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dMerfainew. ooiinifre, nnd prent nctivltr ' are enrendertóU by 1 - i ui 1 1 i ¦ ) i i i - 1 . 1 1 i tes, and . for Imparting power 'it omitir e t tlie braiu and neivons -vstcru, Is sliown in its property of lustainlng )ersrns tlirough mental diffleulties. Nt'ver ask a dyspcpöc persoii sliatle wants to eat. bul let hini take n few Of IiAXTKli'8 Ma.MiKAKí ppetitc wil! be ull rigtit. 1'rici'. 25 per Inittli-. llENKV & JOHNSON'S Al:'. I , 'l)Olt. I.iMMENT is au esternal remody forman and Throat affeotiom and broncliial di are relieved hnmediately by the i DOWN'S Ki.ixin. Aifrntt anil CiunuJíake from 2r to 90 per week selüiii,' goods for E. (. Kideout Oo., 10 Barclay Street, New York. Seud for tlicir catalogue and terms. lot0-.'6 How to Secure H ulth. It seems strange that will ouflW from derangement brmijfht on ly impuro blood, whon SC0VILI8 SARSAPARILLA anl STILLINOIA, ur BLOOD 8YRUP, wil! i. -i,,ro health. It best blood purifitir evor di-c 'Vercd, efiVctually curinK Scrofula. Syphlitic diMnlers, Weaknes "f the Kidèeys, Bry!ip la, Malaria, all Nerv..u and Debility Bilious ('otuplaint. D ibe IJlnod, Liver, Kidney.-i, StoOweh, Sk; indifrentioo A -inale buMli prove toyou it.n merils a-a hlth rcoewer. for it act1 like a charm BAKERS' PAIS PANACEA cures pain in Man arnl l}'at. rnally and ioternaTiy and fiml relief. DR UQQER'S VE(f ETABLK WORM 8YBÜP in-tantly dentroy wonus nul removen all secretioni. L'se for Lemons. For all peoplc, n sicknrss nr in beslth, lemonade ¦ safc lrink. It correi ioUglH'SS. It is :i speciflc MLriün.-t formi lid skin ootnplainto. The pippins, cmshed, ihmv alsn bc mixed uitli water ñnil silgar, MM Umi] M i .llillk. Iclliojijuii'.. g the best afiti-worbutic reiMdy known. It not only cures tlie luit pn-vnts it. Sftiiors makc B clailv u-r of il tor puiA pliysicjMii Buggests rubbius ol tlir fillins dftilv witli Iciiion jukc ld KMp them in hcallli. The hands mul nails are als kepl clran, white, solt mjd supple by the daily ftse of leriion nsteitl of soap. It al-o preventí ctiñblnlns. Lemon i u.-cd in intermitteut lever mjxed witli rtn-nag. Hol hlack tea or coffee witluiut snyar Neuralgia may ba curcil by rabblnfr the part ¦ d with aletnon. It is raluable. al-o, to cure uariv and to dectroy dandniffoti tho head, by rubbiog tlic roota of tin liair with it. A Coufjli, Cold or Tlinut should be stopped. Neglect frequently reaults in an natrabie Lung lis tumption Brown's Bronohial TROCHEN un ciitnitt tu ffiut nliif i,i As'fniíu, Bronchitis, Cougfu, Catarrk, Conwmptir.- und Throat Diaenta. PorthirtJ the Truches have boen roconiiiienÍcii l.y physicians and always give perfect ntisTsotiun. Tliey are not new or untried but havinc been totod liv widfi and nnnstant rc rnr nfarty an ciMirG ('ilUrftuOM, fney have aitained wpII meritt'l rank amone the few staple remedies of the ape. I'nhlir tSK nkir, v ritui Sinirx BM iht'in to clear and strengthen the Voice. Sold at twenty-five cents a box evcrywhere. 1007 M Mutht-rs! Mntlicrsü Motliersü! Are you disturbed at nigbt and broken of your rest by a sick ehild suffering and crying witli the excruciatiug pain ot cutting tcoth? If' sn, go at once and oet a bottle ofMRS. WINSLOW'S SÜOTHING 8FR0P. It wil! relieve the pöor jittle sufferer immediately - depend upon it; there ii no mistke about it. There t not a mother on narth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regúlate the bowels, and give rest ti the oiother, and relief and health to the ehild, operating like magie. It is perfectly safe to u-c in all cas's, and pleasant to the tante, and h the proaoription of one of the oldeBtand best feunle pkrjvMltlMMid n in the United States, tíold everywhere. 2') cents ¦ bottle 1007-58


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News