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I ftoposals fa Building a Bridge. ,. ", ton Ín Iba city of Aun Arbor h,r luU, L ¦ero the Hurón river at Foatari Ni.ui , eS miles went ol the city f Ann Ar or. 1rofiils wlll he recetvad ili for mi lron bridge, „od alone The sald bridge I to be 120 feet i Stu and 1 feet Id widtb. Hids muat bu na - e.r.telv for the of hri.lge nmed. ¦" rítat lo reject anysnd all btdB Ib reserved. Hlghway C'omniisaloner of th Township of Ann Arbor. Post-ofllce box, 577. 10414) Chancery Sale. CSTATÍ OF MICIIIUAN-Thc circuit Conti lor 0 e ounty oí Waehteuaw. Iu chaucry. Mary B. OoitellO, guardián of Mary Coste lo a Haber! Coelello, niFuors, coinulaiuimi-, . Johu o Mry Aun Costello. Churla, ti Gregorjr, un. v " liregory and John H. Evarts, defeudant. 1 nuíwünce iuá Dy vlrtue of a deciee ol Mld oí t made na eutered In the above .tuiert cauta, 0 tai ilf"ly f February, A. D.1881, notlcato teeby glven that 1 -hall public nucton, to , 1 Í-Ihm bidder.on Monday the lHih day ol May, 5l 5! 1881, at twö o'clock In the afternoon, at the Lt froui U.o. ol the court house .In the city of "a Arbor. WhtMw ooupty and tato oTlfleUm lo lowlng deacrlbed real estáte, beini; the Lm iSenffiTaud descrlbed in sald decrea, to„ a i ,,i thoae certatu tract or pareéis of land ktha towSíhlpVol Scio and Webster, In the coui.ty ,tWaí í-uuw . lylniton Mili Crcek, naar the .vil age olDetterlbelñgtheaaWJnin and site of the barn ",tae íis-mill with privileges and appurteboonded and descrtbed as MI.: Co; inuiiug al the center of ¦ A Btreet In said TlUaga uffiexte accordlng to the recorded plat thereol, at lutattnectloii wh "O" street or the Ann Arimr ot an" rimiini: thence nortn nlneteen degrees anddlteen minute, east alonff the center ol A 1 rmi Av chaln and sixty-three link, to a stake ; bere m rïïi sëveity deLSee and fortyfivc mluutes we.tat rlght angies wlth "A" Btreet two chaln and Vy-one link.; thence norlh nlneteen dcr aid ineen miuutos. eat parallel wlth "A streel rhain and elshty links, to the line of a plece of hïdsóldbyS.W. líciterto Jullus Ramaey ; theuce nrlh forty six deercee. west to the BOUlh boundary o7lho Michigan Central Kallroad; thence weaterlj a . "the south boundary of said railroad, croa. Ing Mlll Creik to the soulhwest boundery of llie p lic h Khway leading across Mili Creek from the , viltage of Dexter to the town of Dexl.r, thenco alon the south-west boundary of the tííc18Y_'l2.r''fA',iA-Vytbl'íl(irfflgn'Vny,i.tamlii iiortli seventy and one-balf derees, eaot sixty-six Inks from the northwest corner of aid Dexter f baru ; thence eouth tweuty detrees, thirtv-flve minutes, west ten chaina and tweuiy-iive links ton stake standing souiü neveuty-four and a huil degreea west seventy-three links from a black oak tree nint. inches In diameter, and north seyentyfour deKrei's, weet ftity-niiie llukB lrom a white oak tree lewi Inchta in diameter ; thence south atxty-nlne degreea twenty tlve mlouti-a, east two chaius and flfty-six links to the mili pond; theuce easterly acrotl tl nuil pond to a white oak Bturap on tlie souttlea-l bank thcreoi, nine indios in diiunetir ; thence nortl ioriy degrew, east nlnety-elKht links to a atake standing, uorth elhty-four deprees, eaet nlne linkfrom a black oak tree, mixteen inches In diameier, theuce riorlb flve detfreofe. oast one chaiu and seven(y-Ilve liuka to a post ; thtoce north tweuty-flve demn and thirty mlnntee, etst two chains and uluetysix links to a stake on the south boundary ol "O" strett or Ann Arbor road; tkence lo the place of beAnd tlso the rlirht and prlvHege of flowinx with wuti-r, hik! at all times overllowlnn and keepiiiK overllowod with water so much aud puch the northwest quarler of aectlon nuniber seven and alt oi section number six In townsliip two, south o nutra Uve east, as may orean be overlfowed by ralslag the water ín the mili poud on the premisus abovt couveyed to the helght aud level of a certain spike driven in a certain larg'e oak tree standing on Uw east bank of mlll creek in the valley thereof, a lew rods below the dam on which the road croses saic creek at the villaje of Dexter, and of a mark made to correspond therewith anda nall driven thereii on the aide of the second poat (counting down stream) from the gates of the name of the iw-niil on the weet bank of sald crcek at said dam aeveu luches below the shouldcr of said poat, said marks on aul flume-po-t and on said oak tree being tht same marka which were placed there by K. Ko-e makSi uSSS larturwteyft.aM, yv .au. mlll at sald dam (slnce burned) which marks havi. boou geuerally understood and known by tbc per sous workiug in anti about ihe grist mili and sawmill at said dam aud generally spoken of uud ra ferred toas the height or marks to which Ulo water o said dam miaht be ralsed. Thi conveyauce la made subject to all lncurabrauce ot all road, atreeta and higtiwaya now laid out or running through ovei or inlo any part of the premises abore conveyec and also reservlng all that piece or parcel of lam ben tufore conveyed from Thomas Peatt, Jr.. auc Alvah Aldrlch to Samuel VV. Dexier and by saic Uexler to llenry Vinkle. All ihose certain pieces or pareéis of land aituatcd on the Iluron river in the township of Scio in the county of W ashtenaw and state of Michigan knowi the Scio mlll property together with all the Hy Urauli'". power and privilege as heretofore uBed for iist-s and purposea of said mlll uud all the rigbt and irivileges owned and held in relation to the kecplug up of the dam to the helght of eight fee and two inches above the natural level of said Iluroi ¦ iverand the rlgbt of flowing the lands above eaic mlll being tbe same premises the uudivided half o which was convejed to llenry buydam, Jr., by Nel son H. Wlng by deed dated Jauuary ilet. A. D. 1857 and recordeü in liber -lo of deeds In tbe Kegister's oltice of Washtenaw county on page 79 and the other undivided half was conveyed to sald Suydam on foreclosnre of a mortgage made by Ueorge Wal kerand William Popkins liy master in Chancery's deed dated üct. 3rd, A. D. 1ÓU, and recorded li itlirr :!1 on page 2U8 and by the said Suydam con veyed to John Oardner by deed dated March ird A D. 1ïü7, and conveyetl to Kdi;ar Ueed on fore closure ol the mortgae glven by sald Gardner foi the pnrehuse money by Master in Ohancery's deet dated Oct. Ut, A. 1). 18.59, and recorded in liber 45 of deeds on page 77 li. sald Keglster's olticn and by Edgar Raad couveyed to Alim't Reed by deed datei Scpt. 18tli, A. D. lStil, and recorded in litn-r I oi page 514; a porlion of said mlll property is embracen in a duw! made bv '"""' ,w , Fo-'"-„- "¦-"¦ üuaekenhub aated July IS h, A. u. 1.SJ7. and re curded iu líber "R" ou pai;e45.S and is eupunsed to describí: hyM' imW and treoiisus couveyed by ilü Micbigau Central railroad (Jomp:in to Alinet Kued bydeeddnied April lst, Itdii, and recorded In llber ¦lil on page 504 together with all the rights aud inieresta oí whatsoever kind conveyed by Almet Keec to John W. Green by deed dated AiiL'u-t Ist, A. 1. 1814. and recorded In eald Register's offlee Sept. lith, 1804, iu liber 54 of deeds on page 25Ü. Also the followlag described lands and premisea known as the tii-or'c Walker store (so called) at Scio village as described in a deed from A. H. Qreen and. wife to üeorge Walker and recorded in the office of the Ki:giter of deeds for Washtenaw county in llber "T ' of deeds on page 414 and 416 and which last described lands were also deeded rty Artlmus M liriillii and Klijah V. Morgan to John W. Qreen on the lUth day ol Aug. A. D. 18U4, and recoided In said Kegister'8 offlee on the itthtlay of September, A. 1). lm, In liber 54 of deeds on pase 274. All of the above described pareéis of land and premises being the same conveyed by said John W. Green and wife to John M. Markcll and said William C. Hughes b deed recorded in sald Kegister's office in liber 66 ol deeds on page 2Í7. The followlng deBcrlbed piece or parcel of land, to wit : Commencing at the uorth-east corner of block elghtecn (18) in the village of Dexter, In the county 01 Washtenaw, aud running thence along the east line ol' said block, in a soutnerly ulrection, one hnn dred aud fllty leet, thence westerly ou a line parallel wlth the Ann Arbor road, twenty. flve feet, thence north westerly, on a lino parallel with the tasterly line of sald block, to the Ann Arbor road, thence easterly, along the line of said road, to the place of bcgiunlng. Also the undivided one-half of lot number uinc (9) In block number seventeen (17), of the village ol üexter, according to tbe plat thereof. All of said lands being in the county of Washtenaw and State at Michigan together with the tenemeuts, and appurtenanees there unto in any wise belonging or thcreupon situated. Ann Arbor, March 24tb, A. D. 1881. tirt,, PAT1UUK McKERNAN, of WaC"llrt Commlssioncr in and for the County Sawybh aud Kkowi.ton, soi.ciioro, auu ti. . Bkakkh of Counsel for Complalnaut's. Jame T. Honkt and Kdwahd D. Kinhk, Solicitor lor Defendants. The above sale is hcreby postponed, to take place on Monday, June lath, at the same hour and place. Ann Arbor, May lüth, a . 1881. PATKICK McKKRNAN, Jlrcult Cnurt Commicaiouer iu aud lor the Counly of Washtenaw. Sawvku & KNowLToN.SoHcItore.and H. f. Beakes of Counsel lor Coraplaiuants. 'l'. Honkt and Kdwakd D. Kinnk, Sollcltrs for Defendants. 1039-42 ASSIGNKK'3 SALE. I, Charlea S. Oregory Assignee ol Evarts fc Co., wlll sell at the same time and place mentimiud in the above notlce of Chancery sale, the other undivided one half of lot number nlne (9) in block number -eventecn (17) of the village of Dexter accordlng o the recorded plat thereof, and on the -ame terms and conditions as the other half oí sald premises ot lamed in the above sale. Said premiees are situated In the county of Washeuaw and state of Michigan. .„„,,,, CHAKLES s. QREOORY, 1032-1042 Aselgnee of Evarts Co. Estáte of Loren Moore. TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtcnaw.ea At a sesslon of the Probate Conrt for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Offlee. in the city f Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the tlfth day ol May, id thw year one thouwand elirht hundred and lghty ouc. Present, William D. Harrim.m, Jud"e t Probate. In UM matter of Ihe catate of Loren Mooro deeasi'd. On readlng and Illlng the petltion, duly erifled, of Noah W. Cheever, praylng that a certain nstrument now on flle In thie court, purporting to be te bist will and testauiem of said dacwMd, may ba dinitted to probate, aud that he may be appointed xecutor thereof, or that ndministratlon, wlth the vilt auncxed, may be gianted to eome other suitable HT-HIIl. Theraapoa it Is ordered, that Monday, the slxth ay of June next, at ten o'clock in the fOra&oon, ie ussigned for the hearing or eald petilion, and that he devlsees, lcgatees and heire at law of said deoau(t, :iinl ai] otber persons intereated in said estáte, are eqalrad to appcar atasesslon of said court, then 0 be holden at the Probate Office, In the city of Anu rlior, and show cause, it any there be, why the prayer 1 Ihe putltioner should not be granted. And it ia urttier ordered, that eaid petltioner give DOtlCeto the eraoni intereeted in said estáte, of the pendency oí aid petltion, and the hearing thereof, oy cauBing a opy or thia order to be publlshed in the Ann Arbor Jvuricr, a newspaper printed and clrculated in said miniy, three -ticcesslve weeks previous to said day 1 hearing. (A true copy.) WILLIAM D. HARKIMAN, WM. G. DOTY, Probate Kealsier.6 1038-i'f' INSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY,GROCERY iKD FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on hand, 1KKAÜ, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, KOR WHOLESALB AND RETAIL TltADE. We Bball also keep a supply of WIFT DKUBEL'8 BKST WHITK W1IBA1 FI.OUK, DELHI FLOUK, RYE FLOl U, BUCKWHBAT FLOUK, COKN MEAL, FEED, Ac., c. At Wholesale and retal), a general stock ol jiKOCERIES ANI IMtOVISIONs onstantly on hand, which wlll bo sold on as reuson )le termn as at any other house In the city. Cash uaid forButter, Egg, and Country Produci oneraliy. EaT"Goods dellvornd to any part of tho city with nt extra charge, yr K1N8JÍY HEABOLT.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News