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The Crow Of Christ

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In thedaya of our Saviour, people cvcrvwhere were ponderinfr tiis sublime teachings In thelr bearta,and wandeling at mighty dceds, saying one' to another "Whütthiiik ye óf ChrUt f ' 80 to-day, all men ure lookinjr at the erbea ol crimaon fiory, thinking of tlie divine scheine ol silvation. Olirist lifted u] on the cross, is drairinf thought of all th wrW nnto Bisa. Bilt beyoinl thi inttl it'Ct iirtl axsent to Christ's saving power, WOlM HM in the hl.-M , Kedeemer all tliat can touch and win tlic ht-art. The erndfled Lord II án oUkka L uwthtmiI lovo ami w uioUlf ¦ Even tlie sceptic, as lic conteml'l;iw tkc üfe of that liistoric personiine. JMU tl Na.areth, who WM bom of the Vïrgta Mary, the wife of ¦ carpentcr. and luid in tbe aUnget ut Bethlebem, whow Ufe, even wliile a babe, was H)Ogbt bgr ¦ 1 ul tyiant; I.-I1-. wlio went about doin good, ditlusing joy and ladnuss on every hand; who was found in tlie homét of the lowly and sinful, teaching thcin tlicin the way of lite; who, notwithstanding hunger, thirst. weariness, persecution, not liavinK where to lay his liead, supported hy the minUtra Üaétát ¦ few friends, never was hMrd to niurmur, never secnud to tliink of hiniselfj .Iisiis who had conipassion 011 the muil inde and red them with bread of earth and bread of hcavcn ; who could rooum and weep with the sistere at the grave of Lazara, who alone in the (farden of Gethseniane, sweat as it were drops of blood, as he prayed In agony that the cup might pass nona him; Jesus, whose friends all Btyod alar off In the hour of danser, while He rai betrayed by one diaoiple, denled by another and led to judKinent;.Ie-us the inn. ecni, oondemncd, icoáedat, niockfd, scoured and naile.d to the CTOH in shame and Ignominy, and who ever in sueh an hour could iiy ofhUdeadly enemlet, "Father forgive tliein, for tln:y know not what tli ,1 nnKminnJC' 1 tTjiH-lsh nis !v h and ïadniiration, and acknowledjies him t be tlie bent mm that ever lived. liut lo tha soul who beholds in .lesus not only tii best man that ever lived, but also one whose place Is at the rijht hand of the Father In hcaven, surrouuded bv angel] boste- toe very Sou of God, clothcd n lli-h -sees upon the wondrous cross a divine Redeemer, Imm whose pierced sid Rowi the precioui blood, In which, tjtongl bis siiw De M searlet, he niay bc wa-hn whiter than snow. Oh! what pen cim de scribe, what tongue can teil how Mreet tin name of Jesvis Bou oda f Ho wonder the very thought of the cross filis tlie C'hrUtlan breast witfa iwe I no wonder (Jlirist s to liiin bis joy, lii hope, his lite, bis all. Thnt heart mii-t b of flinty haruneM that can look upon Cal vary's scène, liehold that graat beurt tbrob bini{ f or all humanity, yearning with a mothei's tender atl'ection to give all ehtld run of toil, in and MHTOW, rest and not be touched witb love tor the Saviour. Hou many thcre are for whoin tbe world ha nothing hut oold nefilect, loved by nobody and with nobody tu lovc, who find tbei' longinga gatisfleo in ( luist ! How man1 wenk, enin. Miiful otH havlng drank the cup of iuu and dciiiedation to it Vcrv dreirs ftt l;lsl liuvc to .h-iiv Dleédlog upou the cross, and given 1 lui hearta to hfm. Ah, yes all thot iu ioitow whose hearts are bleeding and full o angulsh, all the wandeling prodígala, all .:in Mee in Je-ns ;i bunian syniiatbiinf. friend, who catnc not to condenin tbc world, bnt to save that whtch was lost And trusting in that croaa of Christ the dark veil of the future is rent in twain, am with the eyc of faith, the Christian sees be yond the dark valley of tbe shadow o death, over into tliat country wbtrt :i niansion awaits hini, a home uo made with hands - a home in which hc shall meet loved ones prone beforc, a father a niotber, brother or sister, this and tha dear friend. Upon its tbreshokl will ltao soine little one wbo s cmed so pure am ¦remie that likealovely tlowerit ocni fadec under the roueh -imms oi ekrthlr kie i ¦ ; 1 1 1 !n -nel him witb jov and jrladness ilh the i ye of l'ailb trtixtillg in that crOM Ilie C'liiistian desiriesanew lite, eteinal, inmortal; freed frotn all the sin, -urrmv tmuble and afflicHon of this world, a life pure, tpotiwii holy waalwd in blood of ;¦ ' 's,, vyiio can apeiik of the joyo: ibat new life, no IbiíSm ,. -¦_¦'¦ ,. acbiiijr. dlsoiderd bodies, bnt cTotnea ii spirit iorms, free to traverse the boundlea reffions ol beavenly bliss.fitted tojoin tbe in numerable bost who troand the rreat white throne sinr prai-cs to (iml and the Lainli And all through this bletsed cros o that sacred erablem ! At Ita loot we bon in humble reverenee and lofty praise, say ing in the wordt of Paul : " But God lor biil that I Bhould Olory save in the ei ClilUt."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News