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aaaBii-- Patronize Some Indostry. o nol %ale jour inonc) In tajlng fiare lo n lanje eilj lo hiij uur Furiilliire. We lell H'' üooiU mainiraelured bj ll"' hl) KFIRMTI KI) COMPAW1 Tbcc goods beur Ihe hlgne! reputatiou añil aro hlpped all over Ilic l'nlted Statcx. Vou wlll not onlj nave rrelghl alo el jour furnlturc al lower príee, T KMI IMI) Hl llOIIK'. lH-il" lloillü [lïe Rood IhliiK of" helpiiiR jour iiidiiNlry. The lame iihiiihir of order eomlnf.' " trom all pari of Ihe eoimlrj i II' bel iiroiil Ilial our ïiioiI do lavoral.l) eompele wllh Ihe Rood in .rand Rapld or lii('Ui. We alo inaiHifaeliire our own Parlor Sull, l'alenl Koekers, loiiiit:. . ete. ThU not onlj hi u the manufaelurcr' profil, bul enalle u alo lo Kiiarantce everj arllele Ilial wc wil. ir jou inlencl to buj riirnilure pleawe eome and nee n before jou buj. Ri ' Hiillj. HOIH ék. Il A I.I. ER, 5 Souih IWaln and I Weil IMbcrly Slrccl. HM2-104.- ifffTÍÍGlT LITTLE MACK MAKES W TO ORDER 18 $20. PAMTS TO OBBEB FOR $5.00 FROM ALL-WOOL MATERIAL. We have our ReadyMade Department ful of all kinds of Men's, YOUTHS' and BOYS' CLOTHING. Don'tbuy until you have seen LITTLE MACE. NO. 9 SOUTH MAIN ST. ANN ARBOR. Proposals for Building a Bridge. Sealed proponals wlll be receivcd by the nnderHigned, June ''lili, 1881, at '2 o'clock p. m., at the court home In the city of Ann Arbor, lor building a bridge acroes the lluron river at Foeter's Statiuo, three inile wet of the city of Ann Amor. PropoBaU wlll be received flrtt for an iron bridge; eecood, for one of wood and lroii ; tlilrd for one of wood alone. Tbe aaid bridge Is to be 120 feet In length and 18 leet In width. Bid mam be made si'imrately for the kinds of bridge named. The right to ri'ject any and all blds Is reserved. Ann Arbor, May 28, 1881. JOHN C. 8OHKNK. Illghwaj CuininlHloiier of the Tuwnnhlp of Ann Arbor. Poet-offlee box, 5T7. 1041-43 Estáte of Nancy Leland. Q TATB OF MICU1OAN, County of Waehtenaw, ss. At a r enslon of the Probate Conrt for the Coonty of Waehtenaw. bolden at the Probate OfBce, ir the city of Aun Arbor, on Tuesday.thc thirty-ñrst day ol Muy, in the }'ear one thousand elrht hundred and eightyoue. Present, Willlam D. Uarriman, Judge of Probate. In the nutter of the eatate of Nancy, dect-aied. Od reading and fllmg the petition, ünly verilled, of Emery E Leland, praylng that he may be liceuaed to Bell the rel eatate whereof said deceaaed dted elned. Tbereupon lt ík ordered, that Satnrday, the twenty-flfth day of June, next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be astigned for the hearing of eald pctition, and that the helrs at law of eaid deceascd, and all other pertonx iutererted in eaid etate, are rtquired to appear at a seaeion of sald conrt, theu to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city ol Ann Arbor. and show cauwe, If any there be, why the prayer ol the petitioner ahonld not granted. And it iw lurthcr urdcri-d, Uat ald petitioner Itc noticc to the persone lntereüted in naid eitate, of the pendtney o sald petltlon, and the hearing thereof, by cauíing a copy of this order to be publixhed in the Ann Arbor Cöurier, a ncwgpaper printed and circDlattng In sald county, three Kiirceraivc week preylouK to tald day ol hearing. (A true copy.) WÍLLIAM D. HARRIMAN, Judfie of Probate. WM (í. DOTY. Probate Register. 104144 Estáte of William Frecr. OTATK OF MICHIGAN. County of Waehtenaw,. At a seHsion of the Probate Conrt for the County ol Wanhtenaw. holden at the Probate OfBce. In the city of Ann Arbor. on Uaturday, the twenty ürtt day f May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and elghty-one. Present, William D. llarrlman, Judgeol Probate. In the matter of the estáte of William Freer, il. - ceaaod. On readlng and Illlng the pelltton, duly verlfled, of Jane S. Freer, praying tbat admtnistratlon oí eald enlate may be eranted to Frederick tí. Braiin, or eome other suitable person. Thercupou lt Ie ordered, tht Mouday, the twentieth day of Jnne neit, at ten o'ctock in tbe foretioou M acelgtied for the hearing of said petltion.and that the heira at law of naiil deceaxed, and all other pereons Interented Id eald eetatu, are reuuired to appearat a eitMion of eaid conrt, then to be holden at tS Probate Office, In tho city of Anu Arbor, and show eau'1, if any there be.why the prayer of the petitioner shonld not be granted. Ana lt Ie furtht-r onlerefl, that sald petitioner glve notice to the persons lntereeted In said estáte of the pendency or said petltlon, and the hearing thereof, by causlng a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Vourier, a newspaper printed andcirculated In eaid couutv.thrfe euccessivr weeke previo us to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) WILLIAM D. HAKItlJIAN. Judge of Probate. WM. O. DOTY, Probate Reclst. r umi i :


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News