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W lt you are a nuuj 'lt jaaarva V ¦r ' BV niAii of SBJ ¦ rneil b} LiiUof BY u isL"ihritiTcrnti.I. ¦ ¦ .intU-s arold BW nlk'M work. t D ! in(luü 11 brom m-rTeanti I Hop Bitters. in.., w Hop . If Toa nrO yanv and H nlTerlnff f rom anr In¦ l H tion ; ifTomnmirI n-l or !¦.:¦¦ .til nr ¦ Ti uir. fUITf-rluji fnun , . 'iHIt K " bod 0 úckw, i HoplBltters. ,.,.,. . L% Thmijandf die at. r uu frel ¦ I nnaHjfrom ku n form oí K I d n e 1 nradi i-Ii-aniln. {B& Sfc,ïïtinf'.xUn; ¦ I bT timelj of tul; e Hop JBBv HopBltter Bitters. M " Ê-Êm__ t t D. I. C. :' I Li in 'hite ; ;liOP !Z Too wMlbc niTTmA tobáceo, or I ' C LUI uarcotlc. Hop Bitters' m IlSiiïriïtë NEVER aSI u lt may I r A i i nor bitttm I r,.e.'thS.r FA IL i --. saved hun-,, I. ï. ¦ dredS.„, QdU B 9a-iiit) c m THE GREAT CURE ' "" tob RHEUMATISM Aa it ia for all diBeasea or tho KIDNEY8, LIVER AND BOWELS. It olemns tho system of tho aorid poison that oaase tho dreadfal muttering whiob ' ouly tho victima of IUicummUam cn realiao. , ; THOUSANOS OF CASES of tho worst forma of thfs terriblo ditwi i have beon quiokly relleved. In a short Urne I PERFECTLY CURED. ' i hachad wondrrt'wl uccfM, and an immenie i , aal In every part of the Country. In hundrodsofoasM U haaoured wheraall Iao had failod. Itis mild, but fllcient, CRKTAIN , IN Tl A TlON'.butharmlouinallottMa. C ""lt rlraiiKcw, tr-ngrlbtta nnd It New i ' A0f i.i Mtv iiiiijrtntorffansor t&e bódy. , Tho natural actlon of the Kidneya ia reatored. The Ltvor la oloaneedof alldiaeaao.and the i ' Bowola move freely and bealthfully. In thia i waythe worst diseaaea aro oradioated trom ' tlifyntp m. i ' Aa it has boen provod by thousands that ( la the moat offect nal romedy for cleanaíng the systera of all morbid aocretiona. It ahouid be i used in every houaehold aa a SPRINC MEDICINE. AlwLu curo BILIOUSNESS, ( TION, PILES and all FEM KLJS Dixwaaa. Is put up inlry Vrttalilo Form. In tin cana, ono imrkiuif of wlm-h maKoaOqaarts medicine. ' Allo iti l.lfjiilil Farm, vfry ronecntrtdror , ' ciu ''ui' n ¦ nf timse whoeannotreAdilT pri pare it. ItaetMtrlthtqual rfllciencytn rithrrfoT-m. OET 1TOKYOUR DRUüGIST. PIUCE. Í1.Ü0 , WELKS, ltlCHAItnSON Jiro.. Prop1, {W1II ¦md the 1rr iK.Mimid.l I RI.H0T0, T. 27-? FnJköws ' YuP9f7(j - PJ M- r 'v - - -J -' _N, THE PKOMITKK AND PERFECTOR OF ASSIM1LATION. THE REFORME R AMI VITAMZER OF THE HLOO1). THE PRODITER AND INVIGORATOR OIMHVE AM MUSCI.E. TUK BULLDER AMI SÜPPOBTEB OF URA1N POWER. FELLOWS' COMPOUND syrup or HYPO-PHOSPHITES componed ot Ingrediënt idmtleal wlth thoae which comtitnt" Healthy Blood, Muacic and Nerve, nd Brain Kutotancc, wlillst life ltsulf la dircctly dependem upon some of them. By tncruMlDg Nenrooiud Muscnlar Vigor, it will Hy-p. ii-in, reble or imerrupti-d acllon of the Ih-art umi Palpit'iüon.WcakneBS ol [ntelleet, caned by ?rit;l, worry, uvertaied or irregular habite, BronchiilB, Conrc0tiOD of the Lnng. It - Ajithnt, N-ura!(;ia, Whoopin Couffh, !l a moet woDderlul adjunct to üit; Mtu durltiL' the procese The ('ipcuditure of bruin power too early or too y In chlldren oftun reiulis In phjelcal ilebijity; the on o! l-Yllows' llTDOphoüuhiti! exerts sioiralarly happy effect In Kuch casep. Do nol be dectiived by remedies bearing a similar name; no other preparatiou le a mbetitutr for thia auder auy clrcnmitances. 1011-1066 c c m Tuft's PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSÍCIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPHOFTHE AGE. SYNIPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of iippetite.Nausea.bowels contive, d, with a dull senaation in hack part, I'ain under the ahoulderiitinK, with a dislnIm ofiy or mindj f HaVíaLoa lected vs, DizzineB, lTluttenng ut t ! 'ota beforehe eo--. i h'', Heatleasness at f.ieht, ! rd Urine. ir tiuote TT AH LN US AKÜ UNHEEDSD SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPEd! tunS PILtSii'O'-'PiTiiill} adaptedto smli Mi,om iluso ettoota tichachance f CoellOK t Utooltta the ""Werer. 1 hvy IiiorejiHf tlir Alellte, aod cauM the to Tl4f on FtMli. tlius ihf sytitem ia nnurUln Tonlc ArtlónuD the lretlT OriiADN, Keirnlar ftloola are pro.l'ici-il. 'J?i i-t-iits 35 Burra) Mt-, If.Y. TÜTT'S HAIR DYE. on - I'YH II irla .1 natural color, uu Intntnouly. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. (Dr. Tl'lt'l ! M U. nf ralvMhlff Infunaallmi Md lM Iterrlpt "Hl !¦ llrd IUKK .. avlllnum.7 .1032-S4 HALL8 gatarrh gure. Ia Recommended by Pnysiclans. HALL'S gatarrhgure. ___i8_todorsed by Clergymen. VU1 Cm-p Aiiy Chko. OfflceofA I 8tewrt4Co. . June i 1S80 itatri. F. .7. Ottnev & Cb . Toledo. O. Gentlemen - 1 -. in informinp yoa tint 1 have i It h:is cured ma- 1 w8v. don'i betitat toy that lt will cure, aoy ca" of tarrh I f tuten nroperly. Youritruly.J.B. WKATUKRFORD. Wortli 1O A rtottlo. E. MrRRT,,T.irkw, Mirh. wrilof: Hnvohl Catnrrhfor: n atarrli Cure cured no ConsicïiT it wurth $lu-(O a bollle. Ilall's Calarrh Cure Is sold by all Drugiita at r bollle. ifanufacturt-d and nold liy F. J CUËNEI í CO. SuioPrcprietora, TOLEDO, OHIO H. J. Brown & Co.,'.Cir. Main and Ilnron Slreeta ADn Arbor. 10Ü9.42 j. x. poijii:ni'ji LIVERY STABLE The best and raont exenMye In the cltj HACK AND BUS LINE Kuuníng to al! traían night and day. ONLY LINE WHICH RUNS TO NIGHT TRAINS. The heil hark In the city for ladies calllnfj. Ordcre fllled pntmpllT for al] kinds of conveyances. Particular Attention to Orders for Fnner&ls. Cor. Main and Catijarine St., VXX AKIIOK. - MICHIGAN 91-1042 All klndfl of Ilook-KimliiiK done at rh (uurier ofllrc on ahort notlre.


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