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One Of The Finest Amateurs That Gottschalk Ever Encountered

One Of The Finest Amateurs That Gottschalk Ever Encountered image
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"I tliiiik." -aid a %w ll-known ore! ¦ lx'"! joke ever played in tlii.i u ii Hii.-on an amateur pianiM when (Dttsclirtlk a i h. if. The amateurs l'ulher wiis nwm;r of larre hall, nml lie ñ'i ', .,:ilk f'orliituMiciil. TIhti . [.icn tur eiglit piano. :iinl the amateur VM t play one t the Instrumenta. I wat tbc leader. I thougtat Qottacbíilk vvnuld hae.itit w lie 1 1 1 told liini ilmt Ihc UMtenr coiildu't pUy thrce sii.iiirhi notas. He tare (o throw m all out," s;iid I. " aad ruin tlir x i toriiíAiu "tíottschulk swore flke a ïnnjor. bul "twas no RDod. Tlic bilis welf out, umi he couliln'l go l):irk il liis pfOftMMM, (Ven ii ti' íft of liali t'nr ihc nilii ni no (¦ouüideraUon t hlm. At la.-i I hit oa u tdeatbal Ixed wbetc lwlaa. The amateur cama domi tu rehoara! and wt i'i.u.-i.ii liini ii uiKil be liioughl be was to Ije the star of the inght. ',n ag heleft ¦ ik tbc liammers ool ol bit piaao and inadi" it (lunib ;i -(¦! he ¦ r know tln pianos gohifr t once." The tumful convent ion lauebed. Anl juut as I thought," -aiil the leader, liaiiitii.riiiii on the table with hit 'tbal amateur or hle rrienda never dlscovi-ic.l ihc i riek." "Nor "Xn ir; be jiut -.lilcii In mul pounded on thal piano u it it wat tka rom enenay be ever hmá. Huw b- d to -lm olí among so ín. inv ixxi piunitilg, and hammered on liis kcy board until Míe H-rspiratiuii nearly bliuded hini. Now and toen I liiiikr.l ;it hini apirovinlv to glTe hiin Ircsh coonute, and every time tlmt I diil ha gKrt tbe piailO ¦ lick ílmt nearly iinidc miitch woouoflt Hii friend all aroaod tbrew bouquet to blm lili be looked lik ¦ redimí uhi'ii i I WM al I oler h su uní Dii nrak in i he green rooni anil cliiH-cl a c inck tt.r IMI into hand. The oíd man ilulii'l know u lietl Dtauuüng un hcad or blakaala, he waaeo úcklfd, anl the way lie m-i up the wine for tbe crowd wat i i-aiitloñ." "Diiln'l di fine," sairi lie. to me, " alminar HO ni, un lii too?" "I never board an amateur do well In [Hiblie. " a id 1, 'Sind u hal a inore 1 mean it, eh ? Don'i yon think [ lilit'r"


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News