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liiisiuess Lot-als. ' Wines & Worden have a very large assortment of gloves and hosiery, very cheap. We have ju.l raoaived a large line of new carpeta in the latest pattern. W1NKS WORDEN. Wnies S Wurdcn carry a very fine assortuiont of cloths, casMtneren, cloakings, denims, shirtings, ticks, flannils, &c. Black and OoloreJ Cashnieres and Buntings at WINES É WORDEN. Spring dress goods n large varieties at WINE8 WORDEN'8. One of the most desirable assortments of ppring prints, very nice, at WINES .V WORDEN"S. We have one of the largest assortments of bleached and unbleached cottons in 4 4, 42 in., 5 4, 6-4, 7-4, 8-4, 9-4 and 10-4 ever in Ann Arbor, at satisfactory prioes. WINES & WOKDEN. If you want a good gent's shirt, cheap, gO to WINES A WORDEN'S. For oae of the best assortments of laces, edgings, neokwear, kc, cali on WINKS i WDHDKN. Silk and liuon handkerchiefs can be found cheapor than at ar.y other house, at WINE8 A WOBDESS. Black silk, colore J silk, triiuniing silks and satina at irices that defy competition at wines & wordin's To Rent.- The store known as the Grenville Drug Store. Inauire at Coürikr Office. We sell a good Iluck towel for five cents. Wr.NKS A WORDEN. Table Linens, napkins, towcls, curtains and curtain fixtures at WINES k WORDENS. We are the only house in Ann Arbor where you can find the genuine "Broadhead Jamestown" mohairs and alpacas. WINES WORDEN. npO RENT. A house and lmrn, No. 26 William ilreet. Knqulre at tha Cmun n-'t POR SALE, OR EXCHANGE FOR Kante Property, A farm, partly Improved, in the banner countj of NebraaKa. A good location for a phyalclan. Correspondence eollclted. J. OSCAR GAKMON. M. D., 9-42 Haating. Adam Co , Neb. TyANTKD. SIX BOYS To Iern the inlshlng trade. Buqulre of KOCH & HALLER, BS Soath Main sireot. lii.ivu "POR SALE üli TO RENT. Two blorks south of the nnlTcrutty irnund h hOBHc h Itli lotH and bam and fruit Knquire on the premist-g of 1033tf J. B, 8TE8RE. WO RENT. A iiri-i 1.1 il.,,.. at $60 per j .nr, ono mile ont of the city. Addrees Box C, Ann ArArbor. QOFFINS AND CASES I FULL STO VK A T MARTIN '8 AU orderü promptly attorrted to TjOR SALE OR BBNT. tr .,Th,well-known propcrty of the late T. A. Havlland,loated in the flfth vrard, will be old on rutaonable term, rentid or ext hanced for other city property. The propcrty ombraces land. blackmlth i Khops and wood skops. ir not aold in a reaaonable time the property wlll be for rent. For particular lnqulre of (i. H. ItllODKS, Kxocutor, Ann Arbor M'ch. i3i tf "POR SALE. AT A !i.VKAI: One of the Best Nnmll Varmn In Eattern Michigan. Jood Noli, -o..,l Kullilinsa. ood l.orntion. For circular givlng full deacriptlon send postal card to 10KV3 DRA WEK A, Ht. Clalr, Mlch. ÏÏSILMTI 6BEENH0D8BS'! PRICES DOWN! Havlng a Large Sarplas Stock on hand, of Every Variety, in Splendid fondition, I wtll aell PLANT S AT ONK-HALF THE HKOULAK PKICE Por the next 80 daiB. Among the stock I have ome of the flnest vsrietiea of Kom.--. Camella, Acallan, 'arnatlon. Zonal ¦-riiiiluin-.. 1'anrhlat, HydranB8H, Calla Llllen. IIKOniaM. r. Verbenla at 40 cent per dozen, in poti. The neet Coicas and CenUorias at 50 cent per dozen. Drders by ïail, o: Otherwiw, Prosptlj Filled ' We make the most Elegant Floral Work of anj i la thls or Wayne connty. Have all the nsoal dealgna, baakeU, etc. JREEN HOÜSES ON PEARL STHEET, NEAB P. 0 Yl'SILANTI. 100 K. I.UHI.i;, Proprletor. All klada or Kook Blndln( deae at rhe loarli-r me ¦ hort ¦tlee.


Ann Arbor Courier
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