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S SRA ESON &BBO . DETROIT, Offer, or tlio present seuson, the most seleet MttrtMMi of KINK WdOLEfrS r..r (JKMI.K.MI 'S WK.VK ever broitrht to Oh pttji and a stock whicli wül plf#4 and rlve MtUftwtloa in uil resprets. We invite an eorlf inspeel ion of the same, Iwltaf eonlldent a visit to our store nill pay any one Interested. It is wlth pleasnre t hut we annonneo that we have secured Ilie s, rvices of MR. L. 5t. (JRAY au head enller In our establishment, who Is acknon Iedged by those who know, to be the BEST AXD MOST AKTISTIC IN THE WEST. Our prices, the coming season, will be fouud as LOW AS FIKST CLA8S WOKK AHD MATERIAL WILL WARRANT, and we promise to do otir utmost to Hrn onr patrons In a satisfaetorj rnnnner. SOL. S. BATESON & BRO., "The LeadingWIerchantTalloring House of Michigan," 93 Michigan Ave., Opposite the Antisdale House, Detroit. 10&5 42 tnisn'E-ra PRICES PEOPLE CAN AFFORD to PAY. Ijirgest and new --t Mortmeot nf Sackgrounds aod ac INSTANTAUEOÜS 'GELATINE1 WOEZ For Bables Plctures. Eest CardPhotographs, - $2.50 per doz. Best Cabinets, - 6.00 " 220 & 222 W08DWARD AVE., DETROIT, - . MIC II. CHERRYPLL1UKAL I (tr lÍM'aMM of tlio Tliroat anti I. II lig. NIK-ll AH ('OUXllH, 4I(Ih. hooiinx CodkIi. nroiichitis. ANthnia umi 4'oiiHiimptlon. LÊMl The few compogltiout; JBT7Í which have won Hu con"iipWw Ú fldence of nnnkind and Af 'U4M w . bi.'cume honMbold word, HL JËjHf S ÍD) umoDK' 1Jot ouly one hut 1 I yBdySO, many nalioim. mum have PH JBAS&ë ex'rnonllnnrj virtuee. TSHn 1'erhapH no orn V? jQ ETjTÖü secured so wtde a reputa¦ R" 1 Bfcticn. or inaintalncd it po 23flV E 'OD ftö Ayer' Cherry KhjLi koown to the public about fcCrf fi WFlK lort-v veara, by a lun cunJlflB H&9 jjjj Hh'htI hitU'h of mftrvltniK mm curen, that have won for it a confidence In ite virtnes, never equaled by any other medicine. It etill mkes the most iifcflinl cnre8 of Cooishs, Colds, Cunsumption, that can be made by medical xkill. Indeed, tne Cherry Pectoral ha reatly robhcd theec danueroiu disease of their terrors to a grcat extent, and fr'en a feeline of lmmunity from their palnful effectB, that ie well founded, if the remedy be tken In ieasou. Kvery Inmily ehould have It In their closet Tor the i-vady and prompt relief at its menibers. aicknfti, sufferlng, tnd eren life Is saved by thls timely protection. The prudem nhonld not ntvlect It, and the ie will not. Keep it by you for the protection it affbrda liy iu enrly use in i-udtlrii attacke. PREPARKD BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., I.OMlII. TIll., l'r:u li:il A nul] tical llmlI Sold by al! Drnggi't nd Dealers in Medicine. 10gO-1073-efiw -niEi pïïïCAG0 & NORTHWESTERN latheo-KÏ'X KQUIPPKD1 and henee the LEAD1NG RAILWAY -or the- WEST AND NORTH WEST. It la tbc shorteut tnd best route betweeu Chicago and all polnts In ""'"IJijoi:, Iot, Eiltou, Wyomiag, Ntbnjlu, CiliforMl for ¦ Duh' Coloildo' Id4h' ". Kot4i COUNCILBLUFFS.OWAHA, SALT LAKE SAN FRANCISCO, DEADW000, SIOUX CITY, rreo, Bumitck, Wino:i, LCrose, Owitonna ind ú t0,;„ la MlinMott, iikoti, Wlsconilii ai tie Korthwett. ki'.1"10" Blu?k "e train of the Chicago ft North-W.jtern and the 0. P. K'y8 depart from, arrlTeatand ne the ame Joint unlon depot. i u oï c"ï.iloie oonueOlOM are made wlth the Uke Shore, Michigan Central, BalUmore & Oblo. Fort Wayne aud Punnvlvanla, and Chicago S Koütes "d 'he Kaiik'"lkee nd pn Handle Close Connectlons Made at Jimction Points. ItiHthtOXLV UOUR riiiniinir Pullman Hotel Dining Cars Chicagro and Coiincil Bluffs. I'iillniuii Sleper on All mui.i Train. IiiBiKt upou Ticket Agt-nis tcüiag you Uckea vi tnie road. Examine your ticket, and refute to bnjr If they do not read ovur the chicado and NorthWestern Rallway. If jou wisb the Best Traveling Accommodatlon ynu w'll huy vour tlcketo bv Ihi route EF-ANI) WILL TAKE NO OTHBK. All Ticket Agent scll ticket by rht Lino. MAIH l I(;ITT, 1031-83 2d V. P. & G.:ul Mnn'tr, Chjraeo. wzl CD H f - Grcat mprovement! Periectly harmlcss toclothesorskin. Try it. DirectionsRimpleKeeulU magical; gavesnearlyal] therubbing. iOSS-00 8500 REWARD ! WK will Hl Llver CompUtlnt, DyspemU. Slck Headachi feftloQ, i -tlveore wecannotenre lone are trlrtfy complled with. ' 'J'hey are pnrely vegütable, and nevorfall to glveeatlefaction. Sugar Joatt-d. Large boxe, cont inlog 30 Plll, 5 cent ?Yr sale by all drnL'glats. Hcwaxe of connterfelu ind imltatlons. The eenulne mannfactured only ly JOHN 0, WEST & CO . 1111 Maken.." 181 ' t . W. MadlíonSt., Chicago. trial packaue ( ent by muil prepaid on receipt of a 8 cent etanm , B98-1W9 CÏDlR PUKSS ¦ipni-ity 2', to 1!S barreli nerda QUA ' IKIi Blevator. U',.k and Cloth Jeilt Paniliiini MiIih All ( Ml.r Mlll uppl;.f oifiiefrce. C. G. HAMPTON, Ketrolt, MJch t :7oem


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