was so pleasing to the people that we are informed that it is to be again repeated at Ypsilanti. Special meeting of the homeopathic hospital aid association, is called by the president, for Thursday May 26th, at 3 o'clock p. m., meeting at the hospital. Michael Duffy has been appointed special administrator of the estate of Chas. Kitson, and will immediately proceed to make an inventory of the property. The state board of canvassers counted the votes returned from Monroe county for Chauncey M. Joslin, as being given for plain Chauncey without the M., and so awarded him the certificate of election. Since publishing the list of liquor taxes paid in at the county treasurer's office, there has been an addition of one dealer from Ypsilanti, paying a license ot - The man who lmles his light late a ''UJiW s lik., unto the ï.icrcliaiit who pnrl'"cü a largc stock of goo, naglMtod to left apon his nelves. Wi'ic titom two cent postal cards, with :i snij) on Mik tai, DM end to writc I nii-s'i"'H iad OM c.iIkt lor Om ranrar, " ilream? The public wen promtoed thcin over u yc;ir ago. ('ity Treasurer O. F. Webster bl öed with the finance committee. Hr bad receive.1 $32,747.1 1 h frm Ot o]t, ;""l pau out;j, eaving a bsteaca "i' bui (,r if(;,u:ij;s. Vhenever jou bcglu to ris,-, MtTlOM '¦'¦SWI" ":il''liyHiaiHl ,„radventure the tongue of tl... timtiÊtm will 1„. M loose Pvo,,; hutthus. likohliMtlu.frMnwe, do we become reflned. Munday a leglvs nu m ai)ou, '"'¦¦ mtM IH'd.lling ,WIK.N. ge mugt -t uitl, good NeaaM, fot towtri Sheriff Wmllace hd tofto er. f hèm. The hou, of Chril MUlmu on North Main strt, was rock bj-llghtntogdnrlng "'" storm of lui Saturday. Ajfck Ir.m, "PP'ng off a bunch of lUnjrlM little raagflwwdone. Bnt It tu a cloe oll. Reshients of the flfth ward compUin "'at horses a,ul cattle are tnrned Ioom to Pwture ia tl,, sIr,,,v w,.n üwUw s st'"'' llml WJ Plaio on that point, why nut enfore it ? Hoadaj a triend of the irritar wl on Ñoñi, stat, Mreet t daadaUon oiossom whi.h as ¦ paal Mrioaky. It JWjaquartol In t,-it, barlnS foor pr¦tly dertíoped bloHonu on one mm "¦-'"'"'"aiul n.lly of au inch wlle. No one with whom we .¦,„,- ".1 eyer saw anything like it before, W. K. Childs, the sergeant-at-arms of the house of representatives, is now at Ionia, in charge of the legislative committee which is investigating the charges made against the warden. Residents of the third ward are complaining that somebody is poisoning their dogs, some seventeen having died recently. The owners of said canines would like to catch the murderer. The remains of I. L. Witmyer, whose death we noticed last week, were brought to this city for interment by his father. He carried a policy upon his life of $2,000 in two different companies. We understand that R. Kempf, of Chelsea, has determined to take up his residence in our beautiful city, and that he has purchased a lot on Washington street, on which he proposes to erect a $5,000 residence. Bee keepers are trying to solve the question of how they can sell honey next fall if the bees do not cell any this summer - Nashville News. That's ex-cell-ently put, Mr. Strong. - Eaton Rapids Journal. Yes, but it don't bee-comb people to weigh such honied words so lightly, however Strong. Rev. O. J. Perrin of Pontiac, Prof. Samuel Dickie of Albion college, Rev. J. C. Wortley of Hudson, Rev. Geo. W. Lowe of Detroit, have already been engaged as speakers at the Whitmore Lake tent meeting, June 6 and 13. The Dexter Leader says that we took items from its columns for our chip basket which were not there. How could we do so? The items cited were given us verbally by a Dexter Kc'i'tleniaii, olie of wliich, it IW-a. u :is right, and the other wrong. Dr. W. E. Ziegenfuss, of Dexter, for a long time our correspondent at that piuco, lias ivuuiveil to Toledo, Ohio. Webespeak for liim tlit' good will of our Buckeye nelgfabon, md believe they will find in 1 1 i in an honorable, upright gentleman. Tlic raridence of Patriek Lavy, in Dexter township.was burned last Saturday.the Art liaving oriffinated from adefective llue. But little of the contents were sared. Loss placed at $2,000; insured in Wasutenaw Mutual tot fl, 500- $900 on house, $600 on fornitura. Jsdfe Harriman returned f rom Missouri last Tuesday íiight. He reporte everything tbrougfa Missouri and Illinois way bcbind time, many of the farmers not having plowad their corn ground as yet. Wheat he said wus extremely poor, the beat fields being In Michigan. Ann Arbor extettftoa t Pontiac is to be puahod wHli rigor uutil iwnnpltttil. and tliat thu compan j already havo a toflctent quantlty it steel raus ou hand to lay the track in South Lyon, whore connection s mailc with the Detroit, Lunsing & Xr'n. tl. [uiiuu uuuuty ews lias tliis item: klrk, of the Inghaiu Farmer Iiiik moved DU fanilly to Alm Arbor. and wlll soou il.v.itc hll niiuliili'Nt uerglua and expend IllB loftlest tboagbdoa Ihe Mllan Moriilm; Hun u nrwv paper soon lorlnp above the horizon of perlodlral 111. wltli uk cfrulgent bettniH The Farmer wlll be prinled enllr.'ly at Fort Waynu Mr. odirklrk paylnga vlsit to Dansvllle anon' u, nai Uit upa bumlleof locáis, the gleanluis to M plcked up by a correspondent. E. T. Edmonds, a member of the Ann Arbor City band, was married last Sunday, at Dexter, by Rev. W. J. Campbell, to Miss Eva M. Hull, of Hamburg. The band boys gave the happy couple a serenade last Monday night. Mr. Edmonds expects to leave Ann Arbor, and permanently locate in Central Iowa, soon. Geo. Albert Jacobus died at the residence of his parents in the 5th ward of this city, on the 14th inst., of consumption. He was buried last Sunday afternoon, from the Baptist church, Rev. S. Haskell preaching the sermon. He was about 20 years of age, and had many friends who will miss him and sympathize with his family. The Courier's tasty and truthful adver tUement upon tlie fonrtli page, which ha been so extensively imitiited in whole 01 in part by papers throughout the state, ¦eeaa to worry one of our Ypsilanti broth ers, nul in one of his outbursts of passion íespecting it he exclaims: "Vou lie, yovi vlllain, yon lie." Wel), if that is the truth tiras lie must be a gentleman. Will W. Hannan, of Dowagiac, engrossing and cnrolling clerkof the house of representativos at fcansing, and Mrs. Luella Beaman, daughter of Byron Green, were married last Wednesday, the ceremony taking piare at the Episcopal church, alter wliich breakfast was given at Cook's hotel. The bridal party lut't iminediately for Lansing, where they will remain until the close of the session. John Slatterly died in New York last BUHttb frora a wound received in a quarrel. He had a wife and family in this city with whom he had not lived for inuny .iis t was learned that lic possesoetl considerable wealth, and Mrs. Slatterly had Hon. E. D. Kinne go to New York and see about it. The result is that an esmtt ot :tO,000 to $35,000 will be inheritcd by Ml t'umily here. The iollowing is recomniended as an ellociual method of getting rid of inoths in cai'(ts, and may be a useful hint to houscholders as the seasou advances: "Wring a aooiM ( rash towel out of clean water, sjirtad it smoothly on the carpet, iron it dry witli a good hot iron. repeating tlie opcration on all parte of the carpet suspectad of being infested with motila. No Meed to prtss liard, and neither the texture nor the color of the carpet will be injured, and the moths will be ilestroyed by the In-al aml tcam." Last Saturday night y e local was awakened froin jdeasant dreams and sluuibers „..eet uy u ¦ ,,r n ,,ftae drum As our sleeping senses gradually become awakMad UTMtH miiiikI.-, wire heard, and in Hm course of a few seconds we came to the full realiation of our situation : we were bi'ing scicimd-(l, and the serenaders were the Ann Arbonity band. We never heard the boys play betler. They were evidently all in the best of spirits and their sweet harmony put the sciibe and his family in good spirits. For which compliment and kind remembrance the boys will accept our thanks. A company bas Deen organized under tbe luws oí Indiana, to be known as the m unión electric light company. and lias mivliascd the right of Prof. W. J. I.anjïley, of this city, to manufacture and ¦M liis electric light in the states of Indim:i. lllhiois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri and Minnesota. Clement Studebaker, of South Hend. Ind., is president of the company, wblle Ue Bon. Schuyler Colfax, of l lic wie I:i-, Ilon. James Murdock, of Mleblg&n City, Ind., together with Piof. Jas. DuShane, Daniel Green, Jobn Rohrcr, Hons. D. R. Leeper and Andrew Amderson, :ill of Indiana, and Walter S. Hicks, of Ann Arbor, are the incorporators. The capital stock id $150,000. The South Bend Eveninr RegMer says: "The object of tbe eompany, as stated in the articles of association, is the manufacture of electrii lainjis and other niiicliincry and impleniinti lor the production of electric lights, licat aml motivo power. This company nieans business, and will begin active operutions as soon as necessary arrangcments can be made." We are also intormed that this company has secured the water and tiam power formerly used by the Singer manufacturing company, of South Bend. Tlir Singer eompany went farthersoutli N accounl of scireity of lumber. All kinds of burns, Including scalds and sunburns, are alraost mmediately relieved by au application of a solution of soda to the burnt surface. It must be remembi'rt'd that dry soda won't do unless it is surrounded by a cloth moist enough to dissolve t. This method of sprinkling it on and covering it with a wet cloth is often the very best. But it is sufficient to wash the wound repeatedly with a strong solution. It would be well to keep a bottle of it always on hand, made so strong that more or less settles on the bottom. This U what is called a satunited solution, and really such a solution as this is formed when the dry soda is sprinkled on and covered with a moistened cloth. It is thought by some that the pain of a burn is caused by the hardening of the albumen of the tlisli, which presses on the nerves, and that the soda dissolves the albumen and relieves the pressure. Others think that the burn generates an acrid acid, which the soda The vacant lots at the northeast corner of North and State streete, opposite the residences of Dr. Vaughan, and the Sisters of Charity, are being made a general dumping ground for Uie city. It seems as though the city fathers ought to interfere, if no one else does, and stop the dumping of decaying garbage and refuse in that place. It not only makes a very unpleasant and unsightly spot for residents in that locality to gaze upon, but also breeds malaria. Of eourse it would necessitate a little more work on the part of the scavengers who clean up yards and carry off refuse, etc, but it strike ik tlixy miglit to ! mude to dump their carts outside of the thickly populated portions of the city, at least. It is a shame to our city, and a pest to many of our citiens, and ought to be stopped. We also notice that these same class of fellows have commenced filling up the cut made in the liill on the extensión of Catharine street, east of Ingalls and just south of Harvey Cornwell's residence. If it is ever the intention of the city to nniüpklU that strrit they ought to post notices tliere tolliiji these lazy ilumpers that any further iiitriiigement will be prosecuted according to law. Mnny of the papers throughout the state have been publishing gratis - at least we take it so, as we were offered the same thing with nothing said about pay- a long notice of the " new cornet " which was not cliM-overed. The only object of the notice is to give a patent medicine man gratuitous advertising. In this we think the newspapers are foolish. It Is doubtfnl if this saine individual to whom tliese notices are worth thousands of dollars, would give the euitors wiionu.w .„. . ' , or even a bottle of liis fauious remedies on the saine terms. If they get anything of hiiu they will have to pay tor it. Now we take it that the advertising space in a newspiIer is the publishers property, the saroe as Iioftlo oL mudiUiie l the property of the man who makes it for sale, and a reque.-t to giw it away is begging. We cali a man who neks us for a pWMJT on the street a beggar. He asks us for our property. So does the man who asks us for tree advertisin ask us for our property, just the same, and should be treated the same as you would treat a beggar. lf you should write a letter to this great philanthropist and request of him some of his medicine gratis, that your health might be benefited (?) the request would without the least doubt be reeeived with contempt, and the answer would be: "if you want medicine buy it." If mblishers would teil these advertising beggars words to the same purpoit, that if they want advertising to pay for it, they would be doing an act of justice to themselves.