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YPSILANTI GBEEIOIffi ! PRICES DOWN! llaving a Large Surplus Stock un har.d, of Every Yarli-ty, iu Splendld Ooudition, I will dl PLANT S AT ONE-HALF TUK UEGULAK PKIC'E For the ut'Xt 60 dai. Amou the stock I have gome of the fluest varietie of Kom1, hmiiI ia-.. Az.ihns. ( nuialli.ii Zonal 4irHtiiuniN. l-'u-xliiii. HyilranItesH, 4'nlla l.llh. Begonia. Ae. Vorbenias t 40 cents per dozen. In pots. The fcnJ C'ok'us and Ccntaurias at 60 cents per di ï'U. Orders bj Mail, or Otherwise. Pronptly Filled We make the most Elegant Floral Work of any one in thi or Wayne county. Have all Ui designs, lia-ki-ta, etc. GREEN HOUSES ON PEARL STEEET, NEAB P. 0 YI'.-ilLANTI. NH0-4S ¦. I.AIIil.K. Proprletor. THE ANN ARBOR Savings Bank, Aun Arbor, M ih ijciiu. Turnen miui bassins business, CAPITAL, 150,000. Ortinnized under the Oenar) Hnnk.iiK Law of thie Him.tlu: etockholdersare iudlvlduallyjlable tor an additlonal amonnt ennal to the stock hlt th.m therctiy creatiiiï ;i-r rund for the iH'IM-lïl UT l'lOHÍtOl'M Of $100,000.00. Tliri'c p-r rrut. Intereot Is sllowert on all SvingF Deposita of onw dollnr and npwards, acrord'¦' rulM of the Bunk, and lntcrvHtrompoondi'd Si'ini annually. floncj to lottn ou unincumhun d r 'al eetate and other food securlty . Directori- Chrlstlan Mack.W. W. Wlues, H. A. Beul William Denbel, WilHam D. Harriman Daniel Hiscock, and iV llli.rd B. Smltb OlUcers: IIMIIH Min, Pre. W. W. WiNxa. Vice-Pre ('ham. E. Hiscock, Cvtiier. Notlee to Creditrs. STATU OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Waghtcnaw, m. reby L'iv.n.thst ly n order of the Proirt lor tlH'Coillityof Waiihteiiaw.mailcon llu' oixth day of June, A. D. 18X1. hlx monttai trom tnat daU' were aliowi'd for croditor 10 present thcir claim ajirluft tlie estáte of Loren Moore late of sald county, di-ca-cd, and that all credltors of sald decease-1 are required to present thelr claims to said Conrt, at the Probate Ofllce tn dkj nf Aim Arbor, fur examination and allowance, on or befbn tbu slith day of Deoumber, neit, aud that euch clHlms wlll he heard hefore sald court, on , the plxth day of S.ptmler, and on Tt].-ï"lay, thi' sixth day of Ut'ci-mber next, at ton o'rldck in the forenoou of imcIi of Mild duy. Dated Ai.n Arbor, June (th. A. 11. 1S81. WII.MAM I). 1IAUK1MAN, l'M2-l." Jndire of Probate. Rot loe lo rrcditors. OTATKOFMICllKiAN.i „iiiity ol Wahtcnaw.ia. M berebj gWen, th.i bj an ordrr of the Probate üonrl for thri: uutyol v a-lii'naw.niade on I ly-thlrd dy ..I May. A. 1). 1881, ii muniliB from that date illowed for crcditors to p thelr claims affaiimt the eetate of Sarah A. Kei late of said county. deceMed, and that all cred saiil deeeaaad aru required to present thelr claim to j sald Prolinti' Court. , ,. li, liic city c of Ann Arbor, for ex i . p on or ' batan the twenty-thlrd da her hm. and i that uch claimn will lw heard 1" urt on Toaday, Uh twuty-thlrd day ol Aiuraat, and on Wi'dnrnrtny.thi' twenty thtrd day of November, nexi, i at ten o'clock tn the forenoon of eaeh ol tald daya. Uated Aun Arlxir. M ty 2Ut, A. 1). U I ¦¦MU.IAM i. MAHiilMAN. I 10-tO- Jqdce of Protm-..-. nOFFINS AxND CÍA3K8 FÜLL STOCK A 'i MARTÍN1 8 ' AU orders promptly attended to '


Ann Arbor Courier
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