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THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Aun ál tHI Mlclilican. I mncis general barih business, CAPITAL, $50,000. OrKanizeil under the General Banking I,aw of thli I State. th.e stockholdiTëare iudlvldually llablc lor ai I additlonnl nmonnt cqual to the stock held by them I therehy creatina a 4iiariintM' Fund for the I heneHt of leiONitors of $100,000.00. Threr per ront. Int'rent I allowed on J I Oepodtl uf on" dollar and upwards, accoriI lngto thi'riili'Kiif the Hunk.and interest rompoandei I semi-annuully. Mom1)' to loan mi unlncumber I rhrectnre- Chrlstian Mack, W. W. WlDea, R. A. Bea] Wllltara Deubel, Willlam D. Harrlmai Daniel Hlacnc.k, and W illard B. Smit omrorM: I Chkiutiaíi Ma-k, Pres. W. W. Winbh. Vlce-Pree, C7HA8. B. Hiscock, Canhler. I U15-9M FBEDON LÜMBÊR YARD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Mnnutacturer and Doalrr '.l SAtlMAW I GAJVG-SAWfiö LIIBER LATH AND SHINGLES. We iLïIte al! to glve tis a cali, ana examine on I etock before purebaeinp elsewhere. ALSO AOBNT KÜK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO. AND SELLS FIRE BR1CK. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J., miun. füb.13,'79 BBWMflBT LITTLE MACK MAKES SÜITS TO ORDER FOR $20. PAKTS TO ORDER FOK I $5.00 FROM ÁLL-WOOL MATERIAL. We have our ReadyMade Department full of all kinds of Men's, YOUTHS' and BOYS' CLOTHING. Don'tbuy until you have seen LITTLE MACK, NO. 9 SOUTH MAIN ST. ANN ARBOR. Estnte of Willinm Fn er. QrATKOFMIClIItiAN.OountyofWaaütenaw.s?. At a peHnloii of the Probalc Conrl for the Couiity cil VV:thienuw. holden at the Prolmte offlee. In thi city of Ann Arbor, on Saturdny, the twenty flrt dny "f Muj. in ibe year onc thousand eight bandred ana elghtr-one. Present, Williani D. Ilarrlinau Jadre of Prohatc. In the nutter of the esUte of William Krecr, ,1cOWMd. On reídlas and Hin; Uh paUUon, duly vtrlüed, of Jaue K. Frecr, prayini; tliat adminlntration or auld eitate may be gr&nted to Fruderick B. Braun, or some otbar uitabfe peraon. Therenpon lt in ordered, that .Vlondiiy, tbe twrntieth day of Juna naxt, at ten o'dock in the foronoon be aBlgned for the haaring of naid pelltlon.and thut the ln'ir at law oí uaid deceiiKed, and all othel ptraona Inlaimtad In sald eatate, irr roqoiraS to apMarat a aeaaion uf enid conrt.theD to be holden at tlu Offloe, in the r-Ity of Ann Arbor, and show cailKi'.if any Hutu be.why the pruyrrof th6 pi'titloner shonld not ba u'nnted. And it i furthiT ordered, Ihalsaid uatitinia-r u'lvc to '!"' puraima iuler. MUd in a]d wUU). uf ilif peadancy of said petition, Eind the hearing tnereof, 'y caaslng i copy of thie ir.l'-r to ba pabllahed In the Ann Arbor ('uurier, a newBpiperprinicd and alroulatad in uM ooonty.üiree mooemva WMk pieitioika Wtaid day ol hearing, (A true copy.) Wil. MAM 1). IIAHKIMAN. Jndfle uf Probate. , WM. (. DOTY, Probttl K,'iMrr. lulu l:


Ann Arbor Courier
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