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Píoposals for Building a Bridge. propwalt wil! recelvcd by tlio otijergned, June .th. IMM, t 2 o'chk p. m , l the urt bui In ihe city oí Aud Arb .r. i,.r WlldWi: a riclKe cro Uw Hurón rlver t K.wler'i Si loo. hrue inll'i wi"t ol ttir cllyol Aun Ar' i.r. ro iol wlll be received first I" econd, for one oí wiMd pd lron; tmra for mm ¦ wooU alona The nald bridge 1 to lv ínsth nd 1 leet Ín wldm. Bidí mn b, fpnrately for Ule klndi. of liridife nsnu'il. Hi.' iL'tal 10 reiect ny and II bid la reaerved. Ann Albor, May 28, 1WI. SCHKNK llieliway Commlsíoir oí the Townohlp of Ann Arbur. Poal-offlce box, 5T7. '" 4( FERDOÑLÜMBERYÁRD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Manufacturar and Dealer lo SACINAW GAMWED LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. We itTlta all to gire o a cali, ana ciaminc oni tock beíore porchaílnc elsewhere. ALSO AOBNT POH JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND 8ELL8 FIRK BR1CK. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. KKKCH, Sopt. feb.H.-7 ÜINSEY & SEABÜLT'S BAKERY.íOCKllV AMD FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep conntantly on band, BRKAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLK8ALB AND KBTAIL TRAUB. We ahail also keep enpply of BWIFT & DIÜBEL'8 BBST WUITE WHKA1 FLOUK, DBLHI FLOUR, HYB FLOIR, BUCKWHBAT FLOUK, COKN MSAL, FBBD, c,c. At Wholesale and retal). ¦ general stock ol GRÜCERIESAAID I'HOViMO conatantly on hand, wblcb will be aold on as reaon tble terms as at any other house In the city. Caen pald for Batter, Egge, and Country Produci eneralfy. Sf-Qoods dellvered to any part of the city witl. "i" ehW' RIN8BY B1ABOLT. Cbancery Sale. STATB OF MICHIGAN- The Circuit Court lor the ('ouuty of Waahtenaw. In chancery. Hary E. Costello, guardián of Mary Cunte lo and Uobert Costello, minors, coinpluinuntn, vs. John Costello, Mary Aun Costello, Charlea S. tjregory, Henry V. (iregory and John H. Bvarts, dettudanU. In pursuauce and by virtue oX a_ duLieAUC-MJ4 couri. mrntn day of February, A. D. 1S.S1, nolice is hereby given that 1 shall sell at public auction, to the bigbeet bidder, on Monday tbe lOih day ol May, A. D. 1H81, at two o'clock in thi' anemoon, at the east front door of the court bom, in the city of Ana Arbor, Washtenaw county and Mat; or Mlchiran, the followlng descrlbed real eslate, beiui: the same mentioned and described in said decret. to wit : All of tbose certain tracts or parcela of land In the townships of Scio and Webster, in the cniiniy of Washtenaw. lyingon Mili Creek, near the villaje of DiAtiT, being the saw-mill and site of the barn and a grist-mlll with Ihelr privileges and aiipurtenances boauded and descnbed as follows: i'onimencing at the center of M A ' street in paid villaje of Dexter, accordlng t the recorded plat thereof, at rsectlon wlth "C" street or the Ann Arbor load, and running thence north niueteen degrees and uiteen minutes, east atong the center ol ''a" strcet nvo chains aud sixtT-three links, to astake ; tlie'ni ¦ north seyenty degrees and forty-five mluutes, wer-t et richt anglea wlth "A" street two cbains and links; thence noith nineteeu decreet aud fllfen minutes, east parallel with "A" utreet one chain and eivhty linke, to the line of a pl land suld bj i. W. Dexter to Julius Rameey ; thence north forK-slx detrrees, west to tbe aouth bouudary of the MicriRun Central Kniiroad; thence westerly along the soiith boundary of said lallroad, Crossing MUI Creik o the Southwest bouudery or the public bighwuy leading acroas Mili Creek from the villaje of Dexter to thu towu of Dexter ; tbence along the nouth west boundary of the higbway aforesaid south-easterly to a etake in the Bouihwest boöndary ol said highway, standing north seventy and one-half degreee, eaot sixtj-six links from the northwent corner of naid Dexter's barn ; thence soutl. twenty degrees, thirtv-flve minutes, west ten chains nd tweutynve liuk tu a stake standing south eveu;y four and a hall degrees, ventj.three links fróm a black oak tree nine inchen in diamuter, and Do 'uur derees, west flfty-nlue links trom a whiK pak tree Inches in diameter ; Jhence souili twenu ftve minutes, east two cliains and fifty-su lU) the mili pond; !i9iümp'i'nf'.-1tëJ"i!.t!i? bank ihereol, nine inchen in diameter ; Lhence imrtli forty degrees, east niuety-eight links to a stake standing, north eightytour degrees, east ntne links trom a black oak tree, sixteeu inches In diameter; theuce north five degrees, east one chain and aeveuty-tive links to a jost ; thence north twenty-flve de grees and thirty minutes, east two chains and ninety six links to a Btake on the south boundary ot 4C'" treet or Ann Arbor ruad ; thence lo the place of begluDiu. Aud alrto the rlht and privilege of flowlng with water, and at all times overtlowiu; aud keeping uverflowed with water su mucb and such part o the northwest quarter of section number seveu and all ol seciion numter aix in township two, south of range üve east, as may or can be overtiowed by ralsIng the water in tbe mili pond on the prcnilaesabove conveyed to the beight and level of a ceruin spike drivcn in a certain large oak tree standing on the east bank of mlll creek in tbe valley thereof, a few rod helow the dam on which the road crcses safd creek at the village of Du&ter, aud ol a mark made to correspond thetewith and a uall driven thertin uu ttie side of the second post (counting down Htream) from the gales of tbc flume of the s.iw-mill on tbe west bauk ol said creek at suid rüuB atfrw Inches beluw the Hhcutder of sdiil poet, y.iid marks on saiil nrm--üoM mui on -md oak tree !eiug the same iiiiirk whicli ero pluced there ly K. R,se aud 11. ThielHou, civil eng ínter, ai the time ui making tbe mark of the same b6iffht on the urist mili at eaid dam (since burned) which marks nuve been geuerally understood and known by the persons workiug inaudabuut ihe i;rbt mili and sawtnill at said dam and generally spoken ot' and referred to as the height or marks to v, hich tho water of aaid dam miuht be ralaed. '1 hia con veyance ia made subject to all iucumbrance of all road, sUvets and higtiways now laid out or running through over or into any part of the prcmlges airave conveyet ud alno reaervlng all that piece ur parcel ol land i .'"V'iore conveyed from Thomas Peatt. Jr„ and DexTÍrirrilr)"1'.' w 1'1"'r ¦" "W All thoae certain pteces or parcela of land aituatcd on tbe lluron river lu the township ol Sciu in the cuunty of Washtenaw and sUte of Michigan known as the Scio mili property togeihir with all the Uydrauli-. power and privilege as karotofon iit-d for the uses and purpurea ol said mili and all the riüht and privileges owued aud held in reiaiion to the keeping up of the dam to the height of eight feet and iwo inches above the natural level of xaid Iluron „;,y nd the rigbt of flowiiu; the lands ahove tld „í'1 Pe'"íí 'he same (ireniisex the uudivlded hall ol hlcb wa eonjj t0 Henr, SuydD. Jr., by Nl son H, W mg by deeo dated Jauuary aist, Á Ó 1887 and recorded In líber tó of deed In the Reglsir's offlee of Wasbu-uaw county ou page (79 and the other undmd-d halfwas couveyed to said súydam ker and W llliam Popkins hy mster in Chancery's deed dated Oct. 3r, a. D. l (fio, and recordeu in L3 ","f '! ¦" bv tne said Boyd. conveyed to John Oardner by a„ed dated March Ird A I lNo,, and couveyeu to Kd„r K, ed on lor" closureol the mortgage given by said üardner tor the purchase mouey by Masti-r u Chancery"8 de."d dated Oct. lt, A. l. 1W9, and recorded iu libeY L ol deed on page 677 lu xaid Hegisters offle and by Edgar Keed conveyed to Almet Keed by deed dated Sept. 18tb, A. D. 1801, and recorded n liber 4on page 514; a portion of sald mlll property is embraced m a deed made by Samuel W. Fouter to Orson Quaekenbush dated July 18ih, A. D. 1837. and recorded In líber "ü" ou page 458 and is suppoged to describe aid mili property by metes and bouuds: Aleo all tbe land and premisos conveyed by the Michigan Central rallroad Companv to Almet R.ed by deed dated Apnll,t,lH-i, aud recorded In liber 40 on pK. ail togetner with all the righu aud lnleresis of wtatsoever kind couveyed by Almet Keed SÍ Ur,een " dt!ed dMKÍ Auiru.t lat, A. I) Su ?"' f1'0".1?1? !" Kald eíí'ter'e offlee Sept. 6th, BM, lu l'ber 54 of deeds un page Sí). Also tde fol ,uint' lMorlbd lauda iiidppm..,, k,,.wn „ ,ilo vorge Walker store (so caled) at Scio village as deecrlbed 111 a deed from A. II. Gnen aud ifc to Walker aud recorded in the office ol tbe tteglater "t deeds for Waahtenaw county iu liber ¦ I al deeds on page 444 and 44ó and which laat descrlbed lands wire also deeded by Artlnjiis M (i.iftin and Klijah W. Morgan to John W. Ureen oii ;he lOth day ol Aug. A. L). 1884, aml recuided 1l said Kvglster'a offlee on the th day oí September, A. 1). IN,I, iu Uber M ol deeds on page 74. AU 'of thé above deocrlbed pareéis ot land and premias being the same conveyed by said John V'. üreen and v, Be [o Jobn M. Markell and sald Wllliam C. Utighes by deed recorded in said ttcgiatur'a office in liber 60 of lieeds ou page -Í7. The lollowlng deacrlbed piece or parcel of land, lo wit: Commeuclng at the north-east corner of block L-U;htcen (18) ín the village oí Dexter, in the county of Washtenaw, aud running theuce along the east lne of asid block, In a aoutherly ulrection, oue hnn dred and Blty leut, thence weaterly on a line parallel wítb the Aun Arbor road, twenty-flve teet, thence oorth westerly, on a line parallel wlth the laaterlT ine of sald block. to the Ann Arbor road, ti jaxterly, along the line of said road, to the place of bezinning. Also the undlvlded one-half of lot num!er nine (!t) In block number seventeen (17), or the nllage ol Dexter, according to the plat th r All of said lands belng in the county of Washteiaw and State al M ichigau together with the teneU'-uts, aud appurtenances there unto In auy wise Delnngiug or tliereupnn situaled. Ann Arbor, Marca -Jlth, A. I). ls.M. , ' patkh'k mckkrnan, circuit tourt Commlsaiouer iu and for tbe County jf Washtenaw. ' Sawyhk and Khowi.ton, Soltcitors, and H J 1íkkks of Counsel for Complalnai JamksT. Honkt andBuwABD U. Kimnk, 8olloior s tor Defendanta. The above sale la hereby postponed, to taki' place )u Momlay, Jane 13th, at the same huur aud ulac.Ann Arbur, Mav l:h, a i. 18S1. r'ATHKK MrKKHNAN, Circuit Court Cumniieslouer iu and lor the CounlT of tVashteuaw. ' Sau Kii 4 KNOWLTON.Solicitorü.and II. J Beakes if Counsel lor Coniplalnanto. Jw 'I'. Hot aud Kpwabd D. Kihnk, Sollcitrs for Defeudants. iküi 42 ASSIUNKB'S 8ALK. 1, Charles S. Uregorv Aaalgnce of Kfarta & Co , vin sell at theaame time and place mentioned In he abive nulice of Chancery sale, the other undlided oue hall of lot number nine (1) 111 block nanier tenntean . 17) of tho villag of ütiter, accordu.g o the recoriied plat thereof, arrti on tbc ame tnrni nd conditlonaaa the other half uf said p remises 01 amed in the above sale, tiaid premlaes are aituated In the county uf Waahenaw and state of Michigan. CHAHLK8 8. ORBOORY, MMM AralgnecofETaruiACo.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News