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The lcgislatutv hag adjourued ! No election of senators in New York j et We are to li:ivc minmissionerof emiRration to Wh honicd words to foreipners. en Victoria has very klndly sent her =vmp;ittiv to Uw Meted on tt Lonéon, an.l $- but tliat was all. Au American borté, betongfiig to oí the Lorillards, wontlic Kn-rlish Derby, and In led SUtei is happy. rt Is Stnted that the first rclii;ions body to lonn:illy Hilr]ittlic in-w revisión was tlie M-galional uaocUtion of Murlbpro, MasS8, of the Indiana imivt rsity, say : "The Unil,ed SüUes is thit notaíAr?." Well, how ftinny ' Tkil of the unión may pr I'residtnt Abbot, of ie stateagiïcultuni] college don't lxlicvc that wheat is pooi-. fielda on the state farm are looking fiucly, and he believestlie erop in fair con dition all over the state. Guess he'sa liltlt " uil" uil Ulttt sCOHi. .- - mmm mm - iadividualá who raiscd such a howl over tht; aipoiiilnicnt. ol' Hou. Stanley Matlhews toth l '. B. supr.-inc coiirt hcticli, will jirobably be pleased to learn tliat he bas rccciitly rendured hls ftrtt decisión a.ajusticeot the wpmaM court in Ciaclnnatl last Tlmrsday, and RUkM it ¦ a monopoly. Bot. Ur. Tal nsationul er of Xcw VcrU city, ilon't like I clitiou L the new testament, and is attackin; the same continually. Well, that prohably sctllcs matt.-r. Kveryonc will „,.„ thrnw it uide. nirk np the old editions Md DMUCh on to the I ature, siukiii' Oí ming by its words. Tnmbles ncver come BlngJ. Following apon tii li' cis ï the LondM dUas . water, mines an aeeount oí a terrible conflagration in Qaebec, night befow last. The city wa$ buruing all niglit, and froin 600 to 800 houses were clt-stm . .1. wliilc thousanUs oí poopl :"c' tfcdMd lionii ud ixtnnile. The wonl stiilw.-irt, " a Wüm aod ft politics, the Xiw Vork Tribtme clmlin, "-us prlginated by Secretary Blainc, in adlí pattli to the liiwton HuraM ot April 10 m?, Well wlmt Ofltl Most :uiy one bflold hnvf Knt the iaxáe átípttoíb and no h:m' betowe famota over it. It is rtraage Mi-timi's, how trilles become great mu -uiu u ni la ¦!¦..''. ! in llaverly'. new tlieatre in Clik-H'O, a new wriuklc te e introducid. A " tiíhlOH boix" wíl bv built on i ai li -de OÍ tlie otage, leve itli tlii; Itoor, aiul H arrantred tlmttbe en tire toUetof theMtMoccupying it naay be i iMiiiuuti uress maKcr?, n, tmt touj;l ou hu.-baiid. Dr Omamdtnm, - president ot Millleou-ii, Connectlcut, university, Ikubecn selecteú as the president L theSfortlv .rn tiniveisity at Kvanston. near ChiDr. Cuinminga is ono of the mos dlstingwished educators of the Methodlí churtli. He is a nativa of Fa!i Maine, Gt ear oi' age, a gradúate of Wea luyan university. The aniiy of the Cuniberland is to hold it? next animal reunión at C'hattanooga, Temí., next September, aml theConfèdwoldiers ar effecting n organization to meet them. It will he eoniewlmt different from the way thcy niet tliein m IsoJ-fl. The southern people ure matting extensive pn-panuion.-, for UdJ the iirst northein remrion ever hekt in the south. Lfcnilng has flnally been selected for the ixrniiment loeation of the state school for the blind, and the board of auditor's have Hn-ik-d ti) ïiay theowners of tlr Fellow's Institute - tlie propeitv temporari-nj.w'i) bg tho Kool auiu of f10, 000 out of the general fund. W e aïe glad tliat the blind now have a permanent abiding place. In time the loeation will be an Ment one. Langing República : " .Major V. C. Ransom, of Port Huron, for several years connected witli the Chicago iV Grand Tiunk road, lias been appointed deputy railroad commissioner. He is a genial gentleman, son of ex-Governor Ransorn, and was for iiuny qreajra a clerk In the auditor gaaeral'l oltice. He bas the experience and ability to perform the duties of his [Hisitinn, so ably fllled for 30 iimny ycars liy S. F. ('ook, of this city." The leiri-lalivi: cnniniiltcc appointt-d 10 iMatagste tho ebargM rMjittttog the inanafiiMiicnt of the Ionia house of cmn-rtion, have reported. Whilu tliey found lint few of the specitieation.s siistained, and tnostiy of trivial Importance, yet the "lack of harmony in the txiard and disaiccments between members of the board auil the wanh-n,' DMkc thu latter's positiou unpleasaut, and embarrassing. The report will probably be the ineans of rnre lias rnriimw- rlrH a ampíate ehange in the board of management as well as in ot warden. The southern postmasters who have obstructcd the mails, and declinad to forward n-pubjican documents, have j(ot themselyes into CQpsjderable troubli-, and many of them m batef thcir lieads for allowlnn; their fcally to party to interfere witli their sworn duty to tbe govferhment. They were tht-ir positions by the United States L'ovcniment to do certain thtnga reqdired f all pogtmasters, among (hÓM things beng the fbrwardlngof all mail matters given into their hands to be forwarded, (of course 1 ¦¦¦-i - a ¦ , .1 t ¦!¦. ..„ ï.. . 1_ llrl governcu ly rertain rules). When a postmftsti uter than the govern ment, and forwsrdi only such matter a.may suit hU peculiar views, t is high time he wm replaoed by somebody leu "graat.1 Stirli i man lias fio business in office. A Wyoniini.' female feil n love with an iliiKiml'-vcl itJIMCfcl. Lu Chin, by name. TIn' lawofthat torritory would not allow them Hl n la tlw.y " jinoj " I.uiííI. ¦nul skippcd over to Denver where they li'íiilly " iined1' in wedlock iinderthe lawsof Colorado. Coming back to Cheyeniie. tlnirolU liomc. they werc arrested for inisct'genation. The Chinese consul at Denver has iutcrested the Cliinese ambasr at ATashinjrton in tlie affair, and they propos to Stand bv their countiyman. A war with China may be imminent, rdiiip to our views of the matter, if a white woman'i tabte lias become sodepravcd a to fancy such a peculiar specimen of the limnaii speiics, tJie kmtnVI or done by rc.iectable people to break the thing up, the better. It strikes a looker-ou tlnit the jdan of telegraphing all over the country every ilay that the nvestitration loto the tar -crvice of tin' pottoflioe depüi'trnent, el the frauds in the treasury dejiartment are bfivg pushed vvith vifior, and that the web ot ovidence is slowly but surely etoahig around 8iich and rach people, g an exceedingly poór plan, to say the least. 'J'he authorities should thoroiiu'hly eleanse the dep.utinenls, and pvoHooèt any and every lerson or persons who have in any way defrauded the t;iveinnient. But at the same time they oujiht to keep tlu-ii" movements U) themselvi's, and w hen any chain of evidence is discovered, not to give the case entirely away by telling te the whole world hal t is and who it relate to. A L'eneial u lio wonld divulgo to the enemy his position and plans could not expect to win a battle. Neither eau the.-e garenment defrauden be puuished or ilrreted out by a similar course on the part of mir goternment officials. T'ndcr the Ütlo "f " Mental Reflrxt-," lie London Lancet publishes in artiele ly )r. Hortimer Granville on tUat frequent ;ause of failufe in Ihe. facultv cfatlention, lamely, tltiiiktnp of more than one 1 1 1 i 1 1 _r at a time. Dr. (ir.mvillc flial it is ni](!-sible for mimi tu lie engaged uith two tO]nc - at ome. i wliicli Jmbs tu i-ompli.-li : n fact a bjjrlily developeil powei iig froiu one Mibject to another witli great rnptdity - a sort of mental trapivi - lying, whereiu tlie performer often gets an ugly fall, and niay be pormanently disabled;or il' hetactpM this cala,mlty, says Dr. (iranville, tuere will probably come a time when lie will discover tbat be so impaired the mum ofappBotton that In eau scarely toüow a Iomjí sentence or carry out .1 suaUüued prooeM of reasoniojf. We have lieard many isk the cause of the bitter enmity between Senator Conklinr. of New York, and Secretary Blaine, of Maine, and being informed that t was attributed to a speech of the latter wliile tx t 1 1 gentlemen wcre uiembere of the house of representative?, 'm 186ti, have exii' a deslre to rcad tlie same, As but few people have ever read ;¦ li refered to, v proilure ii, that tlieir curiosity uiay be gtatlfléd Annoveil ly ConkMngs supcriilums airs, and roused to particular wrath by bis statement to the speaker that In iliil not uisli tu have anythiug to do with the iii.'imIh'I IVoni Maini', nut even so rnnch as to yield him tüe Hoor, Blainc syiid : " As to tl)P gentleman' cruel sarcasra I hope lie wlll aot le too severe. The oontempt of that Urn" mlndetl gontleraan Is 8O wiilliiK ; hls hauKhty dladkln ; hls granillloqnent well ; In niHjeHilo superemineiit, over-powertng, lurkvy gohblerstrut has been o otihiIiIuk t myself and all the mi-mbers of the house, that 1 now it wa an act of the grealeat temerlty fin me lo venture uikiii coutruversy wltn all f tlila il kiiow Uiat wlth weeks as memoer ol the house wlll r . an extra trut has oharaot. man ¦ bearlnii. It Ir nol hls fmult, It I the fuult. of auolher, that glil.l aod naltncal Thotlorp Tlltnii. ol the New nrk Inaepenaent. Heipent ¦oma wjekB In the city. Hls letter imbllslicd in thal (pel UDbmOM witli many . nifUU IHUe Joco suilr.M mrt of whlch wiu. the Urteraent I i ntle of the lal " P"n.llí mernber tr.mi N. V. ' toolí, l ig]y and 11 ha glven hlnntrul an addltional pimiposity. The resem blance I great. HlsBlrlking. Hyperion to a satyr, Theralles to Hercultw, mud to marble, dungnill to diamond, ii sliiged ct to a Bengal tlger. a whlnIng puppy to a roarlng llon! Shade of the mlglily IJavls, forglve the almoBt profanatlon of that Jocose satire."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News