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uroDson ñas a new paper, the Journal Iloward city has a daily. The Horuet It luis a business end. Schooloraft wantf a new hotel, buthasn'l any workmen to build it. Allegan is to lose Kev. WalterScott. He gota to Xew Albany, Iud. In Grand Kapids licenses - to sell liqaor, have been taken out by thirty hotels. place that hasn't got th biise ball fever don't amount to much, just now. A black bear weighing 350 fcs. was shot within the city limitó of Ludington recently. Bowtrd City has its firststreet sprinkler, and Detroit is yet to have its first Street b weeper. Ludington had 40 oases of diphtheria at the latest reporu, and her schools had been closed. Arrangement for the state fair at Jackson, begmning September 19, are already in progross. Kight telegraphic wires were burned off at the Decatur office by lighting, one nlght last week. The saw-mill of Wm. T. Bailey, at Grand Haven, burned last Fridav Loss $15,000, insured for $5,000. W. B. Wells, ex-judge of probate of Ionia county, has received the appointment of consul at Rotterdam, Holland. Dprftlg Ihe month of May there was Iñlpped froin Kast Tawas, 3,757,690 feet of lumber, and 10,960 barrels of salt. It is hoped that the Alpena, Tawas & Kay City R. R. will have its line runnimr to i ISCOila this l'.ill. Tlio Ia now toin-,' survL-yotl nd the route MUÜtliabd. The villaje of Mt. Morris n (nu -iy Co., recently destroyed by fire, is keing entlrely rebuilt in a bitter tnannet tliau fw. ... i,. . wewoomb, of Bliasfiefd, Uicd .Iiinc Bd Be liad been a respected and prominent resident of that locality for thirty years. The Alpha Kappa Phi fraternity of Hillsdale college celebrated its 24th anniversary recently with unusually briüiant and tertaining exercises. The St Jo. Valley R. R. is gaid to tw finished, and cars running to the town line ncar Berrien Spriugs. The new town of McMillan, on the line of the Detroit, Mackinaw and Marquctte R. R., is just now booming vigorously, and grand tlungs are promisea for its future. The wool erop moves very slow this season throughout all portions of the state. Prices range from 25 cents to 32 cents per pouinl. Geo. Abbott has been appointed sherifl of Oscoda connty, by ' the governor, the man elected to that position haring failed to qualify. Two safes at Orland, ten miles sonth of Bronson, were cracked by burglars one night last week, and $0,000,005.00 secured. A joke on the crackers. There is considerable emigration from Australia to this country, and a gentleman from that land has just settled in Tuscola countv It aart liin. t8 rum to move there. The cities of the state are quite generally awake to the necessitied of "an old fashioned Fourth of July celebration." Firecrackers and small boys please take notice. Allegan Tribune: The wintergreen berry is becoming quite an article of commerce in thiscounty. Seventy-six bushels were exportad during the spring from Sherman. Gowen, MonUalm county, waa credited uith WKlit [cases of small pox a few days since, and the boards of health for all the región round have ordered a general vacciuation. Boo. Isaac M. Crane, of Eaton Rapids, died at his home in that city, last Tliursiluy. aged 41 years. He was at one time a prominent and promising democratie politician. Arthur Griffln instantly killed at Amsden's shingle mili, Greonville, last Friday, by being caught in the machinery. Accidental ; not to be classed in the attempts at niurder. orfianized a debating society which they p-U: the " Bullfrog Qlub." Very sugges tive buch clubs usually do considerable croakmg. A little four years old cliild of SIr. Hessengor, at Kalamazoo, being run over bv a M. C. engine and killed, its father has tefilVfily-,i inno ,„wi;,., ..„.,;„„. , The Detroit, Mackinac & Marquctte R. Ii. has commcnccd business. Conductor Lawson, at St. Ignace, last Friday, had a leg run over and so crushed that he had to have it amputated. In the Muakegon river and itstributaries, above Big Rapids, there is said to be 350,000,000 f eet of logs, and elertric lights are to bc used by tlie boom company for night work in running tliern out. Tlie M. C. R. R. hassignified iteintenrlon of extending the Caro branoh of the l. .v B C. R. R. lo Union ville, Sebawing and Oaseville, providing the people in that section are suffleiently anxious. Much standing plne has been destroyed by the folMt lires in the north woods receutly, and several roll ways have I n burned up. The destiuction of pine will rearh into tlie millions of feet. Frcderiek Schulz, a lad 1 3 years old, was caufrbt by the elevaror bands in Wood mili, ut IJlutïlon, -Muskegon Co., a few days since, anil had both legs torn from his body, cauaing instant death. During the six raoutlis from December 1 to May 31, inclusive, there were inspected in this state 882,191 barrels of salt, beiag Krum 00,400 biuicla lena Umu üuilii Uu1 corresponding inonths last yeur. Robt. Morrison, aged 35, feil from the mast head of the stcamur Brunswick, to the deck, last Friday, and died froni injuries received. This occurred at the dry doek in Wyandotte. He leaves a family. (rand Rapids is about erecting towers on which electric lamps will be placed Ui light the city. The oue now in procesa of erection will be 96 feet above the eaves of the buildings and will support five oreight lamps. The Toan will case at Ionla has been settled by the daughters allowing their brothers $2,C66 apiece more thati the will gave theni, they paylng tlieir owu costs. The girls are eid to have tle syiupatby of the public. There were 748 convicts in the state prison May 21, and 21 new convicts were received during the inonth. There were 18 discharged, one died, one was pardoned and one Rent to the Detroit house of correotkm, leaving 748 at the close of the uiontli. The pipe line between East Tawas and Au Sable has been surveyed and established, and a large forcé of men are at work clearing the same. It wlll bc 13mileslong, and brine wlll be running through the pipea by September lst if nothing unforeseen happens. The governor has appointed Peter B. Tyoomis of Jackson, a member of the state Imard of charities and corrections in ÉtM of Lieut. Governor Crosby, resigned, and Dr. John Avery, of Grcenvillo, a member of the state board of hi-allh. in timet t Dr R. C. Kedzie, resigned, and both wtre confirmcd by thu state senate. Ja?. Corbin, a boy about 15 years old, was mnrdered by Dan'l McDonald, at Ludington, on the lst inst. The boy caught McDonald cutting some belu In fcartier & Filer's mili, which so enraged him that he lunded the boy until he died of his injuries. McDonald was arrestcd two days after in a saloon at Manlstee. - ' A New York dlspatcli of last Friday said "The body of Col. Dwight Webb, killed by a íall down stairs in his boarding house at Jersey City, was removed to the morgue and will be buried n the potters' field lf f rienda do not interpose. The colonel bclonged in Michigan, and has represented Uta district in the legislatura of that state." The governor has appointed the following ladies and gentlemen as inembera of the board of control of the reform school for girla at Adrián, and the senate has oonhrmeü the same: Mrs. Arthuretta S Fuller, Grand Rapid; Charles R. Milller Adnan; Mrs. Eliia S. Stebbins, Lansing' Theodore H. Hinchman, Detroit, and Mrs Mary E. Cooley, Ann Arbor. We made a remark in these items recently about the Detroit base ball club being beaten in every game thpy played We shall have to take that back. Tbey are wining a brilliant record now that they have got warmed up, and accustomed to playing together. Tlieir fine record and good playing seems to have revived the interest in base ball throughout the state. The marriage licensc bill, introduced by Mr. Remick, was killed in the house. Thts bill requlred every person about to be united in marriage to procure a license from the county clerk. We do not know the particular provislons of thts bill, but wi' M know that a fícense law of somt' kind, embodying the main provisión of this bill ought to be enacted and enforced. A farmer of Laveview, who evidently doesn't take his county paper, (or any other) sold a pair of oxen to lift a mortgage on his plaoo, ii. u jev, tmt un¦unatety went to the circus before doing the "Uiting." There he sawa 3-car.l monte man, bot the price of the oxen, $65, and went home a noorer, saddcrand wiser man fle had tx-tter subscribe for hig local paper now aiid read it. U, mav save liim aouie The bodles of the Mi. Clemens íisfiiiiR party of April 27th, have at last all been recovered. On the 2d inst., Dr. Decker'g body was found off Grosse Point; C. H. Wood's between Milk Kiver and Orosse Point; and Postmaster Snook's between the Clinton rlrer club house and the channel lijfht. Their watches had stopped at 3:20, 3:30 and 3:45, respectively, provine conclusively that they were drowned, and dld not die from exposure, as feared. It was a sad blow for the rillage of Mt. Clemens. The financial reporta for the diocese of western Michigan, at ita recent meeting in Allegan, showed a balance in favor of the fund for the aged and iniirm clergymen of $2,248.42; and in favor of the treasury of the convention of $228.26; aleo, a deficit in the Episcopal fund for the coming year of $2,885- kindly reduced by the gift of $1,000 from Bishop Gillespie to $1,885; a balance in favor of the Episcopal residence fund araounting to $35,795.65; In favor of the permanent uiissionary fund $4G.9O; in favor ot special funds, $529.40. Two Jackson damsels warned the boys who persistcd in bathing at the island above the water works, that it wasn't etiquette to thus publicly exposé themselves so near the resident-e of the opposite sez. But the bon !'' "¦ aUflntioD so the aforesaid damsels opened fire with revolvers the next time they carne, and the way that river was cleared of bathers is said to have been miraculous. Some of the boys are said to be on the opposite shore watlng for their garments yet. Boys, women's words are words of wisdom. Will ye take heed in the future? The old 0wo8so & Northwestern R. K. road bed has been transferred to a new company. and work is to be commenced at once, on the 30 miles between üwosso and Alm.i, Gratiot county, and it Is expected cars will be running by Jan. lst, next. The road is destined to riin northwest from Owosso through Bhiawassee, Gratiot, Isabella, Wexford Manistee and Benzie Countices, crossing the Flint & Pere Marquette and Grand Kapids fc Indiana Railroads In Osceola county. This road, as surveyed, will open up millions of acres of pine land heretofore uutouched and devclop some fine farming country.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News