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927yr Iiuslness Locáis. A nes & Worden have a very large as sortmcnl of gloves and hosiery, very cheap We have just received a large line o new carpets in the latest patterDs. WINES 4 WORDEN. Wines & Worden carry a very fine as sortaient of clothg, cassimeres, cloakings, denims, shirtiogs, ticks, flannels, &c. Black and Colored Cashmeres and Buntings at wines 4 worden. Spring dress goods in large varieties al WINES 6 WORDEN'S. One of the most desirable assortments of spring prints, very nice, at WINES ft WORDEN'S. We have one of the larst :isnrtiinntof bleached and unbleached eottons in 4 4, 42 in., 5 4, 6-4, 7 4, 8-4, 9-4 and 10 4 ever Aw a4o-, at .iatïracury prices. WINES & WORDEN. If you want a good gent's shirt, cheap, 80 to WINES & WORDEN 'S. For one of the best assortments of laces, edgings, neckwear, &c, cali on WINES & WORDEN. Silk and linen handkerchiefs can be found cheaper than at any other house, at WINES & WORDEN'S. Black silk, colored silk, trimming silks and satins at prices that defy computition t WINES 4 WORDEN '8 To Rent.- The store known as the Grenville Drug Store. Ipquire at Courier Office. We sell a good Iluck towel for five cents. WINEa A WORDEN. Table Linens, napkins, towels, curtains and curtain fixtures at WISRS U W0RDEN3. We are the only house in Ann Arbor where you can find the geouioe "Broadhead Jamestown" ruohairs and alpacas. WINES & WORDEN. 1 - M- . T'O RENT. A hou andbarn, No. a; William itree - Enquire at the Couriib Office. tf pOR SALE, OR EXCHANGE FO] Kantern Property. " , A tarm, partly improved, in the banner countj ( Nebrasfca. A good location for a physlcian. t'o ivspondence solicited. J. OSCAR GARMON, M. D., 1031M2 Hastings, Adam Co , Neli. jyANTED. SIX BOYS To learn the finishing trade. Kuqaire of KOl'II i II ALI.EK, 52 South Main tumt, 1038-11 WANTED. A woman would like to get the cleaninit o swetplng of school building, or would na ooi to days üU- - "BI Bt. l8-3 JOIi SALE 011 TO RENT. Two blockfi south of the uniYcrsity grounds i Iioohp wlth three lot and barn au. fruit, unquire on the premines of "atf J. B, 8TEBHB. T'O RENT. A Hei-Hu., il, ,u., at $60 per )ir one mlle out of the city. Addres Box C, Ann Ar Arbor. J?OR SALE OR RENr. The wellknown pioperty of the late T. A. Haviland.located in the fifth ward, will be old on reaaonable terms, rented or excbanged for other city property. The property embrace land, blacksmlth ibope and wood shop. If not sold In a reaKonsble time the property will be for rent. Por particular Inqulre of O. H. RUODBS, Kxecutor. Ann Arbor M'c 131lf LL KINDS OF BLANKS PRIMTID OH BOBT MOTIOB AT THE COÜRIER JOR KOOMS. pROPOSALS FOR PAINTING. oSKeiIe!! uProP5,l8 for "ie palnting of the following Public School Buildings In this city will be reccived by the nnderslgned, from this dy untll the 6th of June, at U o'clock p. m., inclueiTe. All the outilde woodwork of ith ward echool house includini: towcr, with chufles, Iron crest, om buildings and fence In front, Ui be palnted with two cuu ot besi white lad and bent llueced oil. A!l the outolde woodwork of old purt of the first ward school building, inclurtlnK tower and fince in front, wllh two good coat of best white lead and best linst-ed oil ; and the new part of the urne bolld ing to bc painted with one good coat of the same material, so as to make olí! and new part of building look alike. AH the Inslde woodwork of tbe firt ward school building to be painted bun" or cream color, wlth two good coat of best white lead and best llnseed oid, except staiw. which are to be painted, olled and varnlsbed au directed All the outslde woodwork of the hlgb echoolbuildng to be painted with two good coata of bent wfcite lead and best llnseed oil. All the inside work of the high school building to he painted buffor cream color with two good coau of best white lead and buet Museed oil, eiceut tbe sUIrs and gallery, whlch are to be painted, ollrcd and rarnlshed as directed. All the work to be commenced tu ioonu the present term of tchool is rlosed and to be finlehcd by the ljth or August next, to b done in the hem workmanlike manner and wlth the best material under the dlrecuon of the committee appolntud or is aubNo moncy to be pid unUl the work is completed and accepted. F'=";u Propoaals for each job to be made separatcly The board reserves the rigbt of rejecting any and all bids L. G RLT KR, Treasurer of School District No. 1 , of the city of Ann Arbor. Axir Ahbo, Mich., May 1, 1881. PINSSI & 8KABOLT8 . BAKERY,GKOCERYi iD FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on band, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLB8ALK AND RKTAIL TKAD1. We shall also keep a snpply of IWIFT DBUBEI8 BBHT WHITK WBBA1 FLOÜR. DÏLH1 FLOUR, HYB FIX)L'R, BUCKWHB.Vi' FVOUK, CORN MiAL, PlBi), c, c. At Wholesale and retall. a general stock ol ¦ ¦( I K I is AND I'KO VISK Vs onstantly on hand, wblch will be sold on as reatos ble terms as at any uther bouae in the city Oah uald tor Butler, Bggs. and Country Prodoc. enunuly. IVHood dellTonid to any part of the city wltb ut extra charge. " H1N8IÏ 8KABOLT.


Ann Arbor Courier
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